search for: xtab

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 467 matches for "xtab".

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2001 Aug 21
looking for a smarter way tabulating the frequency of presence of each in each cluster. The code does what I want, but I have other examples where I have hundreds of clusters and I would prefer not to have to type in a line for each cluster. Again, there must be a way and I would appreciate any suggestions: xtab<-table(x$LOCAL.NAME,xclu$clustering) xshw1<--sum((xtab[,1]+0.000001)/sum(xtab[,1])*(log((xtab[,1]+0.000001)/sum(x tab[,1])))) xshw2<--sum((xtab[,2]+0.000001)/sum(xtab[,2])*(log((xtab[,2]+0.000001)/sum(x tab[,2])))) xshw3<--sum((xtab[,3]+0.000001)/sum(xtab[,3])*(log((xtab[,3]+0.000001)/s...
2003 May 14
how to include 'NA's in xtabs?
Hello! I have a dataset with NA's in some variables (factors), for example: $ P67 : Factor w/ 2 levels "-","+": NA 2 1 NA NA 2 1 1 2 NA ... I need to use 'xtabs' like xtabs(~x$P67) It works well and produces something like this: x$P67 - + 779 1318 but i want to compute NA's too, like this: x$P67 - + NA 779 1318 137 I am trying xtabs(~x$P67, exclude=NULL) but xtabs does not compute 'NA's in this case too. I do not wa...
2015 Feb 09
xtabs and NA
Hi I haven't found a way to produce a tabulation from factor data with NA values using xtabs. Please find a minimal example below, it's also on R-pubs [1]. Tested with R 3.1.2 and R-devel r67720. It doesn't seem to be documented explicitly that it's not supported. From reading the code [2] it looks like the relevant call to table() doesn't set the "useNA" pa...
2009 Apr 24
argument 'exclude' in function xtabs
Dear all I was willing to use argument 'exclude' in function xtabs to remove some levels of factors (xtabs help page says '"exclude: a vector of values to be excluded when forming the set of levels of the classifying factors"). I tried: > mydata <- data.frame( treatment = c("B", "A", "C", "C", &q...
2009 Sep 04
Problem with xtabs(), exclude=NULL, and counting NA's
Hi all, I cannot get xtabs to count NA's like I expect. Below is a sample session, and note that the last two calls to xtabs() yield exactly the same thing. I am running R-2.5.0 -- if there was a bug in xtabs that got fixed, I would love to know about it. If there is a bug tracker somewhere, I can file it too. It i...
2010 Apr 18
xtabs() of proportions, and naming a dimension (not a row)
Hi, xtabs() creates a table of counts. I want a table of proportions -- that is, I want to divide every vector (along a particular dimension) by its sum. The tiny example below does that. The call to xtabs() creates a matrix "A" with dimensions ("x1","x2","y"). I...
2017 Jan 19
xtabs(), factors and NAs
Hi all, I know this issue has been discussed a few times in the past already, but Martin Maechler suggested in a bug report [1] that I raise it here. Basically, there is no (easy) way of printing NAs for all variables when calling xtabs() on factors. Passing 'exclude=NULL, na.action=na.pass' works for character vectors, but not for factors. > test <- data.frame(x=c("a",NA)) > xtabs(~ x, exclude=NULL, na.action=na.pass, data=test) x a? 1? > test <- data.frame(x=factor(c("a",NA))) > x...
2009 Dec 13
xtabs - missing combination
Dear list, I am trying to make a contingency table with xtabs but I am getting a 0 where I expect a 'NA'. Here is a simple example: options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rn <- LETTERS[1:4] df1 <- data.frame(r07 = rep(rn, each=4), r08 = rep(rn, 4), value = 1:16) xtabs(value ~ r07 + r08, df1) # Delete the combination [A, C] df1 &...
2016 May 23
data frame method for as.table()
Hello, Currently it's possible to convert an object of class table to a data frame with, but there's no ready-made function, AFAIK, to do the reverse operation, i.e. conversion of a data frame to a table. Do you think it would be a good idea to add a data.frame method to as.table(), to allow such conversions? The idea is that if `x' is a table and `y <-
2016 May 23
data frame method for as.table()
...1 >> (yy <- > foo Freq > 1 a 2 > 2 b 2 > 3 <NA> 1 >> as.table(yy) > foo > a b <NA> > 2 2 1 >> > > Any thoughts? Hi, I have not tried an exhaustive set of examples, but I believe that ?xtabs will get you most of the way there, with the exception of NA handling, which would require either nuanced use of ?addNA or preprocessing factors in the input data frame to possibly add NA as a factor level where needed. BTW, from ?, see the reference there to xtabs() at the end...
