similar to: Sorting results by column

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Sorting results by column"

2006 Jun 25
Sorting ferret results by column
I have the acts_as_ferret plugin installed. Everything searches great, but I would like to limit the results (i.e. by ''end_date'') and sort them (by ''end_date''). ''end_date'' is a valid column in my "posts" table. Here''s the code I have already: @posts = Post.find_by_contents(params[:query]) params[:query] comes from a form. I
2006 Jul 26
SQL query syntax
I need to search a specific column with an OR statement from a form, but can''t quite seem to figure out how. Right now I have: @query = request.raw_post || request.query_string @phrase = @query.sub(/ /,"% OR %") @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''(title LIKE :search_query OR body LIKE :search_query OR city LIKE :search_query
2006 Jun 25
Using AND in :conditions queries
I have what amounts to a simple search engine running through a table using input from a form. Everything works fine when looking for "title" or "body" But, when I want to couple that with an AND statement the search still works fine, but it seems to disregard the AND statements. Code below: In the view: <%= start_form_tag :action=> "show_search" %>
2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2011 Aug 26
how to convert Date to this json format
Hi I have to create a json date like {"startDate":"\/Date(1291145744713-0700)\/","endDate":"\/Date(1293824144713-0700)\/"} This is just an example. My case startdate = enddate = I dont know how to convert this to the above format. Please help Thanks -- Posted via -- You
2007 Feb 06
Which method to use to get content from index with a_a_f?
Hi everybody, After staring at the a_a_f API for quite sometime now, I decided it''s time to ask... Which method should I use to get content from the index without using highlight? Consider the following controller action: def preview if params[:search].blank? # normal case @text = @myfile. # which method do I use here to get the :text from the index??? else # if we come from
2006 May 07
Anyone care for a braindump?
I have this problem with records that have to be alligned on end- and startdate. I came up with the following. but am not convinced that this is the best way to tackle this problem. Anyone care for a braindump? def head_to_tail # Remove days that have startdate >= self.startdate AND enddate <= self.enddate # # before after # # |=====| |=====|
2016 Jul 17
Moving Maildir folders
Am 2016-07-17 um 02:36 schrieb Mark Foley: > Not quite there yet. The folders show up, but I cannot see the mail inside the folders unless > (in the Thunderbird client) I uncheck the setting "Show only subscribed folders". Still, the > top-level folder is shown as grayed-out/italics as well as the the sub-folder INBOX. All other > sub-folder at the same level as INBOX are not
2006 May 22
RQuantlib Array processing applying EuropeanOptionExampleArray
I am trying to replicate part of the EuropeanOptionExample using my date. I have a data.frame containing all my inputs atm.vols<-subset(data.vols,moneyness==min); #Some days have the abs(moneyness) exactly between two strike prices, #Traders will alway price an option at the higher vol when selling it, so we will too.
2006 Aug 10
Timeout when rebuilding index
Sorry to post twice in a row, but I also wanted help with my index rebuild process - I seem to be getting timeouts when I run the rebuild_index.rb script, like this: /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.2/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in `log'': Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: SELECT * FROM search_queries
2006 Feb 08
can''t get date_select to work
Hi, I render a couple of date_select fields, the HTML looks fine, I can see the values submitted back to the server, but AR doesn''t pick them up from the hash in[''booking'']). I''ve got a ''booking'' object with parameters product, startdate and enddate. HTML snippets: <select
2006 May 16
:conditions on has_one realationship
Hi there, I''m currently building a membership application and I want to be able to select, not just all the memberships, but the most current membership from the database on a per user basis. I have linked the tables as shown:- class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :payment belongs_to :person end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :memberships
2006 Nov 21
acts_as_ferret with STI models
Can acts_as_ferret search only one of the inherit models in the hierarchy of STI models? Say you have Contents, with types articles and comments. I know that you do Contents.find_by_contents, but can you also create indexed for Comment and Articles? Thanks for you help Miguel -- Posted via
2006 Jun 14
Using now() to determine what should be displayed
I''m trying to create a paginated list that will take note of the "end_date" field in my table. This is what I have: @post_pages, @posts = paginate(:posts, :per_page => 10, :order_by => ''end_date'') in the controller. And for the view: <h1>Posts ending soon</h1> <ul><% for post in @posts do %> <strong>Post Title:
2006 Jul 26
render :update do | page | to modify a css class string...
In my booking/_form.rhtml, I have 2 <input text fields> startingdate (selction from unobstrusive calendar ) and endingdate <div> <label for="startdate">Booking Start Date</label><br /> <%= text_field_tag(''startdate'', @startdate, {:class => @startdateclass, :readonly => "readonly", :maxlength => "25"}
2006 Jun 15
callback object problem
I''m trying to create a separate class to do validation so that about 10 models can use the same date validation. I have tried to use the example from the agile book but it''s not working. Here''s what I have: app/models/date_callbacks.rb class DateCallbacks def before_validation(model) if model.start_date > model.errors.add(:start_date, "must
2006 Jul 26
change text_field_tag class
in my booking / _form I have the following input fields : (startdate and endate) <div> <label for="startdate">Booking Start Date</label><br /> <%= text_field_tag(''startdate'', @startdate, {:class => @startdateclass, :readonly => "readonly", :maxlength => "25"} ) %> <%= observe_field("startdate",
2006 Dec 11
Compute date during before_validation_on_create
Hello, - the form posted by the user have a date field - this date is begin_date, I need to compute end_date - so, added callback before_validation_on_create - in this method I do : end_date = begin_date >> 12 - unfortunately, beeing in before_validation the actual self.begin_date have not been type casted - It''s always a string - unfortunately again, I can''t put this code
2010 Mar 06
form_for, submit, and parameters disappearing
Consider the following: -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2008 Jan 16
How to test if one range of dates overlaps another?
Hi all, I have a situation with a recurring billing application where I need to test if one range of dates "overlaps" another range of dates. Does anyone know a rails find or mysql select statement that will test for this? Here are the details: * Recurringcharge items have a start_date and an end_date that represent the period of time that the charges should occur. * Statement items