search for: versendet

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "versendet".

2007 May 21
coefficients regression
...would like to calculate a polynomial regression with R, but I don't get the same coefficients as when using SPSS. Is there a way to transform the coefficients? I use: regression <- lm (biomass ~ poly (temperature, 2)) Thank you, Romana Limberger ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail (
2006 Aug 16
fitting truncated normal distribution
...= lower & x <= upper, value = numeric(0)) : nichts zu ersetzen" I don't know, where to enter the lower/upper value. Is there a possibility to program the dtnorm function by myself? Thank you very much in advance for your help, markus ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail (
2018 Mar 03
Re: Upgrade to bre aks server
...special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Junk { special_use = \Junk } mailbox Papierkorb { special_use = \Trash } mailbox Sent { special_use = \Sent } mailbox "Sent Messages" { special_use = \Sent } mailbox Trash { special_use = \Trash } mailbox "Versendete Nachrichten" { special_use = \Sent } prefix = separator = . } passdb { driver = pam } plugin { imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Spam imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:/usr/li...
2007 Aug 03
modify header in deliver
hi, is it possible to modify the mail-header (subject) within the deliver process (maybe by a lda-plugin)? I have tried to write a simple plugin for this, but I cannot find a way to modify the mail befor writing it to the mailbox. Reinhard ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail ( Hier spielt die Musik! ?ber zwei Millionen Songs zum Downloaden.
2005 Aug 07
dovecot-auth: BUG: login gave a PID of existing connection
...t i have some trouble with dovecot. wenn i try to log in with telnet lovalhost 143 /var/log/maillog says: dovecot-auth: BUG: login gave a PID of existing connection. can someone please give me an hint or a link to solve this problem. yours, martin. ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail (
2013 May 02
[Attachment has been removed]Audio Mode vs. VoIP Mode
...ith a not allowed filetype. Please inform the sender to pack this type of attachment into a password protected ZIP-archive. Eine an Sie gesendete E-Mail enthielt einen nicht erlaubten Dateianhang. Bitte informieren Sie den Absender, diese Art von Anhang kann nur als Passwort gesch?tztes ZIP-Archiv versendet werden. Details: Sender: Christian.vanBijleveld at Recipients: opus at Subject: "Audio Mode vs. VoIP Mode" Time: Thu May 2 17:09:35 2013 File: AUDIOvsVOIP.emf The cleaned message body is below this line or in the attached e-mail. Die bereinigte E-Mail ist unter d...
2017 Oct 25
authenticate as userA, but get authorization to user userB's account
...Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrt?mlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese E-Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren, sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail oder von Teilen dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. Jede von der Binect GmbH versendete Mail ist sorgf?ltig erstellt worden, dennoch schlie?en wir die rechtliche Verbindlichkeit aus; sie kann nicht zu einer irgendwie gearteten Verpflichtung zu Lasten der Binect GmbH ausgelegt werden. Wir haben alle verkehrs?blichen Ma?nahmen unternommen, um das Risiko der Verbreitung virenbefallener...
2006 May 10
Codebook decoding help
...ich shows on an example, how many bytes (8 bit) we have to read and what data these bytes are containing because we haven't any plan how this things with the sparse, ordered and flag bit-flags are working. Thanks a lot! Sincerely, Thomas Guettinger ------------------------------------------- Versendet durch aonWebmail (
2016 Nov 17
Good email client to use with Dovecot?
...Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrt?mlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese E-Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren, sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail oder von Teilen dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. Jede von der Binect GmbH versendete Mail ist sorgf?ltig erstellt worden, dennoch schlie?en wir die rechtliche Verbindlichkeit aus; sie kann nicht zu einer irgendwie gearteten Verpflichtung zu Lasten der Binect GmbH ausgelegt werden. Wir haben alle verkehrs?blichen Ma?nahmen unternommen, um das Risiko der Verbreitung virenbefallener...
