search for: writedoc

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "writedoc".

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2007 May 18
How to extract R codes that embedded in a HTML file
...roper > driver available (like RweaveHTML driver for Sweave)? If yes, does R2HTML > package have plans to provide a such driver? > ....Tao The following does the trick for me: R> mytangle <- function () list(setup = RtangleSetup, runcode = utils:::RtangleRuncode, writedoc = RtangleWritedoc, finish = utils:::RtangleFinish, checkopts = RweaveHTMLOptions) R> Stangle("/PATH/TO/R/SITE-LIBRARY/R2HTML/samples/example1.snw", driver=mytangle) Writing to file example1.R Best, Fritz
2011 Mar 23
Sweave: multiple graphic formats, e.g. win.metafile, envir=.GlobalEnv)}) if(inherits(err, "try-error")) stop(err) } )) , after=epsline2) runcode <- eval(parse(text=runcodesrc)) } runcode <- makeruncode() list(setup = setup, runcode = runcode, writedoc = utils::RweaveLatexWritedoc, finish = utils::RweaveLatexFinish, checkopts = utils::RweaveLatexOptions) } This enhanced Sweave driver works for me like a charm, but it is a very poor solution. What about allowing for all available grDevices on the current platform - besides the standard...
2015 Jun 29
Support for transparency in metafile export & support for export to Powerpoint
...quot;Title and Content" ) mydoc = addTitle( mydoc, "Plot examples" ) myplot = qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length , data = iris, color = Species , size = Petal.Width, alpha = I(0.7) ) mydoc = addPlot( mydoc, function( ) print( myplot ), vector.graphic=TRUE) writeDoc( mydoc, file = "test plot.pptx" ) I was thinking it could be nice though to provide this capability also in base R - so that e.g. windows() plot(...) File...Save as...would also provide an option to save as Powerpoint, with options for the width, height, font and font size used for expo...
2020 Jul 08
Adding RtangleRuncode and RtangleFinish to exports of utils
...Could R-Core consider adding 'RtangleRuncode' and 'RtangleFinish' to the exports of utils. Their weave equivalent 'makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner' and ?'RweaveLatexFinish' are exported, as well as the other tangle utility functions 'RtangleSetup' and 'RtangleWritedoc'. The rationale is not just symmetry. ;-) I'm finishing a small package that will provide "enhanced" drivers for Sweave that are heavily based on the standard RweaveLatex and Rtangle drivers. So much so that I can reuse most of the utiity functions called by RweaveLatex() and R...
2015 Jul 04
Support for transparency in metafile export & support for export to Powerpoint
...h"]-w)/2, offy = (pagesize["height"]-h)/2, width = w, height = h) } else {doc = addPlot( doc, myplot, vector.graphic = vector.graphic, fontname = fontname, pointsize = pointsize, width = w, height = h)} writeDoc( doc, paste0(file,ext) ) } export2ppt = function(type="PPT", ...) export2office(type=type,...) export2doc = function(type="DOC", ...) export2office(type=type,...) # Examples: require(ggplot2) qplot(Sepal.Length, Petal.Length, data = iris, color = Species, size = Petal.Width,...