search for: wamrewam

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "wamrewam".

2013 Feb 25
ActiveRecord associations: design question
Hi guys, In my Rails app, I have three models: A, B and C, with the following relationships: - B hasMany C - C belongsTo B I would like A to "has_one" instance of B+C. By that I mean A needs to be linked to a specific instance of B AND a specific instance of C. My first guess would be to create a fourth object, say B_plus_C that would: - belongs to B - belongs to C - belongs to A Is
2010 Jan 10
Need advice: threads or Typhoeus?
Hi guys, I need my app to make a few hundreds requests to external web services as quickly as possible. The web services are fairly fast, but still: if I do the requests one after the other, it is too slow. My understanding is I have two options: a- Threads. b- Typhoeus Typhoeus seems great. Yet, the web services are all quite different (some are SOAP, some REST...) and therefore wrapped into
2009 Oct 04
Problem using ActiveRecord find with :joins and :select
Hi guys, When I do: temp = User.find(:all, :joins => "INNER JOIN contents ON users.agent_id =", :select => ",, users.u_date") temp.first.inspect It seems to work fine, but it only returns: #<User id: 6, u_date: "2009-10-03 19:32:23"> but not the information. I
2013 Jan 03
How to avoid simple race conditions with Session?
Here is the situation: - the client makes a request - it is followed by AJAX polling The server needs to keep track of some stuff during this process. I have been using the Session and it "mostly" works… until the user decides to open another tab in her browser and she makes a new, parallel request. In this case, the data from the two requests is merged, which leads to bugs. This got
2012 Apr 02
Pessimistic locking locks the entire table?
Hi guys, I must be missing something obvious with pessimistic locking. Here is what I do (Rails 2.3, mySQL): In my Foo model: def test Foo.transaction do lock = UpdateLockForFoo.find_by_foo_id(, :lock => true) sleep 30 end end For each Foo model, I have an UpdateLockForFoo. This "lock" needs to be acquired before doing any changes to Foo. I believe it works,
2010 Feb 07
Tip to compile a 32bit version of Ruby on Snow Leopard
Hi guys, I hope it''s not too off topic on a Rails forum, but I spent so much time on this I thought I should share it here - hopefully it will help other people. I had to compile a 32bit (i386) version of Ruby 1.8.7 on Snow Leopard (my app is using a 32bit only lib). So I configured the compilation as such: ./configure CFLAGS="-arch i386 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=1" LDFLAGS="-arch
2010 Jun 02
Multiple threads writing to the same Starling queue doesn't work?
Hi guys, I can''t find a clear answer to this: is it possible/correct to have several threads write to the same Starling queue at the "same time"? It doesn''t seem reliable according to my tests - but maybe I am doing something wrong. If I do: def test_starling FooWorker.asynch_foo_test(:my_id => ''foo'') temp = [] for i in 1..1000 temp
2010 Aug 02
How to monitor Cron jobs?
Hi guys, I understand how to monitor long running processes with monit or god, but I don''t understand how to monitor Cron jobs (for memory bloating notably) since such processes - always have different PIDs when they start - are precisely supposed to stop when they are done, then restart when asked (vs running all the time). I have been looking on the web for a while, but