search for: zksovtv0ddc9k4

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "zksovtv0ddc9k4".

2019 Jun 12
Updating passwords MySQL database using postfoxadmin. The passwords looked correct in the database and show the right prefix {SHA256-CRYPT} but logins were failing, so I manually created new passwords from the command line: doveadm pw -s SHA256-CRYPT -p ?a password" -u kremels at {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$ZKsovTv0Ddc9k4? I then went into the postfix database and manually updated the password field in the database. update mailbox set password = '$5$ZKsovTv0Ddc9k4?' where username like 'kremels at'; SOME of the accounts can now login, but not all. I get a debug line like: dovecot: a...