similar to: survfit function - event information???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "survfit function - event information???"

2006 Oct 25
Incorrect 'n' returned by survfit()
I've a data set with 60000 rows of data representing 6000+ distinct loans. I did a coxph() regression on it (see call below), but a subsequent survfit() call on the coxph object is almost certainly wrong. It gives n=6 when it should be more like 6000+ (I think) > survfit(resultag) Call: survfit.coxph(object = resultag) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 6 489 Inf
2011 Mar 18
median survival time from survfit
Hello, I am trying to compute the mdeian of the survival time from the function survfit: > fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1) > fit Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ 1) records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 111 111 111 20 NA NA NA The results is NA? the fit$surv gives values between 1 and 0.749! Am I doing this correct?
2013 Mar 04
survfit plot question
Hello, I create a plot from a coxph object called fit.ads4: plot(survfit(fit.ads4)) plot is located at: I also create the following survfit statistics: > print(survfit(fit.ads4),print.rmean=T) Call: survfit(formula = fit.ads4) records n.max n.start events *rmean *se(rmean) median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 203.0
2013 Jun 25
censor=FALSE and id options in survfit.coxph
Terry, I recently noticed the censor argument of survfit. For some analyses it greatly reduces the size of the resulting object, which is a nice feature. However, when combined with the id argument, only 1 prediction is made. Predictions can be made individually but I'd prefer to do them all at once if that change can be made. Chris ##################################### # CODE # create
2009 Sep 08
Obtaining value of median survival for survfit function to use in calculation
Hi, I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out! I want to get the median survival calculated by the survfit function and use the value rather than just be able to print it. Something like this: library(survival) data(lung) lung.byPS = survfit(Surv (time, status) ~ ph.ecog, data=lung) # lung.byPS Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog, data = lung) 1
2024 May 15
Extracting values from Surv function in survival package
OS X R 4.3.3 Colleagues I have created objects using the Surv function in the survival package: > FIT.1 Call: survfit(formula = FORMULA1) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL SUBDATA$ARM=1, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=0 18 13 345 156 NA SUBDATA$ARM=2, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=1 13 5 NA 186 NA SUBDATA$ARM=2, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=2 5
2007 Dec 09
Getting estimates from survfit.coxph
Dear all, I'm having difficulty getting access to data generated by survfit and print.survfit when they are using with a Cox model (survfit.coxph). I would like to programmatically access the median survival time for each strata together with the 95% confidence interval. I can get it on screen, but can't get to it algorithmically. I found myself examining the source of print.survfit to
2024 May 16
Extracting values from Surv function in survival package
Hi Dennis, look at the help page for summary.survfit, the Value n.event. G?ran On 2024-05-15 22:41, Dennis Fisher wrote: > OS X > R 4.3.3 > > Colleagues > > I have created objects using the Surv function in the survival package: >> FIT.1 > Call: survfit(formula = FORMULA1) > > n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL >
2011 Apr 05
simple save question
Hi, When I run the survfit function, I want to get the restricted mean value and the standard error also. I found out using the "print" function to do so, as shown below, print(,print.rmean=TRUE) Call: survfit(formula = Surv(diff, status) ~ 1, type = "kaplan-meier") records n.max n.start events *rmean *se(rmean) median 200.000
2013 Apr 15
Convert results from print(survfit(formula, ...)) into a matrix or data frame
Hello All, Below is some sample survival analysis code. I'd like to able to get the results from print(gehan.surv) into a matrix or data frame, so I can manipulate them and then create a table using odfWeave. Trouble is, I'm not quite sure how make such a conversion using the results from a print method. Is there some simple way of doing this? Thanks, Paul require(survival)
2009 Jul 22
kaplan-meier error
Hi all, I am getting an error in my code and I don't know what the problem is. I am using R 2.9 on ubuntu. my code is as follows: ## Libraries ## library(survival) library(foreign) ## reading data ## data<-read.dta("") head(data) attach(data) fit1<-survfit(Surv(durat,censor)) and I get the following error >
2011 Oct 17
Extracting results from a function output
Hello, I am having hard time obtaining a value from a function. "fit" is a survival function that produces some results, such as "median", "confidence intervals" etc. But str() function does not list these values. How can I extract these to be able use them? For example, I need "median" value for the group DrugA which is 48. "Print" function does
2005 Feb 04
How to access results of survival analysis
Hello, it seems that the main results of survival analysis with package survival are shown only as side effects of the print method. If I compute e.g. a Kaplan-Meier estimate by > km.survdur<-survfit(s.survdur) then I can simply print the results by > km.survdur Call: survfit(formula = s.survdur) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 100.0 58.0 46.8 41.0 79.3 Is
2006 May 24
median of a survfit object
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2006 May 05
How to access results of survival analysis
Hi List, A friend of mine recently asked the same question as Heinz T?chler. Since I've already written the code I'd like to share with the list. # x is an object returned by "survfit"; # "smed" returns a matrix of 5 columns of # n, events, median, 0.95LCL, 0.95UCL. # The matrix returned has rownames as the # group labels (eg., treatment arms) if any. smed <-
2010 Dec 14
Hello R helpers: *My first message didn't pass trough filter so here it's again* I would like to obtain probability of an event for one single patient as a function of time (from survfit.coxph) object, as I want to find what is the probability of an event say at 1 month and what is the probability of an event at 80 months and compare. So I tried the following but it fails miserably. I
2009 May 11
Warning trying to plot -log(log(survival))
windows xp R 2.8.1 I am trying to plot the -log(log(survival)) to visually test the proportional hazards assumption of a Cox regression. The plot, which should give two lines (one for each treatment) gives only one line and a warning message. I would appreciate help getting two lines, and an explanation of the warning message. My problem may the that I have very few events in one of my strata,
2009 May 04
Nelson-Aalen estimator of cumulative hazard
Hi, I am computing the Nelson-Aalen (NA) estimate of baseline cumulative hazard in two different ways using the "survival" package. I am expecting that they should be identical. However, they are not. Their difference is a monotonically increasing with time. This difference is probably not large to make any impact in the application, but is annoyingly non-trivial for me to just
2010 Jun 22
survfit function - event information??
--begin inclusion --- I am trying to extract output information from the survfit function in order to generate a matrix of select output for multiple factors. Specifically, I am interested in extracting the number of events (in the output below: 106, 2, 3). The variable names represented in my function (ee) are shown below, but none of those variables correspond to the column of events as shown
2010 Sep 23
extending survival curves past the last event using plot.survfit
Hello, I'm using plot.survfit to plot cumulative incidence of an event. Essentially, my code boils down to: cox <-coxph(Surv(EVINF,STATUS) ~ strata(TREAT) + covariates, data=dat) surv <- survfit(cox) plot(surv,mark.time=F,fun="event") Follow-up time extends to 54 weeks, but the last event occurs at week 30, and no more people are censored in between. Is there a