search for: uploadifi

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2011 Jul 07
Question of uploading large file using carrierwave, uploadify and nginx upload module
Hey ROR users, I have a small experimental web app which is for uploading files. The web app uses carrierwave, uploadify. It works fine on small size files. However, it can not handle large size files (>1G) efficiently. Then I decided using nginx upload module, it worked well on small size files after modification of codes,. But It fails on uploading large files (>1G) because of http error
2010 Sep 21
Upload form with uploadify jquery plugin
I would like to integrate the uploadify plugin with a standard rails form. However I can''t figure out how to add a new field and have it get submitted with the file upload. I added a name field into the form, but the valued does not get submitted. <% dialog_file_description = ''Photos'' allowed_extensions = [:jpg, :jpeg, :gif, :png] max_size = 20.megabyte
2010 Mar 04
Uploadify authentication problem
I''m trying to use Uploadify in my project. Everything works in my machine, locally. The problem is when I use the same code in my production environment. When I try to upload a photo, it returns an error "HTTP 401", but there are no errors in the log. Rails(2.3.5) Uploadify(2.1.0) Here is my FlashSessionCookieMiddleware where the problem with the Flash authentication shoud be
2010 Feb 09
Rails3 pre and protect_from_forgery
I''ve almost entirely converted a rails 2.3.5 app to 3pre. I''m having some trouble with protect_from_forgery. I had protect_from_forgery set in application_controller.rb, but run some uploadify ajax stuff in one of my controllers, where I had protect_from_forgery, :except => :add_file set. In rails 3 I''m getting ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken on the ajax
2012 Feb 08
uploadify 401 unauthorized error with rails 3
Installed uploadify_rails3 gem, while submiting the form all params are correct but I am getting error "Completed 401 Unauthorized in 0ms" which prevents me from doing any further steps. If any of you has faced such situation please send me any solution to get rid of it. Thanks in advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2010 Mar 25
NoMethodError (private method `chomp' called for nil:NilClas
Hi: I am using Rails 2.3.5 with paperclip, mime-types and uploadify. So far the application is working in development environment. But when I switched to the production environment, it produced the following error. NoMethodError (private method `chomp'' called for nil:NilClass): /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mime-types-1.16/lib/mime/types.rb:665:in `type_for''
2010 Oct 25
Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename
Hello! I''m using Rails 3, Uploadify, to send images to S3. Right now all the images being uploaded to S3 have the MIME: application/octet-stream I''d like to fix that but I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename'' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in
2011 Mar 17
Paperclip validates_attachment_content_type not working?
Hi, I''m using the paperclip gem to upload photos. I''m trying to use the content-type validator in my photo-model but it''s not working. Photo upload with just the file-size validator works. What could this be? Here''s my code: Thanks, Mathew -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2011 Sep 08
Image upload with progress bar
Hello there, I try already third day to find a way, how to improve my upload about progress bar. I use for upload of images the paperclip gem and in my app jQuery library. Could anyone give me, please, any help or tip, how to do? I tried to search, read a discussions, but I still don''t know, how to do... So, thank you so much for every advice. -- Posted via