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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 480 matches for "triangles".

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2008 Feb 21
triangle.plot - change the axes orientation
Hello, I need to chenge axes orirentation in triangle plot. (function triangle.plot in ade4 package) I want to plot elasticities of some species in demographic triangle, where axes values commnly increace "clockwise". If some better imangination is needed, see I am sorry if I just
2006 Jun 27
how to rotate a triangle image(ZMAT) ?
Hello R users... how to align this Zmat (triangle image) in X axis? I would like that the triangle's base become in the X axis and the triangle's height become in the Y axis Is there some trick for make this? Thanks. Cleber ######################## my test and try f <- function(x,y){ z=1-x-y z[ z < (-1e-15) ] <- NA return( -100*x+0*y+100*z ) } x = seq( 1, 0,
2012 Sep 21
(koans) another problem (syntax error)
Hello, I now trying to solve this one : # Triangle Project Code. # Triangle analyzes the lengths of the sides of a triangle # (represented by a, b and c) and returns the type of triangle. # # It returns: # :equilateral if all sides are equal # :isosceles if exactly 2 sides are equal # :scalene if no sides are equal # # The tests for this method can be found in #
2011 Apr 02
Plotting MDS (multidimensional scaling)
Hi, I just encountered what I thought was strange behavior in MDS. However, it turned out that the mistake was mine. The lesson learned from my mistake is that one should plot on a square pane when plotting results of an MDS. Not doing so can be very misleading. Follow the example of an equilateral triangle below to see what I mean. I hope this helps others to avoid this kind of headache.
2006 Apr 03
Ternary or Triangular Plots (soil texture triangle plot)?
Hi, I am trying to create a triangular plot to show the 'composition' of a set of items with three variables (historically the percent sand, silt and clay in soil). So far I have tried the 'soil texture triangle plot' in the package plotrix and the 'ternary or triangular plots' in the package cwhtool (cwhmisc). Both have strengths and weaknesses, but neither has a
2011 Feb 09
Generate multivariate normal data with a random correlation matrix
Hi All. I'd like to generate a sample of n observations from a k dimensional multivariate normal distribution with a random correlation matrix. My solution: The lower (or upper) triangle of the correlation matrix has n.tri=(d/2)(d+1)-d entries. Take a uniform sample of n.tri possible correlations (runi(,-.99,.99) Populate a triangle of the matrix with the sampled correlations Mirror the
2007 Jun 18
triangle contour plots
Suppose I have three numbers p1, p2, p3 with 0 <= p1,p2,p3 <= 1 and p1+p2+p3=1, and a function f=f(p1,p2,p3) = f(p1,p2,1-p1-p2). How to draw a contour plot of f() on the p1+p2+p3=1 plane, that is, an equilateral triangle? Functions triplot(), triangle.plot(), and ternaryplot() give only scatterplots, AFAICS -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst National Oceanography Centre,
2010 Jul 17
Help with Reshaping from Wide to Long
I am trying to reshape data that are in the wide format into the long format. The design is a repeated-measures design, which combined 3 levels of shape (circle, square, triangle) with 3 levels of color (Blue, Red, Green), for a total of 9 variables. The wide data look like this (sorry I couldn't get the columns to line up quite right: Subject CircleBlue CircleRed CircleGreen SquareBlue
2009 Aug 24
How to generate more triangles in sequences?
Hi everyone, I want to plot some pattern. For example, I have some coding as below, plot(0:11,type="n") polygon(c(6,8,10), c(7,3,5),bor=6) polygon(c(2,4,6), c(5,3,7),bor=6) polygon(c(6,10,8), c(7,9,11),bor=6) polygon(c(2,6,4), c(9,7,11),bor=6) This coding will give me four triangles, but how to generate more triangles in sequences so that not need to mention the coordinate for each triangle? Thank you. -- Hemavathi Ramulu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 12
how to plot only the upper triangle using the pairs function?
