similar to: Truly Global Variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Truly Global Variables"

2011 Jul 01
SNOW libraries/functions, rGenoud
Dear group, does anybody know how to export libraries/functions to all nodes when launching snow? I want to use a function from fBasics (dstable) for a rGenoud optimization routine, but I fail "making the function accessible" to the nodes created. I know how it works for variables, I know how it works in snowfall(which cant be used in that case), but I dont know how it culd work in
2011 Jun 11
Amazon AWS, RGenoud, Parallel Computing
Dear R group, since I do only have a moderately fast MacBook and I would like to get my results faster than within 72h per run ( :-((( ), I tried Amazon AWS, which offers pretty fast computers via remote access. I don't want to post any code because its several hundreds lines of code, I am not looking for the "optimal" answer, but maybe some suggestions from you if faced similar
2012 Oct 16
Windows 7 R (32/64bit) running under cygwin: package not found
Hi, Using R 2.15.1 on Windows 7. Have installed both versions 32 and 64bit. In both of them among others I have installed a package rgenoud When I open R gui of 32bit and write library(rgenoud) it responds by showing a functional rgenoud version 5.7-8. The same it does on Rgui 64bit. Now I am working in cygwin (v. with xwin. Normally before when I had installed a package, I only had
2007 Nov 12
(no subject)
Hello members of the mailinglist! I am running R 2.6.0 GUI 1.21 (4815) (4815) on a PPC with Mac OS X 10.4. I just tried to use the R commander. I followed these instructions: 4) Start R (e.g. double-click the R icon in /Applications). 5) Start X11 (e.g. click the X11 button on the R Console or double- click the X11 icon in /Applications/Utilities). 6) Close the X11 terminal (optional). 7) Type
2010 Apr 18
Problem with RGenoud
I've been using RGenoud for a while and it worked smoothly so far. However I came across a strange problem lately (for me at least...). It fails after the first individual and I get the following error message when I set MemoryMatrix = FALSE : Error in genoud(fn, nvars = 8, max = TRUE, pop.size = 10, : REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'character' when I
2011 Jul 29
scripting/littler: How to call function named iteratively (`f1`, `f2`, …)?
Dear R folks, wanting to compare different implementations of a solution I want to script it to iterate over the different implementations. Is there a way to do this in the R shell/command line? $ more /tmp/iterf.r f1 <- function(n = 100000, l = 100000) { z = n + l } f2 <- function(n = 100000,
2020 Oct 01
Creating a global variable for a struct array
>The type you pass to GlobalVariable's constructor for that variable should be "[10 x %struct.dlist]" because that's what you want storage for. Then the GlobalVariable itself will be a Constant of type "[10 x %struct.dlist]*". Yes, I verified that this is the case. I enabled assertions and the error seems to occur while creating GlobalVariable for both struct dhash
2007 Mar 21
Problem installing packages in R 2.4.1
I am attempting to install a anchoring vingettes package for R and I seem to have a problem with unzipping the files in R. I use the command that can be found here <>. Here is the dialog I get after entering the command: > install.packages("anchors", dependencies = TRUE, +
2011 Feb 03
rgenoud for multiple chips: does a more recent special version of "snow" exist?
Dear everyone, I am trying to run rgenoud on several chips simultaneusly. I used the instructions provided on Jasjeet Sekhon's Homepage ( However, I have the newer version of R (R 2.12) installed - for a 64-bit machine. So, when I tried to install the special version of "snow" from a zip file provided by Jasjeet on his page, R
2005 Jun 01
using user-supplied derivatives in rgenoud
I have been using the rgenoud package for a nonlinear least-squares problem with lots of local minima, and it works very well but takes lots of time. According to the article refrenced in the documentation, the original GENOUD-software by the same authors seems to allow for user-supplied analytical derivatives instead of numerical approximations, which would probably save some time. Does anybody
2005 May 18
Testing for warning inside functions
I am looking for a way to get a warning message immediately after an evaluation within a function. To get error messages you can use geterrmessage(). But I found no function that allows me to check for warnings. Five years ago this questions has been posted but I haven't found any answer. Thanks for any help. Peter Wolf ------------ For illustration purpose a simple example follows: you
2010 May 11
[LLVMdev] How to create Global Variables using LLVM API?
subramanyam wrote: > > I am new to LLVM API. and I am experimenting with it. > I want to create Global Variables in a module. > I am able to create local variables using IRBuilder class. I tried using > GlobalVariable class to create global variables. > but it doesn't work. my code looks like this: > > Module* mod = new Module("test", getGlobalContext()); >
2020 Oct 01
Creating a global variable for a struct array
Thank you very much. The code to initialize h1 to non-zero values was what I was looking for. It's almost working except for a type mismatch wrt dlist* llist field of h1. dlist static_lst[10] = { {1, 5, NULL}, ... }; dhash h1[10] = {{"myfile.txt", static_lst}, ... }; Along the lines of the code you had sent, I created a GlobalVariable* llist of type [10 x %struct.dlist]* for the
2010 Oct 13
How to fix error in the package 'rgenoud'
Dear R user fellows, I would like to ask you about the package 'rgenoud' which is a genetic optimization tool. I ran the function 'genoud' with two variables to be minimized by the following command. result<-genoud(fn,nvars=2,starting.values=c(0.5,0), pop.size=1000, max.generations=10, wait.generations=3) Then, I had the following error message. Error in
2010 May 12
[LLVMdev] How to create Global Variables using LLVM API?
Thanks. It works. Actually, the signature of the constructor given in the online documentation is different from the actual source code. Nick Lewycky wrote: > > subramanyam wrote: >> >> I am new to LLVM API. and I am experimenting with it. >> I want to create Global Variables in a module. >> I am able to create local variables using IRBuilder class. I tried using
2010 May 13
[LLVMdev] How to create Global Variables using LLVM API?
I am using llvm-2.6. In the online documentation, the signature is GlobalVariable::GlobalVariable ( const Type * Ty, bool isConstant, LinkageTypes Linkage, Constant * Initializer = 0, const Twine & Name = "", bool ThreadLocal = false, unsigned AddressSpace = 0 ) the link to the documenation is
2009 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] Initialising global Array
Andreas Neustifter wrote: > Hi, > > I try to create a array that has a nonzero initialiser: > > What i do is, first create the array type. > > > const ArrayType *ATy = ArrayType::get(Type::Int32Ty, NumEdges); > > Then create some constant values for the initializer. > > > std::vector<Constant*> Initializer; Initializer.reserve(NumEdges); > >
2010 May 11
[LLVMdev] How to create Global Variables using LLVM API?
I am new to LLVM API. and I am experimenting with it. I want to create Global Variables in a module. I am able to create local variables using IRBuilder class. I tried using GlobalVariable class to create global variables. but it doesn't work. my code looks like this: Module* mod = new Module("test", getGlobalContext()); Constant* c = mod->getOrInsertFunction("main",
2016 May 06
RFC: metadata attachments for global variables
On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 1:21 PM, Duncan P. N. Exon Smith < dexonsmith at> wrote: > > > On 2016-May-06, at 13:17, Peter Collingbourne <peter at> wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > I'd like to add support for metadata attachments for global variables in > the same way as we did for functions. > > > > Syntax would be
2010 Jun 01
[LLVMdev] How to create global string array? (user question)
I am trying to create such module with API (it's equivalent to c++: const char* ss[] = {"s1","s2"};): @ss = global [2 x i8*] [i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0), i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str2, i32 0, i32 0)] ; <[2 x i8*]*> [#uses=0] @.str1 = private constant [3 x i8] c"s1\00", align 1 ; <[3 x i8]*> [#uses=1]