search for: wischik

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "wischik".

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2003 Jul 30
Plotting a function with curve()
...not work, whereas > myf <- function(y) y^2 > curve(myf, from=0,to=1) work? For the former, I get the error message Error in curve(function(y) y^2, from = 0, to = 1) : 'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x' I'm using R1.7.0 under Windows XP. Damon Wischik.
2003 Jan 10
Superposed histograms
...panel.histogram for the cumulative data first, then panel.histogram for just the data on men, with a different colour, I could achieve the effect. But I'd need to superpose the accumulated data, and panel.superpose seems to only separate the data by group, not accumulate data by group. Damon Wischik.
2003 Mar 10
...t I want with the biplot command. 2. I would like to not plot arrows but instead plot axes for the variables, as suggested by Gower & Hand (1996). Or, ideally, plot axis lines which extend on either side of the origin, as far as the maximum and minimum observed value for that variable. Damon Wischik.
2003 Jan 17
Negative Binomial modelling
I have some data which I am trying to fit with a negative binomial distribution. I have found the glm.nb function from MASS. I have reason to believe that the mean parameter mu depends on certain factors, and that the shape parameter theta depends on others. If, say, the factors are P and Q, it might be that mu ~ P:Q and theta ~ P (where mu ~ P:Q means that mu is a function of the pair (P,Q))
2003 Feb 01
Trouble with optim thinks it has found an optimum (i.e. minimum). But my initial guess is better than optim's answer; and optim has visited many points which are better than its final answer. If I choose a different initial guess, like c(.7,10.3,1), optim reaches the answer I expect. What is going on? Damon Wischik. I'm running R 1.6.2 on Windows 2000. tells me: sysname: Windows version: (build 2195) Service Pack 2 machine: x86 release: NT 5.0 R.Version() tells me: platform: i386-pc-mingw32 arch: i386 os: mingw32 system: i386, mingw32 status: R.version.string: R version 1.6.2, 2003-01-10...
2007 Sep 05
compatibility with Tripps SMART/OMNI/OMNISMART ?
I've having trouble understanding the NUT compatibility page. Is it compatible with the OMNISMART300? Or the OMNI900LCD? The compatibility page said for instance SMART550 -- tripplite_usb SmartUPS -- tripplite OMNI650LCD -- usbhid_ups so I'm not sure if an OMNISMART300 is like a Smart, or a SMART, or an OMNI, or even if it's supported at all. Thanks in advance for any help!
2007 Apr 17
format() applied to an NA character string (PR#9616)
I get strange results when I try to format() an NA character string. > x <- 'sometext' > x[1] <- NA > format(NA, width=32) # displays sensibly, right-justified > format(x,width=32) # displays sensibly, left-justified > format(x,width=33) # displays "" > format(x,width=36) # R exits abnormally with code 5 > version platform i386-pc-mingw32
2003 Mar 02
ESS+R not closing gracefully
I am having trouble with ESS+R. I don't know if it is an ESS problem or an R problem, so I'm posting to this mailing list in the first instance. I am using R 1.6.2, Windows XP (latest updates installed), XEmacs 21.4, and ESS 5.1.21. I have experienced the same problem under Windows 2000 and recent versions of Emacs and ESS (though my current Windows XP installation is from scratch, and
2007 Jan 31
possible spam alert
...26 Jan ripley at ( 26) | |-> 42 26 Jan Qin Xin ( 9) | `->[R] how could I add legends 43 27 Jan Ko-Kang Kevin Wang ( 31) | `-> 44 N 26 Jan Remigijus Lapinskas ( 32) |->Re: [R] Plotting coloured his 45 N 26 Jan Damon Wischik (125) `-> 46 N 25 Jan Rex_Bryan at ( 10) [R] plotting primatives, ellipse 47 N 25 Jan Uwe Ligges ( 19) `-> As Martin Maechler explained some time ago, it also screws up the archives for a similar reason. Your cooperation will be greatly...
