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2020 Jul 02
Integration of VAST Plugin
Hello, icecast provides something like a plugin for vast ads system? Or we have to custom parse the xml and create some playlist to add a preroll mp3 to another stream live? Thanks. BR
2020 Jul 02
Integration of VAST Plugin
As far as I know, the most common practice is handling the ads insertment at the client side. eg. at the player level. I know that videojs got a vast plugin: as well as JWPlayer: However this method has one drawback, Adblock addons will target most VAST requests and disable the advertisements.. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML at...
2020 Jul 02
Integration of VAST Plugin
2009 Jan 13
PCA loadings differ vastly!
hi, I have two questions: #first (SPSS vs. R): I just compared the output of different PCA routines in R (pca, prcomp, princomp) with results from SPSS. the loadings of the variables differ vastly! in SPSS the variables load constantly higher than in R. I made sure that both progr. use the correlation matrix as basis. I found the same problem with rotated values (varimax rotation and rtex=T rotation). can anyone comment ? second: princomp(data, cor=T, rtex=T)$loadings vs. princomp(d...
1998 Mar 08
vast quantity of samba messages on comp.os.linux.networking
i thought i'd review some of the newsgroups to see if there were any samba related questions. i've been on it for half an hour now, on _one_ newsgroup (comp.os.linux.networking) - approx 20/25 out of 1841. if anyone follows newsgroups for fun, answering questions, then can i ask you the small favour of occasionally also randomly reviewing this and other suitable newsgroups
2012 Jan 05
Blocking countries with shorewall
...gayleard /at/ tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366 s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don''t need a complex infrastructure or vast IT resources to deliver seamless, secure access to virtual desktops. With this all-in-one solution, easily deploy virtual desktops for less than the cost of PCs and save 60% on VDI infrastructure costs. Try it free!
2010 Jul 03
sambaLogonScript problem
...having trouble in deploying by group sambaLogonScript. My scripts consist only im mapping network folders. I'm using Samba 3.4.7. Is there a way to debug this? The logs does not show anything about the logon scripts. All my users are set with "%G.bat" in the ldap backend, but the vast majority of the users are not running the scripts, or running partially. Tks in advance. -- Leonardo Carneiro
2007 Dec 08
disconnect after too many errors?
There are a couple of jerks that are tying to dictionary attack my email server, and one of the vectors is pop3/imap logins. Something I would like to do in dovecot, but can't seem to find, is the ability to disconnect after a certain number of errors. The vast majority of my users (i.e. me) don't hand-type POP3 or IMAP transactions, but when we do, we know how to spell things properly. Does dovecot have this? A simiple look shows no. -- I wouldn't mind dying -- it's that business of having to stay dead that scares the shit out of me....
2018 May 05
Slow IR compilation/JIT, profiling points to LLVM?
I'm having issues of my compiler, and JIT execution, of LLVM IR being rather slow. It's accounting for the vast majority of my full compilation time.  I'm trying to figure out why this is happening, since it's becoming an impediment.  (Note: by slow I mean about 3s of time for only about 2K of my front-end code, 65K lines of LLVM-IR) Using valgrind I see some functions which seem out of place and a...
2018 Sep 25
RFC Storing BB order in llvm::Instruction for faster local dominance
> On Sep 24, 2018, at 10:19 AM, Reid Kleckner <rnk at> wrote: > > To echo what Hal said, yes, it's a major change, but I think the improved complexity guarantees, simplicity, and elimination of certain classes of bugs is worth it. > > I think we have consensus that we should go forward with this. Would anyone mind formally stamping it in phab? So far everyone
2009 Nov 30
Learning R
...n only raising  queries and in turn got them solved too and I really thank for the spirit this group member show when it comes to the guidance. I wish to learn R language and I have given 2 months time for this. Can anyone please guide me as how do I begin i.e. from basics to advance. R is such a vast thing to learn, so I wish to learn it step by step without getting lost at any stage. Please guide me where do I start and upgrade myself to higher level step by step. Regards Julia ************************************************ Only a man of Worth sees Worth in other men ************...
2011 Aug 17
Getting vastly different results when running GLMs
...9;loc*behav' I get yet another set of results that match neither the first R GLM results, nor the original results from the other program. I have checked the model for overdispersion and found that it is not overdispersed. What am I doing wrong here? How can the same dataset be generating such vastly different outcomes? I suspect that it may lie in the way in which the model is fitted (R does iteratively reweighted least squares whereas, Statistica may use something entirely different; what exactly, I have no clue...) but I am none the wiser in this regard, so I really don't know. Regard...
2009 Jul 08
rsync Windows to opensolaris or linux
I know this subject has been covered a fair bit here but I'm getting confused with the vast array of possible options I've seen in various cmdlines posted here, and the vast (and sometimes confusing) rsync manual. Can someone show me the simplest case to allow rsync to push data from a windows XP or vista machine onto an opensolaris host using rsync on cygwin? What options are comm...
2005 Dec 19
...trying to add a network interface card to my SUSE 9.3 box, and I'm not having much luck with a US Robotics version. What manufacturer do any of you use in your machines--either 10/100MB or GigE NIC? Thanks Eric Hines There is no nonsense so errant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action. --Bertrand Russell
2003 Oct 07
Samba 3.0 is WORKING
I would just like to give a success report, since this list gets mostly bugs and questions.. Due mainly to the help that this list provided, I am now able to successfully deploy Linux/Samba servers in our corporate domain, and allow remote offices to function as part of our vast windows domain. Things are working, and the $$$ it has saved us is almost unmeasurable. Again, thanks for your help, and keep up the good work!! It took me a while to admit it, but heck, samba is pretty cool.. ;) Gabriel Matthews Network Support Cinergy Communications "No. I am your fathe...
2019 Aug 15
NT style domain users on Win10 cannot connect WIFI
hi guys, I realize it's not necessarily Samba type of a question but since this community here is vast with lots of win experience I thought I'd poke - same one winstation(ver. 1903) and computer's domain users when logged in can connect WIFI no problems, only Samba domain users cannot (to the same WIFIs). Anybody? many thanks, L.
2015 Jul 29
Fedora change that will probably affect RHEL
Warren Young wrote: > No, I am making the assumption that the vast majority of CentOS installs > are racked up in datacenters, VPS hosts, etc. Is that true, I wonder? For some reason Fedora and CentOS seem reluctant to find out anything about their users (or what their users want). Is anything known about the ratio of RHEL to CentOS machines? -- Timothy Mu...
2018 Sep 25
RFC Storing BB order in llvm::Instruction for faster local dominance
...hat the typical > distribution of local dominance queries actually are. You could take your > patch here and have it instrument the “Instruction::comesBefore” method to > log the distance between the instruction numbers to a file and generate a > histogram of them. My bet is that the vast vast vast majority of them > will be small (and I’d guess a HUGE number of them have a distance of > +1/-1, whose query can be resolved without computing a numbering in the > first place). > > Can you do that experiment and report back, e.g. on the SemaChecking.cpp > testcase? &gt...
2012 Feb 21
Jazzing up the Task Views index page
...n R home page). The index page is rather plain, so I designed a more engaging one. The result of my effort is now here: Having done that, I even considered that something like that could replace the R Homepage. Giving new visitors an idea of the vast range of techniques and application areas available in R would seem to be better than the current graphic which has been there since perhaps 2004. Comments, thoughts, flames, etc? Barry
2017 Aug 23
Aw: Dovecot - Postfix Calender Synchronisation
We murdered web applications with a chainsaw. Web 2.0 has too many security holes. On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Mihai Badici <mihai at> wrote: > the vaste majority of web applications around use the same stack.