search for: supercool

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "supercool".

2006 Nov 30
Hi, Are there any recommendations as to what is currently the most stable setup is for mongrel & apache? I read somewhere (probably here) that you should avoid using PStore for sessions. Are there any more of such recommendations? Also, what is currently the safest version of mongrel to use in production? Jeroen
2006 Oct 25
rails app breaks after pg restart
Hi, Disclaimer: I''m pretty sure this isn''t a mongrel issue, as I''m pretty sure I had the same problem back in the lighty-fastcgi days.. After a postgres restart, my rails apps crash with this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: FATAL: terminating connection due to a dministrator command server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably
2006 Oct 22
GzipFilter gemplugin now available
This GemPlugin will gzip your HTTP responses from mongrel if the client says that it supports it (eg, most modern browsers). I''ve tested it in IE6, Firefox 1.5 and Firefox 2.0RC3 Install: gem install gzip_filter --source Configure (assuming rails): cd RAILS_ROOT echo ''uri "/", :handler => plugin("/handlers/gzipfilter")''
2007 Mar 12
need help writing a plugin
Hi, I''m halfway developing a tiny plugin that allows people to scrub flash video files. I''ve got my plugin setup to monitor a directory /movies. Whenever a .flv file is requested within that directory, some stuff should happen, if not, the request should be processed as usual. I don''t know how to do the latter.. require ''mongrel'' require
2005 Jun 07
My Rails Day entry: internet command line
Well, my entry for the 24-hour Rails Day competition is here: . It''s a web app called YubNub that implements the grandiose idea of a "command line for the Web OS". Type "gim porsche 911" to do a Google Image search for Porsche 911 cars. Type "random 1000" for a random number between 1 and 1000. Type "tts David Heinemeier Hansson is
2006 Aug 07
.rjs not run unless I manually set the Content-type header
I''ve got this is my controller def destroy @headers[''Content-Type''] = ''text/javascript; charset=utf-8'' end and this in my .rjs file called destroy.rjs page.alert(''test'') page.visual_effect :shrink, ''tip_''+params[:id], :duration => 3 This works, *unless* I uncomment the Content-Type line in the
2006 Sep 04
A couple of questions please: What is the benefit of having more than one Mongrel/Rails instance on the same machine, could one instance not serve as many requests as say three instances? Is Mongrel Cluster a Apache add-in (like mod_*) or a separately running load balancer which runs on a separate port, I could not work it out from the sample Apache config... |# Redirect all non-static
2006 Apr 22
how do I manually throw a 404?
I''m sure this has been asked before but a quick search on the web didn''t give me any hints.. I''d like to do this: @person = Person.find_by_name throw_page_not_found unless @person Anybody know how to do this, do I have to manually tinker with the response object? -- Posted via
2007 Mar 09
how to translate request.params[''PATH_INFO''] into physical file
Hi, What''s the most reliable way to find out the physical file location when given a request.params[''PATH_INFO''] ? I guess I need to know mongrel''s document_root or something similar. tia, Jeroen
2006 Apr 23
custom form builder
In the API docs I found this: "You can also build forms using a customized FormBuilder class. Subclass FormBuilder and override or define some more helpers, then use your custom builder " I couldn''t find any further documentation on this. Where can I read more about this formbuilder class? For starters, where would I define a subclass of this class? TIA, Jeroen --
2006 Sep 03
first request always fails
Hi, Whenever I restart mongrel on my production server, the first request in my browser always fails, I get this error: Processing Base#index (for 83.xx.xx.xx at 2006-09-03 16:08:47) [GET] Session ID: f1918346d193e19a70c3230286e5ce1a Parameters: {} TypeError (superclass mismatch for class Stats): /app/models/stats.rb:1 stats.rb:1 just contains a normal A/R line: class Stats <