search for: use_sudo

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "use_sudo".

2006 May 01
mongrel_cluster-0.1.1: the bird dog (capistrano support!)
...ster/recipes'' Example usage: cap -a configure_mongrel_cluster Variables mongrel_servers: Number of Mongrel servers to start. mongrel_port: Starting port to bind to. mongrel_address: Address to bind to. mongrel_environment: Rails environment to run as. mongrel_config: Path to config file. use_sudo: Whether or not tasks that can use sudo, ought to use sudo. Capistrano defaults to true. Tasks (performed on :app role) configure_mongrel_cluster: Configure the cluster with variables. Uses sudo if use_sudo is true. start_mongrel_cluster: Start Mongrel processes on the app server. Uses sudo...
2007 Aug 10
what is the correct way to stop/start a mongrel instance using monit with mongrel cluster
Hi -- I have been reading documentation and googling around to find the correct way to do this but I have found many ways that seem to not work, or the documentation makes no reference to. I am using mongrel cluster with 10 mongrels for each server. Recently I installed monit but which lead me to find the correct way to start/stop mongrel instances one pid at a time. I am assuming one pid at a
2006 Jul 18
Capistrano Deployment on Dreamhost" role :web, "" role :app, "starline.schementec" role :db, "", :primary => true set :user, "jschementi" set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/" set :use_sudo, false set :checkout, "export" Let me know if anyone has any insite. Thanks. ~Jimmy -- Posted via
2006 Jul 27
Dreamhost working deploy.rb? Can anyone post/send me a copy?
Hi, Just trying to get Capistrano working to Dreamhost. I''m hitting a permissions issue on the reaper file at the moment. Has anyone a copy of the capistrano DEPLOY.RB file they could post or send me a copy of please? Thanks Greg -- Posted via
2006 Feb 19
SwitchTower 1.0.0
...ariable can change its value, if necessary. * Make UPPERCASE variables work. * Only chmod the revisions.log file when it is first created, to avoid problems on some unices where a chmod is not allowed unless you are the creator of the file. * Changed the :restart_via variable to a boolean :use_sudo variable. (Note, this will break your recipes if you are using :restart_via-- please change that to :use_sudo!) Any task that previously used sudo will now respect the value of this variable. * Added spinner, cold_deploy, and invoke tasks. The spinner task is used for starting the applicati...
2009 Feb 15
Execute cap deploy:migrations fails
...epository, "#{user}@#{domain}:home/#{user}/#{domain}/git/# {application}.git" set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/#{domain}" set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :scm, ''git'' set :branch, ''master'' set :git_shallow_clone, 1 set :scm_verbose, true set :use_sudo, false server domain, :app, :web role :db, domain, :primary => true namespace :deploy do task :restart do run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt" end end I am guessing my path to my git repository is incorrect but I checked many ... many times and this is my path on my h...
2007 Oct 12
capistrano 2 error with DB server the default), you can specify the actual location # via the :deploy_to variable: # set :deploy_to, "/var/www/#{application}" # If you aren''t using Subversion to manage your source code, specify # your SCM below: # set :scm, :subversion set :user,"administrator" set :use_sudo, true role :app, "" role :web, "" role :db, "", :primary => true set :deploy_to, "/onetruth" =============================================================================== ==============================================...
2013 Mar 03
Deploy with Capistrano. Bundle install freezes indefinetly.
...:myrepo/myapp.git" set :branch, "bkpantesbootstrap" # "master" set :scm, "git" # :git set :user, "myuser" set :deploy_to, "/home/myuser/apps/#{application}" set :deploy_via, :copy # :remote_cache set :copy_strategy, :export set :use_sudo, false set :keep_releases, 3 role :web, ''xxx.xx.xx.xx'' # # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc role :app, ''xxx.xx.xx.xx'' # This may be the same as your `Web` server role :db, ''xxx.xx.xx.xx'', :primary => true # This...
