search for: umairshakeel

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "umairshakeel".

2007 Oct 10
How to export X displays
I have a CentOS server at home and want to view the X display on a laptop running Ubuntu, and not having much success. Here's what's been tried so far: I ran this command on the CentOS server: export DISPLAY= And ran this command on the Ubuntu laptop: xauth + When I try to run, say, xclock on the Ubuntu laptop, this is the error message I'm getting:
2007 Oct 05
Cron job
Dear All Salam, Is there a possibility that we can run MRTG command in seconds???? The only thing is know is we can run MRTG in one minute other than standard 5 minutes.... Like */1 * * * * root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/test.cfg what if, i want to monitor traffic in seconds??? Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 19
Dear all Salam, i have installed logrotation package in BSD, the script runs every night at 3:00 pm night and makes filename.1.gz. but when i use less command to see this gz file it says "do u want to see binary file??" through which utility i can see the contants of the file??? Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 26
logrotate problem
Dear All Salam, I have syslog server running logs of network devices, I am facing problem about two weeks that my weekly log is not rotating, as i manually runs the script it does, secondly i put the entry in cron.daily, still today i checked but no log rotation.... manually running is fine. 02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part
2007 Sep 12
Automatic FTP problem in cron
Dear Concerns, I have backup script which TAR the data, makes one copy on local hardisk and then FTP to another machine. Last few days i m facing problem with it. The cron job only makes the copy automatically on local disk but doesnot automatically FTP to another machine. I ran the script manually, the script runs successfully. For trouble shooting i displayed the output in some file and shown
2007 Sep 28
PHP help required
Dear all Salam!!! i am using php+mysql for jffnms. i installed php myadmin for mysql administration. after login to phpmyadmin it says mbstring missing..... i search the yum has php-mbstring.... but when i install it using yum it says: php 4.3.9 update php-snmp update My question is if install php-mbstring, will php be effected and shows abnormal behaviour to jffnms???? Regards, Umair Shakil
2007 Sep 20
running php4 and php5 parallel
Is it possible to run php4 and php5 parallel in Centos4 somehow? If the parallel php5 could be installed from rpm also that would be great also. Regards, Peter
2007 Oct 09
Directory index forbidden by rule: /var/www/html/
I'm looking to troubleshoot this error when I run "tail /etc/httpd/logs/error_log" [Tue Oct 09 07:22:59 2007] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by rule: /var/www/html/ (I get this when I run Nagios' "./check_http -H".) All I did was install CentOS and then modify httpd.conf to include "ServerName" and also
2007 Nov 13
printing problem
Salam, I am using CentOs 4.4, i have network printer with ip when i click the option to print document, it seems everything is OK, printer shows with bliking of Data light but no print..... what i am missing??? Regards, Umair Shakil ETD
2008 Apr 26
MRTG graphs of tunnel interfaces
Can any one tell me th fruit full suggestion how to create Juniper ISG-2000 tunnel interfaces graphs. Any MIBS available. Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Oct 19
logrotation with date and time
Dear all Salam, This is for all LOGFILE=/var/log/syslog FILE="$LOGFILE.`date +%F.%H:%M:%S`.log" it will store the log in date+time format Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2007 Sep 20
Linux groups and policies
Dear All Salam, Does anyone work on Linux groups and policies like; I have squid.conf, i want to run it by my user and for starting and restarting services only sudo can be command but we want to totally eleminate ROOT password. Regards, Umair Shakil ETD -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Apr 08
Cisco 2801 Tunnel1 Mrtg graph
Dear All Salam, Please go through the cfg file: Target[IP_Tu1]: Tunnel1:community at IP: SetEnv[IP_Tu1]: MRTG_INT_IP="IP" MRTG_INT_DESCR="Tunnel1" MaxBytes[IP_Tu1]: 1125 Title[IP_Tu1]: Tunnel1 -- PageTop[IP_Tu1]: <H1>Tunnel1 --</H1> <TABLE> <TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD> in
2007 Sep 07
HP DL140 Help Required
Dear All, Salam!!! Well i am using CentOS release 4.3 (Final). From the start i installed the CentOs plus kernal; CentOS ( I was facing the problem, that is system poweroffs, as this was happening randomly, but always found this problem in the night or even early morning. Also i assure you that system and all applications work normally in the office timings as i use to
2007 Sep 12
Very strange problem i have faced in my 2 years carrier
Dear Concerns, I would like to share a very strange problem. I am from Pakistan/Islamabad. Last month i was on trainning from Askari Bank Limited (Juniper). Here in Askari i m running NMS--> MRTGs using CentOs 4.4. On trainning i recieved a call from collique saying "when i "su -l" NMS says "root user doesnot exist". and also MRTGs not working. well i was amazed how