search for: yrofe0a

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 468 matches for "yrofe0a".

2009 Jun 22
has_many through , or habtm , using form
i think there ara two ways of relate products and categories , basically i want to fix one product(e.g hp dv7....) to some categories (notebook,17"notebooks...) i made a table named categorization(incuding category_id,product_id fields) then in models i write these codes below class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations
2009 Oct 27
Authlogic Password confirmation is too short Error. NEED HELP.
Hi: I am using authlogic, and following railscast tutorial. I am running into this error code with the password confirmation. authlogic password confirmation is too short Has anyone experienced this error? I need your help. Thanks in advance for your help.
2009 Aug 19
acts_as_list / acts_as_tree / acts_as_nested_set - which one
I am creating forum application which needs usage of acts_as_list or acts_as_tree or acts_as_nested_set. I am unable to decide among these. please could some one recommend from their experience? -- Posted via
2009 Aug 13
default value if textfield is empty
Hey all, im not sure where to set a default value if a textfield is empty? For now i do it in the controller, and check if the submitted parameter is blank. But this seems not to be the best solution... Thanks for your help! -- Posted via
2010 Jun 14
"NoMethodError in AdminController#index" error
hi, im totally a newbie so i have got no idea whatsoever why i got this error, the thing that happend was i was doing a little coding along with the rails series that i got this error. well as u can see this is the error which i get on terminal, but there is another one in browser too which says : "NoMethodError in AdminController#index " u can see it in the picture here :
2013 Sep 06
[Gluster-devel] GlusterFS 3.3.1 client crash (signal received: 6)
It's a pity I don't know how to re-create the issue. While there are 1-2 crashed clients in total 120 clients every day. Below is gdb result: (gdb) where #0 0x0000003267432885 in raise () from /lib64/ #1 0x0000003267434065 in abort () from /lib64/ #2 0x000000326746f7a7 in __libc_message () from /lib64/ #3 0x00000032674750c6 in malloc_printerr () from
2009 Apr 03
RJS not rendering correctly when mime-type is 'iphone'
I have an iPhone version of my site, and for some reason none of the rjs works when viewing the iPhone version. This happens instead: ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template controller_name/ update.erb in view path app/views) The rjs works fine when viewing the site normally, and it worked when viewing the iPhone version prior to upgrading Rails to 2.3.2. Additional info: I have
2009 Sep 01
Deep nested associations on the same Model
This could be a lot simpler than I think and I''m just missing something obvious! I''m working on a creative collaboration app whereby one user could submit a Story and this can then be forked by another user and worked on seperately. To acheive this I have a has_many association within the same Story model as such: class Story < ActiveRecord::Base has_many
2009 May 01
Layout antics
I have a strange problem with my layout file. I think it may be due to nested partials, but removing the deepest nested partial call does not clear the problem. I have an application wide layout (application.html.erb) that works as expected - loads images, javascript, css etc for my application. So http://localhost:3000/patients --> fine http://localhost:3000/patients/new --> fine
2005 Dec 28
form reset after successful form submission
hi, what''s the way to reset the form generated by the form_remote_tag after the successful submission of the form? thanks
2009 Jul 19
Edit function now outputs HTML only
For some reason my new action works fine but my edit outputs nothing but raw HTML. Anyone have any ideas?
2009 Oct 01
Using Ruby on Rails to edit a script?
Is ROR a good fit if I want to edit and expand on a developed script like RoundCube( )? I''m planing to edit it for my business as an order/transcript application. If anyone is interested this link is what I want to make.
2013 Dec 09
[Gluster-devel] GlusterFest Test Weekend - 3.5 Test #1
Incidentally, we're wrapping this up today. If you want to be included in the list of swag-receivers (t-shirt, USB car charger, and stickers), you still have a couple of hours to file a bug and have it verified by the dev team. Thanks, everyone :) -JM ----- Original Message ----- > On 12/05/2013 09:31 PM, John Mark Walker wrote: > > Greetings, > > > > If you've
2009 Nov 02
*** Quick help with paperclip ***
Hi All, Someone reccomended using paperclip as a way to easily upload photos. Basically I want a quick and easy solution to allow users to add a profile picture. Anyway - I have followed the tutorial on here: I can add a file, but there isnt anywhere to upload it. I have followed the above tutorial word for word, but i dont
2010 Dec 21
Rails - escape_javascript without all the \n\n\n\n\n
Hello, I''m using escape_javascript to return a partial to the browser via ajax. Something like: $("#inject").html("<%=escape_javascript(render :partial =>"feed/ index")%>"); Problem is escape_javascript ends up outputing all kinds of wasted space like \n\n\n\n\n \n Is there anyway in Rails to escape_javascript more
2009 Sep 07
autoincrement for non-id column
There is a table: execute (<<-SQL) CREATE TABLE "tasks" ( "id" serial primary key, "number" serial, "version" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, "latest_version" boolean DEFAULT ''t'' NOT NULL, "hidden" boolean DEFAULT ''f'' NOT NULL, "type" character varying (1) NOT
2005 Dec 15
.rpdf ?
I haven''t delved into the wonderful world of PDF::Writer yet, nor have I run across a need.. but I just had an idea I wanted to throw out there how hard would it be to create a .rpdf template plugin for rails? could be neat ;]
2009 Sep 22
Import excel / csv files
Hey, What way is the best to do imports of CSV files?
2010 Dec 20
rails code to sql
Is there a relatively easy way to do this code in sql? @categories=Category.all.reject{|n| n.blank?}.sort{|a,b| <=>}.collect{|t| [,'' '',''_'')]} -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2005 Jul 27
Oracle OCI8, or "am I going crazy?"
All of a sudden, on three different systems, the "server_ip_address/sid_name" syntax in database.yml has stopped working for me. I can''t even do a blah blah) statement from an IRB shell. I get "ORA-12541: TNS:no listener", or some variant, depending on how I phrase it. On systems where I have a real deal client installed, and OCI can find the tnsnames