search for: yesnocancel

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "yesnocancel".

2008 Mar 19
R_ParseVector problem: it's cutting off after the decimal point
...>WriteConsoleEx = myWriteConsoleEx; // called during i/o, eval, graphics in ProcessEvents Rp->CallBack = myCallBack; // handles messages for the user from R Rp->ShowMessage = myShowconcise Message; // user interaction: a user is asked a question an should answer with YesNoCancel (maybe dialog) Rp->YesNoCancel = myYesNoCancel; // on R state changed: busy(=1)/idle(=0) Rp->Busy = myBusy; Rp->home = getRUser(); // R-Settings... Rp->R_Quiet = (Rboolean)FALSE; Rp->R_Interactive = (Rboolean)TRUE; Rp->RestoreAction...
2006 Aug 02
tcl/tk bind destroy event work or is there another method to do this? I'm very new to R and tcl/tk. Here is part of my code: exitProg <- function() { returnVal <- tkmessageBox(title="Question", message="Save modified file?", icon="question", type="yesnocancel", default="yes") returnVal <- as.character(returnVal) if( returnVal == "yes" ) { # save file value <- saveFile() # destroy window when save was successfull if( value == 1 ) tkdestroy(mw) } if( returnVal =...
2006 Nov 27
R.DLL mapping by P/Invoke
...SA_NORESTORE = 0,/* = 0 */ SA_RESTORE, SA_DEFAULT,/* was === SA_RESTORE */ SA_NOSAVE, SA_SAVE, SA_SAVEASK, SA_SUICIDE }; enum RBool { RFalse = 0, RTrue }; enum RYesNoCancel { Yes = 1, No = -1, Cancel = 0 }; enum RUIMode { RGui = 0, RTerm, LinkDLL }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct RStartStruct { public RBool R_Quiet; publ...
2007 Oct 17
Using R.dll in .NET IPC
...SA_NORESTORE = 0,/* = 0 */ SA_RESTORE, SA_DEFAULT,/* was === SA_RESTORE */ SA_NOSAVE, SA_SAVE, SA_SAVEASK, SA_SUICIDE }; enum RBool { RFalse = 0, RTrue }; enum RYesNoCancel { Yes = 1, No = -1, Cancel = 0 }; enum RUIMode { RGui = 0, RTerm, LinkDLL }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct RStartStruct { public RBool R_Quiet; publ...
2005 Aug 22
Internationalization questions
...he standard Windows dialogs in R -- whether initiated from the Rgui menus, from winDialog(), or from tcltk functions such as tkmessageBox() -- do not have button labels translated when running in a non-English locale. For example, when running in a French locale, the command winDialog(type="yesnocancel", message=gettext("Save workspace image?", domain="RGui")) produces a dialog box with the message translated to "Sauver une image de la session?", but the buttons still read "Yes", "No", and "Cancel". Is this the intended behaviour?...
2005 Sep 25
Tip: Working directory in titlebar
...message from trying to load: if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") flush.console() ## MHP # Warn user if saving existing workspace was not chosen: (MHP) if ( { tmp = tclvalue(tkmessageBox(message="Save current workspace image?", type="yesnocancel",title="Changing directories",icon="question")) saveOld = switch(tmp, "yes"=TRUE, "no"=FALSE, "cancel"=return(invisible(NULL))) } # Save old workspace: if (saveOld) save.image(compress=TRUE) # Change directory:...
2012 Aug 20
Problem with initializiing R main loop under Windows (R.dll-version: 2.15.1)
...RParams.CharacterMode = LinkDLL; // RGui; RParams.ShowMessage = RShowMessage; RParams.ReadConsole = RReadConsoleWin; RParams.WriteConsoleEx = RWriteConsoleEx; RParams.WriteConsole = 0; RParams.CallBack = RDoProcessEvents; RParams.YesNoCancel = RAskYesNoCancel; RParams.Busy = RBusy; // Install own handlers R_SetParams(&RParams); // flush the console input buffer // call to WINAPI: clears all that's in stdin FlushConsoleInputBuffer(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)...
2003 Jul 16
Fatal error in SJava.
Dear r-helpers, I have been trying to invoke R from Java in a Windows 2000 computer (unfortunately). All my environment variables seem to be properly set, everything seems to be in order, but I obtaining a Fatal error: unable to open the base package error window. Also, the output of the invoker is Loading RInterpreter library R_HOME: R_HOME=C:/Programas/R RVersion: R_VERSION=1.6.1 whereas
2011 May 17
Email out of R (code)
Hi all, I thought I would post code to send an email out of R. The code uses Grothendieck and Bellosta's interface package rJython for executing Python from R. The code itself provides basic email functionality for email servers requiring authentication. It should be easy to extend it (e.g., for sending attachments). I hope it's useful. require(rJython) rJython <- rJython()