search for: yielding

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5259 matches for "yielding".

2006 Sep 29
I lied, I don''t actually need different responses each time I call the method. So the last email of mine is probably worthless. Instead, I need yield to yield 3 values when I call it once: (behavior that mimics Find.find) def test_generate(documentation = ''/test_documentation/'', destination = ''/destination/'')
2006 Aug 09
[Markaby] yield instead of @content_for_layout?
We''re supposed to use yield instead of @content_for_layout, but I can''t get yield to work in a Markaby template: yield text yield Either one of these lines results in a ''no block given'' error (but ''text @content_for_layout'' works). Anybody know how to use yield instead? Thanks, Joe -- Posted via
2007 Oct 09
Testing layouts with RSpec on Rails
Hey guys, Does anyone have any wisdom to share on the subject of speccing Rails layouts? Most of it''s plain old view specs stuff, but are there sensible ways to verify things like the yield call? (Mocking doesn''t catch that) Thanks, Matt -- Matt Patterson | Design & Code <matt at reprocessed org> |
2005 Dec 16
Purpose of ''yield'' in layout file in Flickr video?
During the excellent flickr video, the presenter adds the following to the applications layout file: <body> <%= yield %> </body> What is the purpose of the ''yield'' line? I would think there would be a content_for_layout tag there instead. Thanks, Don -- Posted via
2006 Sep 29
yielding consecutive values
I''m not sure if someone has already addressed this issue, but if not, here goes. I need the following behavior: def test_generate(documentation = ''/test_documentation/'', destination = ''/destination/'') yield_results = [''/'', ''filename.yaml'', ''blah.xml'']
2013 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] Error in the example of sext instruction in reference manual
Hi all, There might be a simple error in the LLVM reference manual. The example for sext instruction: %X = sext i8 -1 to i16 ; yields i16 :65535 %X should yield i16: -1, as opposed to 65535. Here is the simple patch (also attached): Index: docs/LangRef.rst =================================================================== --- docs/LangRef.rst (revision 184496) +++ docs/LangRef.rst
2010 Aug 09
[PATCH 0 of 2] Scheduler: Implement yield for credit scheduler
As discussed in a previous e-mail, this patch series implements yield for the credit scheduler. This allows a VM to actually yield (give up the cpu to another VM) when it wants to. This has been shown to be effective when used in the spinlock code to avoid wasting time spinning when another vcpu is not currently scheduled. _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list
2009 Nov 10
Nelson- Siegel - (Yield Curve - Smoothening of curve)
I am Julia Cains from Brisbane. This is my first mail to this group and I have recently started learning the R language.   I am trying to learn the smoothening of the yield curve. However, I came across the CRAN package – “YieldCurve” meant for Modelling and estimation of the yield curve. The problem is I am not able to understand whether this package will help me to carry out smoothening of the
2007 Aug 12
stubbing a method that yeilds sequential results
I''ve just found myself stuck trying to rspec something so am hoping someone more knowledgable can help. I have a Connector class which has a class method ''results'' that yields results it get from a network service based on a set of attributes that I pass to it. I am wanting to yield these results from my Intermediate class up to the next
2006 Sep 12
dtrace reports different counts depending on what is being traced
We are using following dtrace script to analyze an application. However we see different number of lwp_yield and yield calls reported depending on whether we trace mutex_lock or mutex_unlock or not. The number reported when we are not tracing mutex_lock or mutex_unlock is higher. What could be going on here and which one is the correct number. This is on S10 U2. Thanks, Rao.
2006 Jan 23
yield vs @content_for_layout, etc..
