search for: thorns

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 109 matches for "thorns".

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2004 Oct 25
printing ISO/8859-1 characters
Hi, I ran into an odd problem with the print command for R-2.0 on a windows machine. The icelandic character thorn (??,??) which is included in in the Latin-1 character set [iso/8859-1 char# 222 (upper case) and #254 (lower case)] prints out incorrectly. Instead of getting the correct character I get the octal codes for upper and lower case thorn (\336 or \376). This only happens on a windows
2012 Jul 02
ggplot: dodge positions
Dear all, I want to get a series of boxplots (grouped by two factors) and I want to overlay the original observations and the following code does almost what I want: library(ggplot) ddf <- data.frame(x=factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each=30)), y = runif(120,0,10), grp = factor(rep(rep(1:3, 10), 4))) ggplot(ddf, aes(x, y, colour=grp)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_point() Yet the position of the points
2001 Feb 04
Grim Fandango in wine
Hey all, It's a thorn in my side, I had monkey island 3 running in wine, but this one just doesn't cooperate. The setup program exits with a problem copying install files (error 112, if it means anything). If anyone has got it working, let me know. Thanks
2011 Jul 23
utgd zendyne by han li thorn [science fiction / th
Appreciate the info, it&rsquo;s good to know.
2010 Dec 13
predict.lm[e] with formula passed as a variable
Dear all, In a function I paste a string and convert it to a formula which I pass to lm[e]. The idea is to write a function which takes the name of the response variable and the explanatory variable and the data frame as an argument and calculates an lm[e]. (see example below) This works fine, but if I want to make a prediction on this model, R complains that the object holding the formula
2017 Oct 05
working with ordinal predictor variables?
I'm trying to develop a linear model for crop productivity based on variables published as part of the SSURGO database released by the USDA. My default is to just run lm() with continuous predictor variables as numeric, and discrete predictor variables as factors, but some of the discrete variables are ordinal (e.g. drainage class, which ranges from excessively drained to excessively poorly
2010 Jun 21
list() assigning the same value to two items
Hi everybody, I'd like to have a list with two elements, where both elements have the same value: z <- list(a=1, b=1) If it happens, that I've to change the value, I've to assure that I change both. This is error prone. Hence, a better way to achieve this is to define: tmp <- 1 z <- list(a=tmp, b=tmp) Now, I'm wondering if it is possible to make this more compact: z
2009 Jul 06
Speed up code, profiling, optimization, lapply vs. loops
High everybody, currently I'm writinig a package that, for a given family of variance functions depending on a parameter theta, say, computes the extended quasi likelihood (eql) function for different values of theta. The computation involves a couple of calls of the 'glm' routine. What I'm doing now is to call 'lapply' for a list of theta values and a function, that
2010 May 04
Lazy evaluation in function call
Hi everybody, how is it possible to refer to an argument passed to a function in the function call? What I like to do, is something like f <- function(x,y) x+y f(2, x) # should give 4 The problem is of course that x is only known inside the function. Of course I could specify something like f(z<-2,z) but I'm just curious whether it is possible to use a fancy combination of eval,
2011 Jan 05
Minimum of an ordered factor
Hi everybody, Is there a particular reason, why this code does not work as intended: z <- factor(LETTERS[1:3], ordered = TRUE) u <- 4:6 min(z[u > 4]) Error in Summary.factor(2:3, na.rm = FALSE) : min not meaningful for factors I agree that min is indeed not meaningful for not ordered factors, but it makes sense for ordered factors. Especially since z[3] <
2015 Mar 05
Cannot remount drive after lost iSCSI connection
Hi all, We've having an issue at the moment where an iSCSI connection was temporarily lost on a few VMs running CentOS 6 on ESXi. The problem is, now that the iSCSI connection has returned, we are not able to remount the drive. At first the drive is read-only, so I tried '*mount -o remount,rw*' which didn't work (still read-only), so then I tried a '*umount*' (which
2005 Jan 06
ices config problems
*** the following config: <input> <module>playlist</module> <param name="type">script</param> <param name="file">/radio/getnextsongpath</param> </input> gets me: Could not find a valid playlist file. Ices Exiting... *** the following header of the config file: <?xml
2017 Oct 05
working with ordinal predictor variables?
I would consider this is a question for a statistics forum such as, not R-help, which is about R programming. They do sometimes intersect, as here, but I think you need to *understand what you're doing* before you write the R code to do it. Obviously, IMO. Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
2012 Oct 31
aggregate.formula: formula from string
Dear all, I want to use aggregate.formula to conveniently summarize a data.frame. I have quiet some variables in the data.frame and thus I don't want to write all these names by hand, but instead create them on the fly. This approach has the advantage that if there will be even more columns in the data.frame I don't have to change the code. I've hence tried to construct a formula
2010 Aug 23
Sum a list of tables
Hi all, In R it is possible to sum tables: > (a <- table(rep(1:3, sample(10,3)))) 1 2 3 2 5 7 > a+a 1 2 3 4 10 14 Now suppose that I have a list of tables, where each table counts the same things > k <- list(a,a,a) How can I sum all tables in k? >, k) [1] 42 does not work since it sums over each table. >`+`, list(a,a)) 1 2 3 4 10
2023 Oct 27
Wayland Display Support in R Plot
Hello, I'm interested in understanding the current state of Wayland display support in R plot, and I was wondering if any progress or discussions have taken place regarding this matter. As Wayland continues to gain popularity as a display protocol on modern Linux systems, having Wayland support for R's plotting capabilities would be a significant enhancement. Could anyone provide
2010 Jul 20
Telling R CMD check where to find libraries
Hello everybody, Currently I'm developing a library, which uses some functions from another package (namely plotrix). Consequently, I listed this dependency in the DESCRIPTION file. When I try to run "R CMD check mypackage", the check fails, for the library plotrix cannot be found on the system. As far as I understood "R CMD check" uses --vanilla implicitly, thus, no
2013 Nov 04
ggplot2: Add '+' operator for aes (uneval) objects
Dear all, Is there a reason, why there is no +-operator for aes (i.e. uneval) objects (as there is for themes and gg objects)? I had a couple of cases where such an operator would be useful, for instance to combine the result of aes and aes_string in functions. Any flaws with the following proposition: `+.uneval` <- function(e1, e2) { dup <- names(e1) %in% names(e2) if (any(dup)) {
2010 Jun 11
CHM help does not find help docs in package stats
Hi all, currently I'm working on an R package bundling some frequently used functions. When I load my package and type ?one_of_my_functions I get the particular help file. If I try to get help on another function, which is part of package stats (prcomp say), I get "This program cannot display the webpage". A help on ?mean does, however, work as it opens a new window showing the
2012 Feb 13
Overwrite S3 methond from base package
Dear all, I am developing a package, which bundles my most frequently used functions. One of those is a modified version of droplevels from the base package (basically, it preserves any contrast function which was used to create the factor, contrast matrices are not kept, for they could be wrong if a level is dropped). In my NAMESPACE file I've the following directives, which should export