2006 May 04
problem setting up mongrel_cluster 0.1.1
I posted this to the rails list before by mistake, and only later realized that there is a specific mongrel list. Uff, I got lost. I had mongrel_cluster 0.1working fine, even with capistrano (my own hack). Then came mongrel_cluster 0.1.1 and I tried to set it up, but somehow I messed up things and nothing worked anymore. So here is what I did: on production machine: (debian linux, rails 1.1)
2010 Sep 09
Capistrano Deploy with SVN over SSH - Network connection closed unexpectedly
...;ssh-username" set :scm_password, "password" # Or: `accurev`, `bzr`, `cvs`, `darcs`, `git`, `mercurial`, `perforce`, `subversion` or `none` set :deploy_via, :checkout set :deploy_to, "/kunden/*******" set :user, "username" set :password, "password" set :use_sudo, false role :web, "" # Your HTTP server, Apache/etc role :app, "" # This may be the same as your `Web` server role :db, "", :primary => true # This is where Rails migratio...
2006 Jun 16
Mongrel_rails restart and sudo
Sorry for the newbie question but I''m stumped: I have an app that requires sudo to run mongrel_rails. For my capistrano recipe is do it like this: sudo "mongrel_rails start -e production -p #{application_port} -d -c #{current_path}" Which works famously. Now I have tried several things for my restart task. Here they are: sudo "cd #{current_path} && sudo
2011 Nov 09
Starting out with puppet and capistrano
Hey guys. I am starting out with puppet and am in the process of writing a bootstrap script for the clients and a capistrano recipe for the server. I have the client bootstrap done which installs ruby, puppet, sets a host name, and then points the client at the puppet server and now I am in the process of setting up the puppet server. My first attempt was to set up a git project for puppet, an
2006 May 24
mongrel_cluster 0.1.3 prerelease
...port for changing the user/group of mongrel_rails process. * Added bin/mongrel_cluster_ctl to start/stop all clusters on a server. Usage: mongrel_cluster_ctl (start|stop|restart) [options] * Addred resources/mongrel_cluster * Fixed bugs in Capistrano recipes with mongrel_config variable. * Remove use_sudo from configure_mongrel_cluster task. * Changed restart_mongrel_cluster task to call stop/start. * Added Capistrano tasks to support mongrel_cluster_ctl. Known issues: * Output suppression doesn''t quite work as expected. Some messages from "mongrel_rails start" are not suppres...
2006 May 25
mongrel_cluster 0.1.3 prerelease
...port for changing the user/group of mongrel_rails process. * Added bin/mongrel_cluster_ctl to start/stop all clusters on a server. Usage: mongrel_cluster_ctl (start|stop|restart) [options] * Addred resources/mongrel_cluster * Fixed bugs in Capistrano recipes with mongrel_config variable. * Remove use_sudo from configure_mongrel_cluster task. * Changed restart_mongrel_cluster task to call stop/start. * Added Capistrano tasks to support mongrel_cluster_ctl. Known issues: * Output suppression doesn''t quite work as expected. Some messages from "mongrel_rails start" are not suppres...
2013 Mar 14
Ubuntu 12.10 Nginx Rails 3.2.13. Deploy in sub URI. Nothing happens!
...ot;git-9UaJU3cA/F/" set :branch, "master" set :scm, "git" set :user, "myapp1" set :deploy_to, "/home/myapp1/apps/#{application}" set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :copy_strategy, :export set :use_sudo, false set :keep_releases, 3 role :web, ''my IP'' role :app, ''my IP'' role :db, ''my IP'', :primary => true set :port, 22 after ''deploy:update_code'' do run "cd #{release_path}; RAILS_ENV=pro...
2006 Jul 18
When is a site too small for Rails?
Hey, folks. Mainly, I''m looking for some guidance here. A couple months ago the buzz around Rails become too much for me, and I finally decided to give in and learn the framework. This was all very new to me -- most of my focus in the past couple years has been solely in design with static XHTML + CSS. I dabbled in PHP, but nothing significant. Well, I love Rails, and it
2006 Aug 10
Error on Solaris
Hi everyone, I''m having a problem starting rails on solaris. I have made the changes suggested in the joyeur article but it doesn''t make any difference. The error is below. Does anyone have any idea? /opt/csw/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `register'': undefined method `resolve'' for nil:Mongrel::URIClassifier (NoMethodError)
2006 Feb 01
Switchtower Error
This is my deploy file set :application, "varcasa stage" set :repository, "file:///c:/svnrepo/thenali/trunk" # ============================================================================= # ROLES # ============================================================================= # You can define any number of roles, each of which contains any number of # machines. Roles might