search for: swiftiply

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "swiftiply".

2009 Jan 29
a large file available?
...2G [byte]) with eventmachine. I wrote a simple program with using "stream_file_data" as send a large file from client to server. But It didn''t work. Applying below a quick fix patch, I think it works well. Could you go over this patch? Regards, -- Kuroishi Mitsuo diff -rup swiftiply- swiftiply- /ext/fastfilereader/extconf.rb --- swiftiply- 2009-01-30 10:09:28.000000000 +0900 +++ swiftiply- 2009-01-30 10:40:04.000000000 +0900 @@ -94,6 +94,7...
2007 May 21
swifty fly?
I heard about a new mongrel plugin or version that''s single threaded and uses non-blocking IO with events. It''s called something like "swifty fly". Anyone have a link for it? Thanks.
2007 Nov 06
ANN: Swiftiply (Mongrel > 1.0.1 compatibility)
Just a quick announcement that an update to swiftiplied_mongrel and evented_mongrel which fixes the incompatibility with Mongrels > 1.0.1 has been released. Let me know if you have any problems. Kirk Haines
2007 Nov 16
uploads and swiftiply
This is actually REALLY obvious, but I just thought i''d post it up here since it took a few brain clicks to dawn on me. Evented mongrels don''t play nice with upload-progress systems. (although with the new nginx patch and a couple of mongrels it wouldn''t be so bad.) </public-service-announcement>
2007 Oct 29
evented mongrel dies on USR2
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but when I run mongrel evented using swiftiply and then send it the USR2 signal to restart it, it dies. Without eventing, USR2 restarts mongrel as expected. Anyone else seen this? Here''s a dump: $ EVENT=1 mongrel_rails start -d -P /tmp/ -p 4321 Using Evented Mongrel ** Ruby version is up-to-date; cgi_multipart_eof_fix was not l...
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2007 Dec 12
sendfile and mongrel
forgive me if this has been resolved already... I have an app that is using sendfile to return large files to customers. We can''t use regular Apache to handle this static content since the files are what the customers are paying for - so it wouldn''t be cool for anyone else to get access to them. The issue is that the mongrel mem footprint gets bloated when the files are
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
...equel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What I''m curious about is if you are using sequel, do you typically remove those mutex locks? If so, is there a benefit still in running a clustered mongrel setup? Just curious to how others are setting up their applications. Right now I''m removing the...
2008 Jan 28
mongrel_rails not starting
...gems/mongrel-1.1.3-java/lib/mongrel.rb:12 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:32:in `gem_original_require'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:32:in `require'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/swiftiply- from /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails:19:in `load'' from /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails:19 Can you please share some thoughts/experiences...Im not too sure where i should be looking into.Any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks -- Posted vi...
2008 Jun 17
x_send_file sends a 1 byte file
Hello, sorry if creating a dupe... I''m trying to download files to authenticated users in my app. I''ve set up x_send_file. All seems to be correct to me, however when I try to download any file, I get a 1-byte long file downloaded. I am getting this already in development - so no Apache, no lighthttpd, just a mongrel_rails start in the root of my app. Any help/hint would be
2008 Apr 09
intermittent BJ errors
...eError (no bj found in ["/u/apps/igniter/releases/20080408205801/ script", "/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"]): when it runs, it runs fine but does anyone know what could be causing these errors? I''m using ubuntu 7.10/nginix/mongrel/swiftiply thanks nic full error message: RuntimeError (no bj found in ["/u/apps/igniter/releases/20080408205801/ script", "/bin", "/usr/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/sbin"]): /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/bj-1.0.1/lib/bj/util.rb:93:in `find_script''...
2007 Nov 14
Best practice Ruby on Rails on Windows configuration
Hi, I have read many articles on the net today about configuring Ruby on Rails on a Windows server. But there doesn''t seem to a one solution for all on how to configure a new Ruby on Rails server. So I can use some advise with this. I am using a Windows 2003 server and don''t get many request a day. But most of the request are quite heavy. The main focus is on optimizing the
2008 Mar 31
how to get mongrel to use maintenance.html file?
Does someone know how to tell mongrel_rails to read the public/system/maintenance.html file? -- Posted via
2007 Aug 15
Interfaces for accessing SSL/TLS certificates
Hi everyone. Does anyone have any preferences or ideas for an interface for SSL certificates, both client-side and server-side? At present, the only interface is EventMachine::Connection#start_tls, which uses a built-in self-signed cert on the server side. On the cilent side, it accepts any well-formed cert (that is, it doesn''t check that the remote cert is signed by a trusted authority).
2007 Dec 29
Regarding the 1.1.3 security release
* Apologies for starting a new thread; I just subscribed. Has anyone been able to make this exploit happen if requests are being proxied to Mongrel through Apache? I''ve been trying variations on the double-encoding thing and can''t trigger the exploit through Apache. Hitting Mongrel directly does expose the problem. I''ll still upgrade my servers, of course, but I
2008 Jan 03
deployment survey
Hello Mongrels, Building on the last messages about Fastthread, can we get a detailed survey of the different ways people are deploying their applications? It will help with near-future Mongrel development. Please include the following things: * Framework, if any (Camping, Merb, Rails, Nitro, Ramaze, IOWA, Rack...) * Mongrel version * Mongrel handlers used (rails, dirhandler, camping,
2008 Jan 10
evented mongrel question - maybe for Kirk
hi i am setting up evented mongrels on one of my servers and i am running into a little confusion. i understand that there is a few diff ways to set this up. one being using the swiftiply gem, setting the env variable to event=1 ( this is one level of confusion on ubuntu ) ( how to do this ) then also setting the require in environment.rb in rails and the other i believe is to overwrite the mongrel_rails file with the one in the package ? is this correct ? please someone shed s...
2007 Sep 15
http keep-alive?
I read this in a previous post ( .... First, Mongrel accepts remote clients and creates one Thread for each request. Mongrel also enforces a single request/response using Connect:close headers because Ruby only supports 1024 files (so far). If Mongrel doesn''t do this then people like yourself can write a simple
2007 Nov 07
[noob] simpletest.rb, mongrel 1.1, ruby 1.8.4, mac os x 10.3.9 hangs
Hello, I''m trying to run the latest/greatest mongrel version: % sudo gem install mongrel ... Successfully installed mongrel-1.1 % gem list mongrel mongrel (1.1) % ruby -v ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin7.9.0] % uname -a Darwin NewYork.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
2007 May 10
Camping and Threads!
Hey Everybody! I was wondering if/how Camping can process more than one request at once (i.e. not what Rails does). I''m fairly new to threads, and I bought a book, and read some of it, and dived into the Camping source... I found some thread stuff but I''m not... entirely sure. So I thought I would ask! RYan.