search for: zfs_root_pool_recovery

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "zfs_root_pool_recovery".

2009 Jun 28
Cloning a ZFS compact flash card
I need some help please. I am currently using a compact flash as the boot drive (ZFS) on a thumper. I want to create a clone of it to a file and restore it to a new CF card on another thumper. Unfortunately, an exact make, model and size of the CF has a few less cylinders so a straight dd of the slice2 does not work. Now I have to navigate the intricacies of the trying to clone rpool etc, which
2011 Aug 03
Saving data across install
I installed a Solaris 10 development box on a 500G root mirror and later I received some smaller drives. I learned from this list its better to have the root mirror on the smaller small drives and then create another mirror on the original 500G drives so I copied everything that was on the small drives onto the 500G mirror to free up the smaller drives for a new install. After my install
2009 Jun 26
Backing up OS drive?
I have one drive that I''m running OpenSolaris on and a 6-drive RAIDZ. Unfortunately I don''t have another drive to mirror the OS drive, so I was wondering what the best way to back up that drive is. Can I mirror it onto a file on the RAIDZ, or will this cause problems before the array is loaded when booting? What about zfs send and recv to the RAIDZ? -- This message posted from
2009 May 13
backup and restore of ZFS root disk using DVD driveand DAT tape drive
Dear all, given a DVD drive and DAT Tape Drive, and using Solaris 10 U7 (5/09), how can we plan for a total backup of ZFS root disk and procedure to recover that? Previously using UFS, we just need to use boot from Solaris OS DVD media, also using ufsdump, ufsrestore and installboot. Anybody can point me on how to achieve the same thing when the whole system disk are busted? Thanks in
2009 Aug 23
incremental backup with zfs to file
FULL backup to a file zfs snapshot -r rpool at 0908 zfs send -Rv rpool at 0908 > /net/remote/rpool/snaps/rpool.0908 INCREMENTAL backup to a file zfs snapshot -i rpool at 0908 rpool at 090822 zfs send -Rv rpool at 090822 > /net/remote/rpool/snaps/rpool.090822 As I understand the latter gives a file with changes between 0908 and 090822. Is this correct? How do I restore those files? I know
2009 Oct 13
How to resize ZFS partion or add a new one?
Hi, I have the following partions on my laptop, Inspiron 6000, from fdisk: 1 Other OS 0 11 12 0 2 EXT LBA 12 2561 2550 26 3 Active Solaris2 2562 9728 7167 74 First one is for Dell utilities. Second one is NTFS and the third is ZFS. I am currently using OpenSolaris 2009.06