similar to: summing 15 minute precip data to daily

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "summing 15 minute precip data to daily"

2010 May 18
Function that is giving me a headache- any help appreciated (automatic read )
note: whole function is below- I am sure I am doing something silly. when I use it like USGS(input="precipitation") it is choking on the precip.1 <- subset(DF, precipitation!="NA") b <- ddply(precip.1$precipitation, .(precip.1$gauge_name), cumsum) DF.precip <- precip.1 DF.precip$precipitation <- b$.data part, but runs fine outside of the function: days=7
2010 Oct 19
Problems with a specific calculate.
Hello friends of R, My name is Toni, i'm 25 and I'm working on the Meteorological Investigation team from Balearic Islands. I had contact to you because I have a problem: I done a file for every day since 1912 about precipitation. That file has the following structure: > str(Ast) Loading required package: sp Formal class 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame' [package "sp"]
2013 Apr 18
Arranging two different types of ggplot2 plots with axes lined up
Hi all, I want to arrange two ggplot2 plots on the same page with their x-axes lined up - even though one is a boxplot and the other is a line plot. Is there a simple way to do this? I know I could do this using facetting if they were both the same type of plot (for example, if they were both boxplots), but I haven't been able to figure it out for two different types of plots. Below is my
2012 Oct 04
R combining vectors into a data frame but without a continuous common variable
Hello, I have two different files which I'd like to combine to make one data frame but I've no idea how to do it! The first file has two columns; one is the date, the following is a binary code for debris flow events. Then my other file has also two columns; the date and then precipitation data. The thing is, is that the two date columns don't all contain the same dates. The binary
2007 Sep 10
overlay lattice histograms with goodness-of-fit pdfs
Hello, I am new to R exploratory data analysis and plotting. Is anyone aware of a way to overlay a set of conditional histograms with conditional PDFs? Below, I generate a lattice plot of precipitation histograms based on different months and stations, given a subset of the dataset: histogram(~ data | month * station, data = sta.stack[sta.stack[,"type"]=="precip" &
2008 Sep 04
using complete.cases() with nested factors
Hello, This maybe a newbie question. I have a dataframe that looks like the sample at the bottom of the email. I have monthly precipitation data from several sites over several years. For each site, I need to extract years that have a complete series of 12 monthly precipitation values, while excluding that year for sites with incomplete data. I can't figure out how to do this gracefully
2011 Mar 13
readMat - how to retrieve the variables
Hello I have a matlab MAT file that contains one single variable: a. The structure of a is as follows: a.river1.flow (flow values) a.river1.date_flow (date) a.river1.precip (precipitation values) a.river1.date_precip a.river2.flow a.river2.date_flow a.river2.precip a.river2.date_precip I have used readMat to load the variable a in R, however I have no idea how readMat translates a. I managed
2009 Oct 06
ggplot2 applying a function based on facet
Look at the bottom of the message for my question #here is a little function that I wrote USGS <- function(input="discharge", days=7){ library(chron) library(gsubfn) #021973269 is the Waynesboro Gauge on the Savannah River Proper (SRS) #02102908 is the Flat Creek Gauge (ftbrfcms) #02133500 is the Drowning Creek (ftbrbmcm) #02341800 is the Upatoi Creek Near Columbus (ftbn) #02342500 is
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data for some files
Dear R-help community, My main goal of this message is to find a way of skipping a file of a month/year in a loop that does not exist (and making it's output into an data.out array would be NA) and moving onto the next year/month in the loop to carry on filling data.out with real precipitation data. The situation so far: I downloaded 50 years worth of GRIB data files from the NCEP data
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data forsome files
Hi Jenny If you want a general solution I understand. However I just downloaded the file fine (as far as I can tell) so you are welcome to have a copy. I can email it to you if you want. I do not think your test for NA is valid. i.e if(test != "NA"){ } I think you should use if({ } Or something similar. J --- John Seers Institute of Food Research Norwich
2006 May 18
matrix transformation into 3 columns II.