2018 Mar 06
Authentification fails in dovecot
...special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Junk { special_use = \Junk } mailbox Papierkorb { special_use = \Trash } mailbox Sent { special_use = \Sent } mailbox "Sent Messages" { special_use = \Sent } mailbox Trash { special_use = \Trash } mailbox "Versendete Nachrichten" { special_use = \Sent } prefix = separator = . } passdb { driver = pam } plugin { imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Spam imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:/usr/li...
2020 Feb 12
Identify multiple users doing reverse port FWD with their pubkeys
Hi Jochen, On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 at 00:16, Jochen Bern <Jochen.Bern at> wrote: > > On 02/11/2020 07:07 PM, Cl?ment P?ron wrote: > > - I have X devices (around 30) and one SSH server > > - Each of them have a unique public key and create one dynamic reverse > > port forwarding on the server > > - All of them connect with the same UNIX user (I don't
2018 Jun 19
Is there such a thing as "Password Safe Forwarding"?
Hello everyone, I work in a setting where remote logins are usually authenticated with SSH user keypairs, but many target accounts need to have a password set nonetheless (to use with sudo, log in via remote KVM, etc.) and cannot be put under a central user administration like LDAP. Enter a corporate password policy that requires passwords to be complex, different everywhere, and of limited
2020 Jan 13
Adding SNI support to SSH
Hi, On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 03:16:00PM +0000, Jochen Bern wrote: > Out of interest: > 1. If an extended mechanism were to be implemented, which server pubkey > do you expect to be seen/stored/verified by the client? The proxy's > / v4 middlebox's, or the v6 backend's? Or would you require that all > server-side machines use the *same* host keypairs? I'd do
2016 Nov 28
Antispam plugin: insufficent error messages
...special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Junk { special_use = \Junk } mailbox Papierkorb { special_use = \Trash } mailbox Sent { special_use = \Sent } mailbox "Sent Messages" { special_use = \Sent } mailbox Trash { special_use = \Trash } mailbox "Versendete Nachrichten" { special_use = \Sent } prefix = separator = . } passdb { driver = pam } plugin { antispam_backend = dspam antispam_debug_target = syslog antispam_dspam_binary = /usr/bin/dspam antispam_dspam_env = HOME=%h;USER=%u antispam_signature = X-DSPAM-Signature an...
2017 Apr 21
System load spike on dovecot reload
Hi everyone, I'm running dovecot with quite a lot of users and lots of active imap connections (like 20'000). I'm using different user IDs for users, so I need to have imap {service_count=1} - i.e. I have a lots of imap processes running. Everything works fine, until I reload dovecot configuration. When that happen, every client is forced to relogin in the same time and that
2017 Oct 25
authenticate as userA, but get authorization to user userB's account
Hello, given a small organization. There are *personal* mailboxes (mailbox per user, incl. subfolders et cetera). The users can share specic folders via the ACL (we call it "other users/", Dovecot calls it "shared" folder. Additionally there are mailboxes Dovecot calls "public" (we use the term "groups/"). They are not associated with a specific account,
2017 Aug 21
pop 110/995, imap 143/993 ?
If I read this correctly, starttls will fail due to the MITM attack. That is the client knows security has been compromised. Using SSL/TLS, the MITM can use SSL stripping. Since most Postifx conf use "may" for security, the message would go though unencrypted. Correct??? Is there something to enable for perfect forward security with starttls? ? Original Message ? From: s.arcus at
2016 Nov 17
Good email client to use with Dovecot?
Hi all, When I use an email client, its purpose is as a window into my Dovecot IMAP, and as a mechanism to reply to and send emails. I don't do filtering or calendaring on my email client (filtering via procmail direct to Dovecot). What email clients are all of you using to look at your IMAP email? Thanks, SteveT Steve Litt November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own
2018 Sep 06
Some wishes regarding revoked keys
Hello. I am trying to play through the following test scenario about certificate revocation on Ubuntu 18.04, which has OpenSSH of this version: OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4, OpenSSL 1.0.2n? 7 Dec 2017 1. A CA key is created ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ca 2. The CA public key is added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on some server: cert-authority ssh-ed25519 AAAA...e ca at yoga 3. A user key is created on a