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2006 Aug 24
how to constrast with factorial experiment
...40.10 2 Ctl 3 312.76 2 Ctl 4 804.05 2 Ctl 5 28.22 2 Ctl 6 68.51 2 Ctl 7 46.15 2 Ctl 8 123.14 2 Ctl 9 33.78 2 Ctl 10 121.28 2 Ctl 11 30.96 3 Ctl 1 36.10 3 Ctl 2 47.19 3 Ctl 3 345.80 3 Ctl 4 644.61 3 Ctl 5 27.73 3 Ctl 6 56.63 3 Ctl 7 42.63 3 Ctl 8 61.25 3 Ctl 9 59.43 3 Ctl 10 109.87 3 Ctl 11 143.50 1 Trt 1 82.76 1 Trt 2 125.03 1 Trt 3 493.76 1 Trt 4 868.48 1 Trt 5 45.09 1 Trt 6 249.43 1 Trt 7 167.28 1 Trt 8 274.72 1 Trt 9 176.40 1 Trt 10 393.10 1 Trt 11 93.75 2 Trt 1 63.83 2 Trt 2 117.50 2 Trt 3 362.68 2 Trt 4 659.40 2 Trt 5 62.10 2 Trt 6 218.24 2 Trt 7 210.98 2 Trt 8 291.48 2 Trt 9 209.36 2 Trt 10...
2008 Oct 15
Network meta-analysis, varConstPower in nlme
...mparisons" (Statist Med, 2002) with great interest. I found it very helpful that you included the R code to replicate your analysis; however, I have had a problem replicating your example and wondered if you are able to give me a hint. When I use the code from the article: lme1 <- lme(Y1 ~ trt.B + trt.C + trt.D + trt.E, random = ~ 1 | trtpair, data=lumley1, var = varConstPower(form=~sigma, fixed=list(power=1))) I get an error message: Error in lme(Y1 ~ trt.B + trt.C + trt.D + trt.E, random = ~1 | trtpair, : unused argument(s) (var = list(const = numeric(0), power = numeric(0))) Th...
2007 Mar 14
How to transform matrices to ANOVA input datasets?
...experts, I have a list called dataHP which has 30 elements (m1, m2, ..., m30). Each element is a 7x6 matrix holding yield data from two factors experimental design, with treatment in column, position in row. For instance, the element 20 is: dataHP[[20]] col1 col2 col3 trt1 trt2 trt3 [1,] 22.0 20.3 29.7 63.3 78.5 76.4 [2,] 102.4 92.3 72.2 199.2 201.1 218.9 [3,] 18.8 20.8 22.9 106.2 148.4 147.6 [4,] 14.5 17.2 15.6 120.1 115.8 124.6 [5,] 31.9 28.3 22.8...
2011 May 03
ANOVA 1 too few degrees of freedom
...evels(as.factor(Combined.Plot)) [1] "60m" "A1" "B1" "B3" "B4" "C5" "C9" "D2" "D9" "F60m" "F8" "Q7" > nlevels(as.factor(Combined.Plot)) [1] 12 > Anova.Trt.D.M.T.Pr.Model <- aov(Combined.Rs~Combined.Trt + > as.factor(Combined.Plot) + as.factor(Combined.Day) + > Combined.Trt*as.factor(Combined.Day) + > Combined.Plot*as.factor(Combined.Day)) Warning message: In model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) : variable 'Combined.Plot' con...
2006 Aug 29
how to contrast with factorial experiment
Hello, R experts, If I understand Ted's anwser correctly, then I can not contrast the mean yields between sections 1-8 and 9-11 under "Trt" but I can contrast mean yields for sections 1-3 and 6-11 because there exists significant interaction between two factors (Trt:section4, Trt:section5). Could I use the commands below to test the difference between sections 1-3 and 6-11 ? > contrasts(section)<-c(-2,-2,-2,0,0,1,1,1...
2011 Mar 07
Parsing question, partly comma separated partly underscore separated string
...Sunday trying to figure this out and thought I would try the list to see if someone here would be able to get me started. My data structure looks like this, (in a example.txt file) Subject ID,ExperimentName,2010-04-23,32:34:23,Version 0.4, 640 by 960 ?pixels, On Device M, M, 3.2.4,ZZ_373_462_488_TRT at 9z.svg,592,820,3.35,ZZ_032_288_436_CON at 9z.svg,332,878,3.66,ZZ_384_204_433_TRT at 9z.svg,334,824,3.28,ZZ_365_575_683_TRT at 9z.svg,598,878,3.50,ZZ_005_480_239_CON at 9z.svg,630,856,8.03,ZZ_030_423_394_CON at 9z.svg,98,846,4.09,ZZ_033_596_398_CON at 9z.svg,636,902,3.28,ZZ_263_064_320_TRT at 9z....