2003 Dec 17
Factor names & levels
When I alter the levels of a factor, why does it alter the names too? f <- factor(c(A="one",B="two",C="one",D="one",E="three"), levels=c("one","two","three")) names(f) -- gives [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" levels(f) <-
2004 Apr 22
Trouble with HTML search engine
There have been a number of posts to this list by people having trouble with the HTML search engine. Often these troubles are caused by incorrect setups (user hasn't installed Java properly, or Java is disabled, or Javascript is disabled). Sometimes the trouble persists even when Java is installed properly. I have written an alternative HTML search engine, which is based on Javascript rather
2003 Jan 27
Please begin a new subject if your post isn't a response to a previous one
...26 Jan ripley at ( 26) | |-> 42 26 Jan Qin Xin ( 9) | `->[R] how could I add legends 43 27 Jan Ko-Kang Kevin Wang ( 31) | `-> 44 N 26 Jan Remigijus Lapinskas ( 32) |->Re: [R] Plotting coloured his 45 N 26 Jan Damon Wischik (125) `-> 46 N 25 Jan Rex_Bryan at ( 10) [R] plotting primatives, ellipse 47 N 25 Jan Uwe Ligges ( 19) `-> As Martin Maechler explained a month or so ago, it also screws up the archives for a similar reason. This is a request to anyone w...
2003 Jun 27
Interpretation of loess
...d enough about loess to know if it's appropriate. Is loess suitable for dealing with this sort of Bernoulli data? Is there a different smoothing function which it would be "correct" for me to use? Does anyone have recommendations about good ways to visualise this sort of data? Damon Wischik.
2003 Oct 15
tkcanvas/bitmap for Turtle World
...Windows) ? - is there an utility to rotate bitmap in BMP format (2 colors) working on the PC? (found some for UNIX/LINUX but none on PC). - is there a simpler way? Sorry if the question is not exactly R but I am learning to use canvas widget from tcltk package (thanks to Barry Rowlings and Damon Wischik for their replies to my previous post). Gabriel Here is my function: setTurtle<-function(turtle,x,y,angle) { if(angle!=turtle$angle) { path<-"@c:/Docume~1/Owner/MyDocu~1/MyWork~1/MILAN/UNIHSR/R/turtle_bitmap/" # select bitmap file (turtle000.xbm, turtle045.xb...
2003 Jul 26
A model for disease progression
I would be grateful for advice about the following problem. It's not directly R-related, but I'm hoping that R will help me analyse the following data. I have a table which indicates the progression of a certain age-related disease. At a certain point in time, a population was sampled; and I have measurements for the age of each individual, and their disease stage. (Disease stage is an
2003 Jan 20
Adding reference lines to xyplot
I'm trying to add a set of reference lines to a multipanel xyplot xyplot(y ~ x | Visit, panel = function(x, y, ...){ panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) abline(v = c(0.5, 1)) }) However, the reference lines are different for different visits. For example, for the first 2 visits, I'd like vertical lines at x = 0.5 and 1. For visits 3 and four, I'd like vertical lines at x = 1 and 1.5. I can
2003 Sep 02
Hangup on save.image () / q ()
Dear all, I am doing some data handling and tabualtions and then I am using glmmPQL to fit a binomial hierarchical model (which I assign to a new object). If I do a save.image () or a q ('yes') after this, I get the following warning messages: Warning messages: 1: namespaces may not be available when loading 2: names in persistent strings are currently ignored Sometimes R seems to
2003 Sep 04
Overlaying graphs
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok at> To: <paul at> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:56 AM Subject: Re: [R] Overlaying graphs > I do not know how to overlay the curve graphic on top of hist graphic. > > Do you know about the "add=TRUE" option for plot()? > > I am hoping to show visually
2003 Jul 14
Multipanel weighted regression lines.
Dear R-users, I am trying to create a multipanel scatter plot which displays weighted regression lines for each subgroup. I am having diffuculty figuring out how the Trellis multipanel plotting functions work, in general. Does someone know where there are some beginners examples on how to create and use functions in conjunction with the xyplot functions? Back to the matter at hand
2003 Jan 25
Plotting coloured histograms...
Hi, I am having some trouble trying to plot a histogram in more than one colour. What I want to do is, plot two vectors in the same histogram, but with different colours, for instance: > x <- rnorm(1000,20,4); > y <- rnorm(1000,10,2); Then I'd like to have x and y ploted on the same hist (I can do that already doing w <- c(x,y) then hist(w)) but the bars