2003 Aug 16
xtabs to dataframe fails (PR#3754)
Full_Name: Daniel Frey Version: 1.7.1 OS: Windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Generating a data frame out of a xtabs result acts unusual. Take the following sample to reproduce it: > a.a <- c("a","a","a","b","b") > a.b <- c("c","c","d","e","f") > a.df <- data.frame(list("A&quo...
2007 Oct 05
creating objects of class "xtabs" "table" in R
...uld give me a result similar to that of : array(5,c(2,2,2,2,2)) The above could be seen as a cross-tabulation of 5 variables with 2 levels each (could be 0 and 1). In this case, the data were such that each cell has exactly 5 observations. I Now, I want the output to look like the output of 'xtabs' utility, so that I can use this output inside 'loglm(MASS)'. In particular, I want to add (variable) names to each dimension and indicate the levels that correspond to each cell. The output from 'xtabs' for a data set of this kind would look like: > xtabs(~.,data) , , x3 =...
2008 Mar 12
ftable and xtabs
Hoping someone can help me with xtabs and ftable. I'm trying to get a pair of ftables (possibly more) next to each other. For example: > dunhill_lights_xtab<-ftable(xtabs(grossedupobs ~ gender+age_group + dunhill_lights, data = ciggs)) > dunhill_lights_xtab dunhill_lights No Yes g...
2011 Aug 30
Showing zero frequencies with xtabs
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2001 Apr 03
Parse error in xtabs
Greetings- Using R 1.2.2 under linux, I get the following: > l.agg<-xtabs(cbind(r.logic.interests, r.logic.morality, + r.logic.enlightened, r.logic.capacity, r.logic.mediate) + ~ grouptype, + data=gt) Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error I know the data are structured fine, as I can use all the elements in in...
2005 Jun 06
don't want xtab sorting "numeric" factors...
r-gurus, I couldn't find an answer to this and after an hour or so of trying all types or ways to do this, I've given up for now. I'm having trouble getting the results from xtabs to generate "unsorted" factors. I've generated a sample data.frame I want to create a table from, using xtabs, and the results are presented below, > temp treatment itpa qmd tht 1 0 100 7.287263 3.362501 2 25 100 10.461070 4.118217 3 50...
2003 Dec 02
xtabs or model.frame (PR#5461) to # your favorite email program and send it to # # # ###################################################### Here is the bug report I got from Professor Hsuan, and my exploration of it. The cause of the problem is that a character vector is not coerced to factor by xtabs or model.frame. Is it a bug? I think yes. Character vectors are so frequently coerced to factor that it is reasonable to assume that it will happen here. The documentation is ambiguous as ?xtabs says formula: a formula object with the cross-classifying variables, separated by `+'...
2001 Aug 05
xtabs, drop.unused.levels (PR#1041)
...,x86 Submission from: (NULL) ( As a newbie I'm not sure, whether this is a bug, but I don't know how to get around this behaviour: > x <- list("A"=rep(c(1:5),30), + "B"=c(rep(letters[1:3],30),rep(letters[2:4],20))) > y <- > xtabs(~A+B,y) B A a b c d 1 6 10 10 4 2 6 10 10 4 3 6 10 10 4 4 6 10 10 4 5 6 10 10 4 > y <- subset(y,B!="d") > xtabs(~A+B,y,drop.unused.levels=TRUE) B A a b c d 1 6 10 10 0 2 6 10 10 0 3 6 10 10 0 4 6 10 10 0 5 6 10 10 0 I'd expect "xtabs&q...
2011 Jan 26
a problem with
Hello, I have observed the following odd behavior of " )" and hope someone can give me an explanation Example: X1=rep(1:2,5)[-1] X2=rep(1:5,rep(2,5))[-1] y= runif(9) y[3]=NA xtabs(y~x1+x2) Now xtabs( says that cell 2,2 is NA x2 x1 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 Whereas xtabs(! says that all but cell 1,1 and 2,2 are not NA x2 x1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 An explanation will be much appriciated
2017 Jan 20
xtabs(), factors and NAs
..., 19 Jan 2017 13:58:31 +0100 writes: > Hi all, > I know this issue has been discussed a few times in the past already, > but Martin Maechler suggested in a bug report [1] that I raise it here. > > Basically, there is no (easy) way of printing NAs for all variables > when calling xtabs() on factors. Passing 'exclude=NULL, > na.action=na.pass' works for character vectors, but not for factors. > [ yes, but your example below is *not* showing that ... so may be a bit confusing !] {Reason: stringsAsFactors etc} > > test <- data.frame(x=c("a",NA)...