search for: usescale

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "usescale".

2007 Sep 19
Robust or Sandwich estimates in lmer2
...ybody could offer me a suggestion I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Model-1: > p.mle<-lmer2(ddimer~race+steroid+psi+sofa+apache + (apache|subject), method="ML", data=final, robust=TRUE, cluster="id", weights=final$w) > beta=fixef(p.mle) > Vcov=vcov(p.mle, useScale=FALSE) > se=sqrt(diag(Vcov)) > beta (Intercept) race steroid psi sofa apache 5.826489820 -0.001920670 -0.242040171 0.005293996 0.075468340 0.009245152 > se [1] 0.108325229 0.058921371 0.055975547 0.001285687 0.018119089 0.002559902 Model-2: >...
2005 Jun 29
Extract fixed effects SE from lmer
Hi, Does anyone know how to extract fixed effects SE values from generalized linear mixed models estimated using the lmer function in the lme4 library? I searched attributes and structure with no luck. Thanks Frank A. La Sorte, Ph.D. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 USA
2004 Jul 06
lme: extract variance estimate
For a Monte Carlo study I need to extract from an lme model the estimated standard deviation of a random effect and store it in a vector. If I do a print() or summary() on the model, the number I need is displayed in the Console [it's the 0.1590195 in the output below] >print(fit) >Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood > Data: datag2 > Log-likelihood:
2006 Aug 21
Retrieving p-values and z values from lmer output
I can't find a way to retrieve z values and p-values from the output from lmer in the lme4 package. How is this done? Rick B.
2006 Jul 04
lmer print outs without T
Hi, I have been having a tedious issue with lmer models with lots of factors and lots of levels. In order to get the basic information at the beginning of the print out I also have to generate these enormous tables as well. Is there a method command to leave off all of the effects and correlations? Or, do I have to go to string commands?
2005 Dec 05
extracting p-values from lmer()
Dear R users, I've been struggling with the following problem: I want to extract the Wald p-value from an lmer() fit, i.e., consider library(lme4) n <- 120 x1 <- runif(n, -4, 4) x2 <- sample(0:1, n, TRUE) z <- rnorm(n) id <- 1:n N <- sample(20:200, n, TRUE) y <- rbinom(n, N, plogis(0.1 + 0.2 * x1 - 0.5 * x2 + 1.5 * z)) m1 <- lmer(cbind(y, N - y) ~ x1 + x2 + (1 | id),
2017 Dec 26
identifying convergence or non-convergence of mixed-effects regression model in lme4 from model output
...quot;)= chr [1:10] "ldL2" "ldRX2" "wrss" "ussq" ... ? ..$ dims: Named int [1:12] 1742 1742 10 1732 94 4 1 2 0 0 ... ? .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:12] "N" "n" "p" "nmp" ... ?$ isLmer????? : logi TRUE ?$ useScale??? : logi TRUE ?$ logLik????? :Class 'logLik' : -65 (df=15) ?$ family????? : NULL ?$ link??????? : NULL ?$ ngrps?????? : Named num [1:2] 36 29 ? ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "subj" "item" ?$ coefficients: num [1:10, 1:5] 7.00546 0.04234 -0.00258 0.0909...
2006 Jul 15
names() function and lmer()
Hello All, I would like to retrieve some of the results from the lmer(...) function in library lme4. If I run a model, say fm.1 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | x), data = dog) and try names(fm.1), I get NULL. Is there anyway to retrieve the information? Thanks
2006 Jan 10
extracting coefficients from lmer
Dear R-Helpers, I want to compare the results of outputs from glmmPQL and lmer analyses. I could do this if I could extract the coefficients and standard errors from the summaries of the lmer models. This is easy to do for the glmmPQL summaries, using > <- try(glmmPQL(score ~ x*type, random = ~ 1 | subject, data = df, family = binomial), TRUE) > summary($tTable