Hi, I am trying to use function pairs to plot the scatterplot, but I only want to keep the upper triangle, what's the argument to do this? Thanks, -Jack [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 28
Pascal's Triangle
Hello, Looking to generate Pascal's triangle in R. How do I get started? Thanks, -- Matilda Gogos [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 25
grid.polygon() + color gradient
Hi, I wonder whether there is a way to generate a polygon (a triangle in my case) with color gradient using grid.polygon() in package grid? I tried something like library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0, 0.5, 1), y=c(0.5, 1, 0.5), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=colorRampPalette(c("green", "lightgray"), space="Lab")(200))) But am only
2011 Jun 04
library(SenoMineR)- Triangle Test Query
Dear R Group I was trying to use the triangle.test function in SensoMineR and strangely i encounter a error in the output of preference matrix from the analysis. To illustrate, pl see the following dataframe of a design with the response and preference collected as shown below: design<-structure(list(`Product X` = c(3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1), `Product Y` =
2010 May 09
Plot polygon in 3D with rgl
...ticular, what is the easiest way to plot a section of a plane in 3D, that is given by the xyz coordinates of the outline? Suppose I have a polygon - which I know for sure is a set of coordinates on the same plane. One method I found is to use surf.tri from the geometry package, and then plot the triangles with rgl.triangles. This method is not perfect though, because it makes the convex hull - no good for the polygon below. thanks for your help, Remko # Example polygon in 3D (matrix with tree columns x,y,z) m <- structure(c(-24.71, -36.45, -59.54, -83.97, -112.63, -126.66, -152.79, -171.04, -1...
2003 Aug 20
Filled triangles in lattice graphics?
Dear R users, I can get a filled triangle pointing upwards by specifying pch=17 in xyplot or lpoints, but how do I get a filled triangle that points downwards? In the standard plot function it's possible to use plot(x,y,pch=25,bg="black"), but bg= doesn't seem to work with lattice and lpoints. Thanks, Hans Gardfjell Ecology and Environmental Science Ume? University, Sweden
2010 Sep 02
lower triangle of the correlation matrix with xtable
Dear all, mydata<-data.frame(x1=c(1,4,6),x2=c(3,1,2),x3=c(2,1,3)) cor(mydata) x1 x2 x3 x1 1.0000000 -0.5960396 0.3973597 x2 -0.5960396 1.0000000 0.5000000 x3 0.3973597 0.5000000 1.0000000 I wonder if it is possible to fill only lower triangle of this correlation matrix? Using 'dist' doesn't seem to be useful as it doesnt allow to convert this table
2011 Dec 26
Finding all triangles in a graph
I have the adjacency matrix of a graph. I'm trying to find all triangles (embeddings of C_3). This doesn't work: index = function(l) seq(l)[l] pairs =, lapply(seq(nrow(adj)), function(x) cbind(x, index(adj[x,])))) triangles =, apply(pairs, 1, function(x) cbind(x, index(adj[x[1],] & adj[x[2],])))) I'm absolutely certain I've...
2010 Jul 08
Data format question for triangle.plot package ade4
hello, I am trying to develop a triangle plot but am having difficultly assigning the row.names to the 3 columns in the data.frame Here is what I've done, attach(SoilVegHydro) dim(SoilVegHydro) 1292 39 # now take 3 variables from main data.frame for plotting dat <-, meanAnnualDepthAve, BulkDensity) # These are variables held in the data frame SoilVegHydro
2017 Sep 15
RFC: Trace-based layout.
...duplication. The benefit calculation is the same as the existing code. * If an edge has a source or target in the middle, check them to see if they can be replaced as a triangle. (Triangle replacement described below) * Compare the benefit of choosing the edge, along with any triangles found, with the cost of breaking the existing edges. * If it is a net benefit, perform the switch. * Triangle checking: Consider a trace in 2 parts: A1->A2, and the current edge under consideration is A1->B (the case for C->A2 is mirror, and both may need to be don...
2002 Dec 20
lower triangle
Hi, I want to compute the lower triangle of a square matrix (optionally, sans diagonal). With for() loops I can do something like this: ## 5 by 5 matrix rtn for (j in 1:5) { for (k in 1:j) { if (j != k) { ## optional rtn[j, k] <- my.func(j, k) } } } I'd like to do this with apply(). Is there some way I can do this kind of 'short-circuit'? Thanks, Mark Wilkinson