search for: xrcise

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "xrcise".

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2009 Nov 23
xrcise not working
Hi. I''m back. Unfortunately I can''t get xrcise working. Here is the sample xrc file and the resulting error messages: =============== TestWxFb.xrc ========================================= <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <resource xmlns=""...
2009 Aug 10
xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc
I built a small form in wxFormBuilder. In cmd i wrote xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc output was C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.22/lib/wx_sugar/xrc/outputter.rb:4 6:in `clean_id_attr_readers'': undefined method `each'' for #<String:0xba5850> (No MethodError) from (erb):16:in `output'' from C:/ruby/lib/r...
2009 Nov 24
xrcise now works
...a routine to string should also work but it didn''t for me. Thanks for your help. -Philip ===== from RubyForge ========== Date: 2009-11-18 00:25 Sender: Konstantin Shabanov After changing ''each'' method to ''each_line'' in outputter.rb on lines 39 and 46 xrcise code generation seems to be working. ================================ From: Mario Steele <> To: General discussion of wxRuby <> Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:24:32 -0500 Subject: Re: [wxruby-users] xrcise not working Hello Philip, The problem...
2008 Aug 12
xrc panels using xrcise
Hi all, I''m facing a problem generating base classes using xrcise. i''ve this xrc layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <resource version="" xmlns=""> <object class="wxFrame" name="ID_NOTIFIER" subclass="notifier"> &...
2007 Nov 12
XRCise says "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard"
I have created a very simple DialogBlocks project that consists of a very simple wxWizard. I have exported the project to XRC and am trying to get XRCise to process it. XRCise produces the message "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard". Is this a symptom of the XPath parsing in Ruby 1.8.6 bug? Or am I doing something wrong? My env: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i386-mswin32] wxruby-1.9.2-i386-mswin32 wx_sugar 0.1.19 Win...
2010 Jun 22
Stuck noobie: XRC/xrcise woes
...uninitialized constant" error for that widget when I run my program. I don''t understand it at all. The two widgets are the same, except they have different class names and different id names. Is there some limit (a limit of 1) to the number of classes you can create in an XRC file or xrcise-generated rb file? Do you have to get DialogBlocks to create separate files for each new class apart from the first class, or something? I am sure I am missing something simple. But I have spent hours on this, and can''t figure it out. Please! Help! Me! warm regards John Below is everyt...
2009 Mar 27
xrciser problem
I built a Windows GUI using DialogBlocks v4.29, saved the resulting XRC for processing with wxRuby''s xrciser tool. Following Ruby products installed: wxRuby is v 2.0.0 wxSugar is v0.1.22 Ruby is v1.9.1 Rubygems is v1.3.1 Running xrciser on the file gives the following: C:\ruby>xrcise -o toolgui.rb tool.xrc c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/wx_sugar-0.1.22/lib/wx_sugar/xrc/outputter.rb:4 6:in `clean_...
2007 Nov 02
xrcise tutorial, undefined method ''upper_bt''
Hi I''m trying to follow the tutorial on xrcise at But I keep getting the following error when I try to run the example; tutorial.rb:21:in `initialize'': undefined method ''upper_bt'' for #<CaseChangeFrame:0x2d610f8> (NoMethodError) from tutorial.rb:28:in...
2008 Mar 05
wxruby, XRC, DialogBlock
I''ve been trying to figure out the best method for generating GUI''s with Ruby. I ended up using DialogBlock because it seems like the fastest way. But not I have to work backwards and have not done this before. How do I go from the file I generate in DialogBlock to a code in Ruby? -- Posted via
2007 Oct 23
wxSugar 0.1.18
Coinciding with the wxRuby 1.9.2 release, we''ve got a new version of wxSugar to go with it: or gem install wx_sugar == WHAT''S NEW == The main exciting new feature in this release is a new tool called "xrcise" to make working with visual GUI designers such as DialogBlocks *much* easier. This tool generates all the code you need to load Dialogs, Frames and Panels from XRC (XML layouts), and will create ruby accessor methods for controls in those Frames, and extend controls with ruby modules. The...
