search for: vactor

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "vactor".

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2005 May 20
comparing a vactor of values in IF statement.
Hi, my vector V<- c(1,0.5,0.06,0.056,0.01,0.04,0.4,0.9,0.82,0.1) if( V > 0.5) { V <- 1 - V } I get a warning saying only the first element will be used in comparing (if V > 0.5). However, my results tell me vis-versa ,it actually compares every element of the vector V with 0.5 and that is waht i want it to do. Using a for loop is expensive and time consuming since my actual
2013 Mar 26
Counting various elemnts in a vactor
Dear R forum I have a vector say as given below df = c("F", "C", "F", "B", "D", "A", "D", "D", "A", "F", "D", "F", "B",    "C") I need to find (1) how many times each element occurs? e.g. in above vector F occurs 4 times, C occurs 2 times etc. (2)
2009 Sep 14
local sequence function
hey, I can not find a function for the following problem, hopefully you can help me. I have a vactor like this one v = c(NA,NA,TRUE,TRUE,NA,TRUE,NA,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE) and I would like to the TRUE values by the their "local sequence number". This means, the result should look thike this: c(NA,NA,1,2,NA,1,NA,1,2,3) Of course I could solve the problems using a loop, but this would be much...
2011 May 03
Axis trouble
Hello Everyone, I am having problem in defining specific axis for plotting a vactor. vecAVG <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4) names(vecAVG)<-c("brain","heart","kidney","lung","blood") par(mar=c(12,4.1,4.1, 2.1)) plot(sort(vecAVG,decreasing=TRUE),type="p",pch=19,col=...
2005 Mar 08
Non-linear minimization
...optim() : I would like to fit 3 parameters which must stay in a precise interval. For exemple with nlm() : fn<-function(p) sum((dN-estdata(p[1],p[2],p[3]))^2) out<-nlm(fn, p=c(4, 17, 5), hessian=TRUE,print.level=2) with estdata() a function which returns value to fit with dN (observed data vactor) My problem is that only optim() allows me to set parameters interval with "L-BFGS-B" method but this one doesn't work in my case. I have heard about nls2 package ( but it doesn't work on Windows. Do you know any solutions Thank's a lot for reading my post...
2009 Jun 22
Shapiro.test on data frame
Hi, I need help to perform a Shapiro.test on a data frame, I know that this test works only with vector but I guess there most be a way to permor it on a data frame instead of vactor by vector (i.e. I've got 40 variables to analyze and its kinda annoying to do it one by one) Thanks to anyone that can help me. Gonzalo Quiroga
2011 May 03
loading only parts of RData files?
Dear List members, I would like to load R objects saved as RData file but ran into the problem that these objects are too large for my RAM ('Can not allocate vactor of size XX...'). Switching to a Linux machine is no option, neither is raising the memory limit. I am now wondering whether it is possible to load only specific single objects saved in these *.RData files into the workspace. As these objects usually are multidimensional arrays, ideally I would...
2011 Apr 01
New Idea on Ranking in IR
...ver bothers to click on the next page of the retrieval rether he chooses to modify the query. In Laarning to Rank (Letor) we prepare the features which can represent a query document pair. So now after the initial retrieval we take say first 20 or 30 documents and represent them in form of feature vactors, now based on the training data our supervised leaning will give a score to each document for a particular query. For example if this learning is from regression then we have to learn 'W' vector which will give a score to the document vector by dot product. Here the features can be term f...
2008 Jul 26
Simple vector question.
...(Unknown) > The DayOfYear goes from 1:365. I would like to form a vector from this data where the length of the vector is 365 and the value at each index coeresponds to the sum of the Quantity column where DayOfYear equals the index. For example if I was to use just the sample above this new vactor call it 'DayOfYearSales' would be: DayOfYearSales[1] = 5 DayOfYearSales[2] = 6 Since in the snippet above only DayOfYear = 1:2 is shown. I want to continue the sum for the whole data frame. I am sure this is fairly easy. I just cannot find out how to do it. Once I figure this out...
2014 Oct 21
Seleccionar a partir del nombre de la columna
Buenas noches, estoy realizando un curso en linea sobre la ciencia de datos, en el proyecto a realizar estamos trabajando una data; tengo la inquietud de conocer la función que me permita seleccionar las columnas considerando sólo los nombres de éstas. Y no los valores. Por Ejemplo, si los nombres de las columnas incluyen ciertos caracteres, debo seleccionarlas. Saludos, Juan Carlos Venezuela
2010 Mar 13
Making multiple columns to a single column
Hi guys, I have a very simple question. I'm trying to make multiple columns to a single column. For example, *ttx1* is a 46*72 matrix. so, I tried this. *d1=ttx1[,1] d2=ttx1[,2] ... d72=ttx1[,72]* now, d1, d2, ...,d72 become a 46*1 matrix. And then.. I tried.. *dd=rbind(d1, d2, ..., d72)* I thought *dd* should be 3312*1 matrix; but it becomes 72*46. I really wanted to make it a single
2024 Jun 16
slowness when I use a list comprehension
...nts them). I find that while it is possible to import R thinking into Python, Python programmers seem to object for stylistic reasons even though such thinking speeds up Python also. A key step in that direction is to stop using lists directly for numeric calculations... use them to manage numeric vactors. In some cases you can switch to matrices or arrays to remove even more list manipulations from the script. library(microbenchmark) ratio_sampling <- 500 ## size of the first serie N1 <- 70000 ## size of the second serie N2 <- 100 ## mock data set.seed(123) vec1 <- rnorm(N1) vec2 &lt...
2016 Mar 23
clustering technique using lsi
Hello sir, You have interpreted correctly that clustering will be done by generating the ring around the Document(i.e. the basic idea of LSI). But it is not like increasing the radius and the next shell will be another cluster, Rather it would pick one document (based on relevance score) and form a ring around it to cluster the document, then from the remaining documents(not in the cluster but
2024 Jun 16
slowness when I use a list comprehension
...nts them). I find that while it is possible to import R thinking into Python, Python programmers seem to object for stylistic reasons even though such thinking speeds up Python also. A key step in that direction is to stop using lists directly for numeric calculations... use them to manage numeric vactors. In some cases you can switch to matrices or arrays to remove even more list manipulations from the script. library(microbenchmark) ratio_sampling <- 500 ## size of the first serie N1 <- 70000 ## size of the second serie N2 <- 100 ## mock data set.seed(123) vec1 <- rnorm(N1) vec2 &lt...
2024 Jun 16
slowness when I use a list comprehension
Laurent, Thank you for introducing me to a package I did not know existed as I use features like list comprehension in python all the time and could see using it in R now that I know it is available. As to why you see your example as slow, I see you used a fairly complex and nested expression and wonder if it was a better way to go. As you are dealing with an interpreter doing delayed
2019 Jun 03
[cfe-dev] [RFC] Expose user provided vector function for auto-vectorization.
Hi All, The original intend of this thread is to "Expose user provided vector function for auto-vectorization.” I originally proposed to use OpenMP `declare variant` for the sake of using something that is defined by a standard. The RFC itself is not about fully implementing the `declare variant` directive. In fact, given the amount of complication it is bringing, I would like to move the