I am relatively new to RoR and Ruby for that matter. A few questions for the pros: Question 1: In the 5min ajax video the presenter uses <%= yield %> in his layout. In the agile book, @content_for_layout is used. Since, yield is an actual Ruby construct, is it more efficient and preferred? What is the difference? Question 2: Links are often of the form :action =>
2007 Sep 21
Stubbing yielding methods
... I tried to think about how it would work if I converted the block to a method on an object. I slightly ran out of steam on this one when I realised that in this case when I realised Executor#execute wouldn''t be called because the implementation of Collaborator#yielding_method is stubbed. This made me wonder if the Expectation#yields method should exist at all! In particular, in the block example, it feels odd because you are going from real code (ClassUnderTest) into mock code (mocked version of Collaborator) and back into real code (the block itself). I wonder...
2006 Jan 25
panel function with barchart (lattice)
Folks at R help, I can't quite get the panel function to work the way I want within barchart. I guess I'm still not understanding how to piece together multiple panel arguments, especially when "groups" is specified. Example: I want to be able to add the value of "yield" to each section of each bar in this graph: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
2009 Dec 04
Renaming columns of a data.frame
A question that has come up a few times on r-help is how to rename columns of a data.frame. There are several ways to do this by hand (see the list archives). There is also a 'rename' function in the reshape package. I often use the 'transform' function shortly after reading in a data file and wanted to have a renaming function that has a syntax consistent with the
2007 Aug 07
stubs which yield and return
...of the AnonymousClass is that new can take a block, and eval the block in the anonymous class, represented by the @klass instance_variable: ac = do include Enumerable end So is there a way to stub such that it yield an AnonymousClass mock, as well as yielding to the block given? What are the technical challenges involved in implementing this in the mocking framework? Or is it a matter of clean syntax? Regards, Scott
2017 Sep 29
Converting SAS Code
Hello all, My statistical analysis training up until this point has been entirely done in SAS. The code I frequently used was: *Yield Champagin; data yield; set stress; if field='YV' then delete; if field='HB' then delete; if barcode='16187DD4015' then delete; if barcode='16187DD6002' then delete; if barcode='16187DD2007' then delete; if
2008 May 08
[PATCH/RFC] stop_machine: make stop_machine_run more virtualization friendly
...w, that the host scheduling decisings together with the guest scheduling decisions and spinlocks not being fair managed to create an interesting scenario similar to a live lock. (Sometimes the hang resolved itself after some minutes) Changing stop_machine to yield the cpu to the hypervisor when yielding inside the guest fixed the problem for me. While I am not completely happy with this patch, I think it causes no harm and it really improves the situation for me. I used cpu_relax for yielding to the hypervisor, does that work on all architectures? p.s.: If you want to reproduce the problem, c...
2008 May 08
[PATCH/RFC] stop_machine: make stop_machine_run more virtualization friendly
...w, that the host scheduling decisings together with the guest scheduling decisions and spinlocks not being fair managed to create an interesting scenario similar to a live lock. (Sometimes the hang resolved itself after some minutes) Changing stop_machine to yield the cpu to the hypervisor when yielding inside the guest fixed the problem for me. While I am not completely happy with this patch, I think it causes no harm and it really improves the situation for me. I used cpu_relax for yielding to the hypervisor, does that work on all architectures? p.s.: If you want to reproduce the problem, c...
2013 Jun 21
[LLVMdev] Error in the example of sext instruction in reference manual
On Jun 20, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Bin Tzeng <bintzeng at> wrote: > Hi all, > > There might be a simple error in the LLVM reference manual. The example for sext instruction: > > %X = sext i8 -1 to i16 ; yields i16 :65535 > > %X should yield i16: -1, as opposed to 65535. > Here is the simple patch (also attached): These are the same value. -Chris >
2017 Oct 11
Converting SAS Code
I have no problem setting up my mixed model, or performing anova or lsmeans on my model?s outputs. However, performing lsd mean separation is giving me fits. So I do not have a problem when using two-way anova model. When using the code: fit.yield.add <- lm(data = ryzup, Yield ~ Rep + Nitrogen + Treatment) LSD.test(fit.yield.add, trt = "Nitrogen", alpha = 0.1, console = TRUE)