2010 Dec 01
Lattice dotplots
Dear, I have a dataset with 4 subjects (see ID in example), and 4 treatment (see TRT in example) which are tested on 2 locations and in 3 blocs. By using Lattice dotplot, I made a graph that shows the raw data per location and per bloc. In that graph, I would like to have a reference line per bloc that refers to the first treatment (T1). However, I can not find how to do that....
2012 Jan 27
Confused with Student's sleep data description
...nfused whether Student's sleep data "show the effect of two soporific drugs" or Control against Treatment (one drug). The reason is the next: > require(stats) > data(sleep) > attach(sleep) > extra[group==1] numeric(0) > group [1] Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Ctl Trt Trt Trt Trt Trt Trt Trt Trt Trt [20] Trt Levels: Ctl Trt > sleep$group [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Levels: 1 2 Does some package overwrite my attach()? I am worried mostly in the right performance of my code by others. So have the attach() to be avoided? Thanks for answers!
2008 Jun 04
"& not meaningful for factors"
...are the AJCC TNM stages of cancer, and another variable diameter with factor levels ("=< 4", "4 - 6.5, > 6.5; limit values are exclusive). I am trying to define series of groupings based on these variables and others like them. My first attempts were; 1. node1 <- data.trt[data.trt$stage=="1B" & data.trt$diameter=="=< 4"] 2. data.trt$stage[data.trt$stage=="1B"]& data.trt$diameter[data.trt$diameter=="=< 4"] The second attempt was purely a fishing exercise. R gave me the waring message: Warning message: In Ops...
2011 Apr 20
survexp with weights
...enerate a weighted model, with the addition of a "weights=albumin" argument (I only chose albumin because it had no missing values, not because of any real relevance). Below are my code with the resulting error messages. Thanks in advance! > pfit <- coxph(Surv(time,status>0) ~ trt + log(bili) + log(protime) + age + + + platelet, data=pbc + ) > > pfit Call: coxph(formula = Surv(time, status > 0) ~ trt + log(bili) + log(protime) + age + +platelet, data = pbc) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p trt -0.000624 0.999 0.1...
2006 Mar 03
Help with lme and correlated residuals
Dear R - Users I have some problems fitting a linear mixed effects model using the lme function (nlme library). A sample data is as shown at the bottom of this mail. I fit my linear mixed model using the following R code: bmr <-lme (outcome~ -1 + as.factor(endpoint)+ as.factor(endpoint):trt, data=datt, random=~-1 + as.factor(endpoint) + as.factor(endpoint):trt|as.factor(Trial), correlation = corSymm(form=~subject|as.factor(endpoint)), weights=varIdent (form=~subject|endpoint)) With this code, i want to obtain random effects for each Trial. ALso my residuals...
2008 Mar 05
Question on "assign(paste.."
Hello, I'm having trouble in using "assign(paste ..." command . I could create several dataframes following trinomial distribution using it but it could not be used to check their row means of the created dataframe. For example, the following works: probTrt=matrix(0,4,3); probTrt; #malf, death, normal probTrt[1,]=c(0.064,0.119,0.817);#for Trt 1 probTrt[2,]=c(0.053,0.125,0.823);#for Trt 2 probTrt[3,]=c(0.111,0.139,0.750);#for Trt 3 probTrt[4,]=c(0.351,0.364,0.285);#for Trt 4 for (t in 4){ assign(paste("Trt",t,sep=""),rmultin...
2011 Dec 11
multiple comparison of interaction of ANCOVA
Hi there, The following data is obtained from a long-term experiments. > mydata <- read.table(textConnection(" + y year Trt + 9.37 1993 A + 8.21 1995 A + 8.11 1999 A + 7.22 2007 A + 7.81 2010 A + 10.85 1993 B + 12.83 1995 B + 13.21 1999 B + 13.70 2007 B + 15.15 2010 B + 5.69 1993 C + 5.76 1995 C + 6.39 1999 C + 5.73 2007 C + 5.55 2010 C...
