search for: tgate

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "tgate".

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2013 Jul 29
SAMBA not broadcasting server info
...k = Yes strict locking = No [Liza] path = /RAID/Personal_Folders/Liza/ valid users = lgates admin users = lgates read only = No guest ok = Yes strict locking = No [Tiffany] path = /RAID/Personal_Folders/Tiffany/ valid users = tgates admin users = tgates browseable = No strict locking = No available = No [V-Edit] path = /V-Edit/ admin users = lrhorer read only = No guest ok = Yes [Photos] path = /RAID/Photos/ admin users = lrhorer read on...
2006 Aug 07
mysql Date field not getting set correctly
I created a simple test to try and pinpoint my problem but nothing seems clear to me. I created a Thing model with fields { id (INT), date (DATE) } now when I try to create a new "thing" the date does not get stored, and no errors are reported. @myNewThing = => "2006-08-07") this results in a new record with a date of
2006 Feb 27
How to build a recursive parenting structure?
I''m just getting used to using HABTM structures. Something I''m trying to do now is create a site that has "sections" each section then could have a sub "section". So I built a "sections" table and in the model I included the line "has_and_belongs_to_many :sections" I also made a table called "sections_sections" to build the
2006 Aug 12
form problem on deployment. Not sure how to debug this.
I wish I could be more clean in the subject but I honestly don''t know what to point at for the problem. I am trying to deploy a rails app to my external host (dreamhost). It works great in development on my machine but when It gets into production on dreamhost Data seems to be missing when I try and submit the form. Here''s what it looks like when it works... Processing
2006 Aug 13
Can''t setup Capistrano. Failed Authentication
I''m trying for the first time to use capistrano and things were going well until I tried to run ''cap setup''. This is what I get... cap setup loading configuration /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-1.1.0/lib/capistrano/recipes/standard.rb loading configuration ./config/deploy.rb * executing task setup * executing "mkdir -p -m 775
2006 Jul 13
strange behavior with link_to for "blog" and "gallery"
Okay, what''s so different about the bellow code? When I use the link_to function in a partial (three times passing "Stats", "Blog", and "Gallery")... <%= link_to(menuItem.to_s, :controller=>menuItem.to_s.downcase)%> I get... <a href="/stats">Stats</a> <a href="/blog">Blog</a> <a
2006 Apr 06
textile - redcloth - code block
I''m just getting into RedCloth and am struggling a bit with using the pre and code tags. Why do I need to use both? Is there a tag or way for me to extend RedCloth to always use both pre and code with just one tag? -- Posted via
2006 Apr 06
text_area and :value
I''m trying to use the text_area() method and would like to populate the text block with initial text. According to this: there was a fix put in place, but I''m ont sure how to integrate this. How do I get the :value parameter to show up within the textbloc instead of the html attributes? -- Posted via
2006 Apr 07
css for textile/redcloth?
Is there a standard .css file that can be included for the redcloth package, or should I write my own rules for the tags it supports? -- Posted via
2006 Mar 16
access to cookies using auth generaor ?
I''m using the auth generator and am trying to gain access to the @user variable as indicated in the documentation. When I login everything seems to work, I get a "Login successful." message in the flash[:notice] but I cannot get any information from @user from within a controller after that. There is nothing in cookies[:user] or session[:user] either. Where do I start to
2006 Mar 19
How to access atributes from a join table?
I have a table "domains", "users" and a join table of "domains_users" which has the domain_id, user_id as well as a userlevel_id attribute. I know that in the model User class I can set the value of this attribute with a function that calls: domains.push_with_attributes(domain, :userlevel => 1) but how do I access the userlevel field so that I can use it later
2006 Mar 19
How to access attributes from a join table?
I have a table "domains", "users" and a join table of "domains_users" which has the domain_id, user_id as well as a userlevel_id attribute. I know that in the model User class I can set the value of this attribute with a function that calls: domains.push_with_attributes(domain, :userlevel => 1) but how do I access the userlevel field so that I can use it later
2006 Feb 18
Extending the onclick properties with link_to ?
I''m currently using a link_to function to generate an Ajax call. I''d like to be able to introduce other operations that occur upon click but I''m not aware of a way to add to link_to''s funtionality. I have a div which is hidden and would like to set it to be visible before (or after) the Ajax call. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 19
newbie wanting to understand controller action relationship
I still getting my feet wet with rails and I''m trying to learn some good ways of working with link_to_remote. I''m using the user and login engines and I have in my layout this... link_to_remote( ''Login'', :update => ''main-query'', :url =>{:action => ''login''},
2006 Feb 20
redirect_to_remote ?
Is there a method of the type redirect_to_remote which I could use in place of redirect_to ? Or is there a good way of puting in place such a thing? ideally this would act the same as link_to_remote does compaired with link_to -- Posted via
2005 Dec 29
Can''t get scriptaculous to work
I''m just getting up and running with rails, but I''m pretty sure I''m using the scriptaculous library correctly. However, when I try to call an effect I get and endless loop of these errors... Undefined Value line 486 I''m using these libraries... <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %> <%= javascript_include_tag
2005 Dec 29
scriptaculous Move Vs. Scale and empty space
I''m not sure if this is the right forum for this but the sciptaculous wiki seems to be having some issues. I notice that if I use Effect.Scale() to scale down a div, then content form the parent div which, was wraping around, expands to fill in the empty space which is great. However, If I move a div with Effect.Move() the text does not fill the empty location. Nor does the content
2006 Mar 04
managing number of dispatch.fcgi processes ?
I have a problem where when I try and access my site a dispatch.fcgi process is started but then exits right after the page has loaded. Requireing it to start all over agin the next time a request is made. I''ve read about people using two or more FCGI processes to help with the request load but how do people do this? Firstly, how do you make a FCGI process persistant? I''m
2006 Aug 04
Creating new record from a form? (stringify_keys! error)
Appologies if this has been covered, But it seems the search is busted. I have a simple model object "Biostat" which I am trying to add a new record to. this is the form: <%= form_remote_tag( :update=>''statsTable'', :url=>{:action=>''new''}, :html=> {:action=>''new'',
2006 Aug 12
params not getting POSTed
I have a situation where no params are being sent when the form is submitted. After the rendering this is the html that I get... <form action="/stats/new" method="post"> Height: <input id="stat_height_ft" name="stat[height_ft]" size="5" type="text" />ft </p> Weight: <input id="stat_weight_lbs"