2010 Aug 12
wxRichTextCtrl not Working through wxFormBuilder
I''ve used wxFormBuilder to put a wxRichTextCtrl on my form. After doing this, I run xrcise and try to use the control. The variable for the rich text control is a FixNum. On examination, I saw that the class name in the xrc file is "unknown". Is there no way to use this control without manually laying out the controls - or writing this routine in C++? Does anyone know a workar...
2007 Nov 08
wxSugar 0.1.19
Hi We''ve just released an updated version of wxSugar, version 0.1.19. The only change in this version is that it contains a workaround for a ?bug introduced in REXML packaged with ruby 1.8.6, that meant that the XRCise tool[1] would not work properly. alex [1]
2009 Apr 02
Controlling vertical position
First, I want to thank everyone here who''s been helping me learn wxRuby. The biggest problem I''m having is getting the layout of a screen right. Right now, I have a dialog with several controls on it. With one exception, it looks good. I''m using wxFormBuilder and Xrcise to do the generation. I''m using nested box sizers to try to get things into the right positions. On the upper corner of the screen, I have a box sizer (HORIZONTAL) with a label and a text edit control. Horizontally, they are perfect. They are, however, at the top of the sizer, and I'...
2009 Mar 19
xrc file and WxGrid
Has anyone any experience with using a XRC file that setsup a Wx::Grid? I''m using wxFormBuilder, in which I setup a grid in a boxsizer, with column names and all. But when I render it via Ruby the grid is just a small empty gray box, and I can''t seem to manipulate it at all. I tried adding columns, resizing columns, populating it with data, etc. but still nothing. I look at the
2007 Sep 26
development status, 1.9.2
Hi all Just a quick update on recent SVN activity: * added Sound and CollapsiblePane classes * added the XRC tool to wxSugar * fixed some XRC bugs in Window * added syntax sugar for event handlers and list-like controls * added some missing methods in Sizer Sean - I''m away for about 10 days from this weekend, and I''m thinking of doing a 1.9.2 release in the next day or two.
2007 Dec 22
release plans
...o have some ruby changes which could be useful for us, but I think it would be better to move to this version after the 1.9.3 release. I''ve just checked in a bunch of code to wxSugar that translates XRC (eg from DialogBlocks) into pure (wx)Ruby code. This is going to be integrated into xrcise - this approach has a lot of advantages over our current way of just scaffolding the XmlResource loader code. So we may be able to put a WxSugar release out first with this and Jari''s syntax enhancements. Anything I''ve missed, or other work we need to do, please say... Lastly...
2007 Nov 14
[ wxruby-Bugs-15633 ] Cannot load a subclass of Wx::Wizard from XRC
...signed to: Nobody (None) Summary: Cannot load a subclass of Wx::Wizard from XRC Initial Comment: XRC allows a top-level window to be derived from Wx::Wizard. However, it is not possible to load this into wxRuby. Using load_dialog_subclass does not work - WxWidgets complains. This is a problem for XRCise, among others ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting:
2010 Nov 13
Scrolling / wxPanel / wxFlexGridSizer an .xrc file containing: ... wxStaticBoxSizer (horizontal, stretch factor 1, expanded vertically) wxPanel (stretch factor 1, expanded vertically) ... In the ruby file invoking the interface I have: require ''wx'' require ''loadgui.rb'' # from xrcise class MyApp < MyGUI def on_init # Sizer holding key value pairs @settings_sizer = @settings_sizer.add_growable_col(1, 1) # wxPanel holding the sizer above @panel = ''ID_SETTINGS'' ) @panel.sizer = @settings_...
2009 Nov 28
'Are you sure?' custom dialog not exiting cleanly
The following program does not exit cleanly after pressing ''Yes'' when asked ''Are you sure''? How do I free up the resources after exiting? You can use wxsugar (xrcise) to try out this mini program if you wish to create sample1.rb . Thank you. -Philip =========== asample1.rb ==================================================== require ''wx'' require ''sample1.rb'' class DIA_Frame < DiaFrame def on_init set_affirmative...
2010 Jan 24
Where can I find a list of events for each widget?
I''ve searched the documentation like crazy but I can''t seem to find the events for each of the widgets. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via