Dear R-users Sorry for posting the previous message too soon before I have finished it. I have matrix (mprecip) with headers: > dim(mprecip) [1] 6268 170 > mprecip date GilzeRijen Eindhoven Volkel ZuidLimburg Arcen Ubachsberg 1 01/01/1978 NA 0.0 NA 0.1 NA NA 2 01/02/1978 NA 0.0 NA 0.0 NA NA 3
2018 Feb 05
pulling recessions out of a hydrograph
Dear R community, I'm hoping someone out there has perhaps done this and can share their code and/or expertise with me. I need to pull recession periods out of a hydrograph - can anyone help me with this? I want to create a subset from streamflow data that consists of just the recession curves - the decreasing runoff after the passage of a peak flow. would really appreciate any help on
2010 Mar 31
memory error
Hi R community, i have what appears to be a memory allocation problem: R(51150) malloc: *** mmap(size=158068736) failed (error code=12) *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug can anyone tell me how to increase the memory size for R on mac os X? thank you, Janet [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Apr 18
How to replace numeric value in the column contains Text (Factor)?
The simplest would be to convert precip to character and then back to a factor if you really want it to be a factor. This will also remove the levels that no longer exist. str(dat) # 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 3 variables: # $ Sites : Factor w/ 5 levels "Site1","Site2",..: 1 2 3 4 5 # $ temp : num 14 15 12 12.5 17 # $ precip: Factor w/ 5 levels
2010 Nov 17
stacking consecutive columns
I have a file, each column of which is a separate year, and each row of each column is mean precipitation for that month. Looks like this (except it goes back to 1964). month X2000 X2001 X2002 X2003 X2004 X2005 X2006 X2007 X2008 X2009 1 1.600 1.010 4.320 2.110 0.925 3.275 3.460 0.675 1.315 2.920 2 2.960 3.905 3.230 2.380 2.720 1.880 2.430 1.380
2005 Nov 15
combination xyplot and barchart?
Dear R community, I am having trouble determining how to create the graph I want utilizing my relatively limited knowledge of R. So far I have been using the lattice library to create most of what I need. The dataset (enviro) consists of 2 variables (Temp and Precip) for each Day of a 2-yr period (Year). I wish to display Temp and Precip along the y axis plotted by Day on the x axis to allow
2010 Apr 15
Alignment of x-axis labels
Dear all, I'm having trouble getting the correct spacing between x-axis labels on a barplot. This is the command I'm using to generate the plot: temp <- barplot(precip, beside=TRUE, xaxt="n", las=1, xpd=FALSE, col="grey28", ylim=c(0, max(precip))) Here is the structure of temp: > str(temp) ?num [1:96, 1] 0.7 1.9 3.1 4.3 5.5 6.7 7.9 9.1 10.3 11.5 ... And here
2006 Jan 16
label of second y-axis in xyplot (lattice)
Dear group, First I provide you with an example, I found in the newsgroup. Then I'd like to explain my problem to you by means of the output. enviro <- data.frame(Year = rep(2001:2002, each = 365), Day = rep(1:365, 2), Precip = pmax(0, rnorm(365 * 2)), Temp = 2 + 0.2 * rnorm(365 * 2)) xyplot(Precip + Temp ~ Day | Year,
2018 Apr 18
How to replace numeric value in the column contains Text (Factor)?
Hi R user, Would you mind to help me on how I can change a value in a specific column and row in a big table? but the column of the table is a factor (not numeric). Here is an example. I want to change dat[4:5,3]<-"20" but it generated NA> do you have any suggestions for me? dat<-structure(list(Sites = structure(1:5, .Label = c("Site1", "Site2",
2009 Jul 12
variance explained by each predictor in GAM
Hi, I am using mgcv:gam and have developed a model with 5 smoothed predictors and one factor. gam1 <- gam(log.sp~ s(Spr.precip,bs="ts") + s(Win.precip,bs="ts") + s( Spr.Tmin,bs="ts") + s(P.sum.Tmin,bs="ts") + s( Win.Tmax,bs="ts") +factor(site),data=dat3) The total deviance explained = 70.4%. I would like to extract the variance explained