2012 Mar 14
statistical contrasts on 3-way interaction
...term in a linear model to do some comparisons. I am little uncertain on how to construct contrasts on a 3-way interaction containing a continuous variable, and hope someone can confirm what I did is correct or wrong: The linear model has a continuous dependent variable “y”, with treatment factor “Trt” with value 0 and 1, a factor variable “A” with value 0 and 1, a continuous variable “x”.   A simpler model is:   set.seed(10) dat <- cbind(y=c(rnorm(10,3),rnorm(10,4),rnorm(10,3.1),rnorm(10,6)), x=runif(40,5,15), expand.grid(A=rep(factor(0:1),each=10),Trt=factor(0:1)))   fit <- lm(y ~ x + T...
2005 Feb 22
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 24, Issue 22
...ob Wheeler'" <bwheeler at> > Cc: r-help at > Subject: RE: [R] power.anova.test for interaction effects > Reply-To: akniss at > > > It's a rather complex model. A 37*4 factorial (37 cultivars[var]; 4 > herbicide treatments[trt]) with three replications[rep] was carried > out at > two locations[loc], with different randomizations within each rep at > each > location. > > Source DF Error Term MS > Loc 1 Trt*rep(loc) 12314 > Rep(loc) 4 Trt*rep(loc)...
2012 May 29
use xyplot to plot mean and CI by groups
...dividual points, CI and the lines connect group means from different time points; 2. Add jitters to x axis to allow CIs not be overlapped Could anyone modify the attached code to achieve this? Thanks library(lattice) set.seed(123) src <- data.frame(time = rep(c(1, 6, 24), rep(6,3)), trt = rep(rep(c('C','T'), each=3), 3)) src <- transform(src, x=sqrt(time)+2*(trt=='C')+rnorm(18), trt = ordered(trt, levels=c('C','T'))) src <- src[-5,] src$m <- ave(src$x, src[c('time','trt')], FUN = mean) src$sd <- ave(src$x, src[c(&...
2005 Dec 09
lmer for 3-way random anova
I have been using lme from nlme to do a 3-way anova with all the effects treated as random. I was wondering if someone could direct me to an example of how to do this using lmer from lme4. I have 3 main effects, tim, trt, ctr, and all the interaction effects tim*trt*ctr. The response variable is ge. Here is my lme code: dat <- data.frame(ge=ge,trt=factor(trt),tim=factor(tim),ctr=factor(ctr)) dat$grp = as.factor(rep(1, nrow(dat))) # dim(dat) = 216x5 w <- lme(ge ~ 1,data=dat, random = list(...
2009 Jun 27
questions about meta-analysis
Dear R users: In the example of meta-analysis (cochrane, package rmeta), I can not found the p-value of Test for overall effect, and some other indices (Z, I, weight and et al). How can I get the these indices listed? > library(rmeta) > data(cochrane) > cochrane name ev.trt n.trt ev.ctrl n.ctrl 1 Auckland 36 532 60 538 2 Block 1 69 5 61 3 Doran 4 81 11 63 4 Gamsu 14 131 20 137 5 Morrison 3 67 7 59 6 Papageorgiou 1 71 7 75 7 Tauesch...
2013 Sep 13
Creating dummy vars with contrasts - why does the returned identity matrix contain all levels (and not n-1 levels) ?
...regression I am generating (I use glmnet for variable selection and then generate a Cox regression) - That is, if I get an HR of 3 for the variable 300mg what does it mean ? the hazard is 3 times higher of what ? Here is some code to reproduce the issue: # Create a 4 level example factor trt <- factor( sample( c("PLACEBO", "300 MG", "600 MG", "1200 MG"), 100, replace=TRUE ) ) # Use contrasts to get the identity matrix of dummy variables to be used in glmnet trt2 <- contrasts (trt,contrasts=FALSE) Results...
2007 Jun 01
Interaction term in lmer
Dear R users, I'm pretty new on using lmer package. My response is binary and I have fixed treatment effect (2 treatments) and random center effect (7 centers). I want to test the effect of treatment by fitting 2 models: Model 1: center effect (random) only Model 2: trt (fixed) + center (random) + trt*center interaction. Then, I want to compare these 2 models with Likelihood Ratio Test. Here are my lmer codes that I don't feel comfortable about their correctness. model1 <- try(lmer(cbind( yvect, nvect-yvect) ~ 1 + (1 | center), family = binomial, niter...