search for: spiking

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 808 matches for "spiking".

2017 Mar 11
Eaton 1500 USB constant disconnections
Hi, I have a eaton 1500 that connects to an Ubuntu Xenial box via USB. The UPS works, however exactly *ever 5 minutes* it disconnects and reconnects and I see this in syslog: Mar 10 19:50:32 spike kernel: usb 4-5: USB disconnect, device number 103 Mar 10 19:50:33 spike kernel: usb 4-5: new low-speed USB device number 104 using ohci-pci Mar 10 19:50:34 spike kernel: usb 4-5: New USB device found,
2010 Sep 24
Asterisk 1.62.13 - CPU spikes every 10 minutes
Hi, I've been getting regular CPU usage spikes(50%-80%), due to asterisk (according to top). I never noticed this on 1.4, and I have top running in the background pretty much all the time. In between those spikes Asterisk stays under 10% CPU usage (I have a transcoder card, which helps). It's very regular, never any missed spike, or any spike in between the regular spikes. I
2017 Mar 29
Eaton 1500 USB constant disconnections
Arno, thanks for taking the time to write back and no worries about lag, we're all busy and I'm grateful there is a community to interact with to begin with. You're right - the problem went away once I actually configured nut. I guess I was too "cautious" and when I saw the errors I thought something was wrong with the usb connection and didn't try to get nut going
2001 Dec 15
fit to spike with exponential decay : optim() question
I finally got (mostly) what I wanted. In an attempt to figure out how to get nls to deal with a non-differentiable function, I had (stupidly) 'simplified' the problem until it became singular. Can I do something to make optim() less sensitive to my initial guess? For this example, I get a lousy solution if I make the initial guess for t0 = min(t) = 0.05. Thanks again, -- Robert Merithew
2020 Apr 22
Troubleshooting load issues
All the calls are using ulaw. The files that I am playing are gsm. I suppose doing a file convert with sox to .ulaw may help but it should be able to do 500 calls without an issue. Can it possibly be a bug? if not how do I profile which call(s) can be causing the spike? On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 2:21 PM Telium Technical Support <support at> wrote: > Could some calls be arriving
2014 Aug 04
Tinc Network Spikes
Hi, ? I've recently moved from OpenVPN to Tinc for the mesh setup. Everything works nicely except for some looping packet issues. ? I have 12 servers around the United States, including a couple of moving clients. Every now and then the network is flooded with what I assume is looping packets. 200-300MB of bandwidth per node over 10-45 minutes (normally < 20 KB/s, idle). Most if not all
2020 Apr 22
Troubleshooting load issues
Hi, I have an Asterisk box which has an IVR that plays random gsm files. The box has SSD's and two CPU E5-2695 v2 cpus with 64GB ram. The Asterisk CPU usage along with the load seems to jump around. With about 500 callers it hovers between 250-400% CPU (so 2.5 to 4 cores) which seems reasonable. Every so often the load average spikes. The idle never drops below 85%. When the load average
2004 Dec 13
CPU spikes with wcfxs loaded
I need to reopen this discussion because it's impossible to run spandsp (and VoIP) under these circumstances. With zaptel unloaded, I see the following "vmstat 1" output: no swapping, an occasional disk output, +/- 1003 interrupts/sec., less than 10 context switches/sec., CPU idle 100%. A very quiet system. I load modules zaptel and wcfxo, and the system utilization stays the
2018 Jun 25
doveadm: problem listing shared mailboxes using a wildcard
* Thore B?decker <me at>: > You might need to quote that last argument, otherwise it can get > interpreted by the shell as globbing, which obviously is not what you > want. > > I've been using wildcard arguments enclosed within '' and "" for > various doveadm commands without issues so far. Right. I had thought so too (and forgot to mention
2017 Mar 28
Eaton 1500 USB constant disconnections
2017-03-11 4:55 GMT+01:00 Spike <spike at>: > Hi, > Hi Spike, sorry for the lag in answering, I was collecting the needed information. I have a eaton 1500 that connects to an Ubuntu Xenial box via USB. The UPS > works, however exactly *ever 5 minutes* it disconnects and reconnects and I > see this in syslog: > > Mar 10 19:50:32 spike kernel: usb 4-5: USB
2018 Jun 25
doveadm: problem listing shared mailboxes using a wildcard
I'm setting up a dovecot server with private and shared namespaces. My test setup has these mailboxes: # /bin/doveadm mailbox list -u fdl01 at spike.test INBOX/sub01 shared shared/sammel01 at spike.test shared/sammel02 at spike.test INBOX In order to do some post-login scripting foo I'd like to get a list of shared mailboxes the user is currently subscribed to. The doveadm-mailbox man
2005 Jun 09
Zap Clocking - Frame Slips - tdm400p wcfxo zttest cpu spikes spandsp
I've made some modifications to zttest in order to use it as a frame clock accuracy tester / slip detector. I'm not certain if that was it's original purpose, but it seems that a lot of folks try to use it that way. The result is something that I'm calling ztclock for now to help avoid confusion. I'm including the source at the end of this post. You can compile it by placing
2013 Dec 03
Outbound traffic spike every 30 minutes
Is inbound or outbound? What port? tcp or udp? ------Mensaje original------ De: Bowie Bailey Remitente: centos-bounces at Para: CentOS mailing list Responder a: CentOS mailing list Asunto: [CentOS] Outbound traffic spike every 30 minutes Enviado: 3 de dic de 2013 19:36 Since Sunday morning, one of my CentOS servers has been generating a small spike of outbound traffic every 30
2009 Sep 16
fft help
I wrote a script that I anticipating seeing a spike at 10Hz with the function 10* sin(2*pi*10*t). I can't figure out why my plots do not show spikes at the frequencies I expect. Am I doing something wrong or is my expectations wrong? require(stats) layout(matrix(c(1,2,3), 3, 1, byrow = TRUE)) #SETUP n <- 256 #nextn(1001) gives next power 2 F <- 100 #Hz -50 to 50 Hz dt
2009 May 20
stationarity tests
How can I make sure the residual signal, after subtracting the trend extracted through some technique, is actually trend-free ? I would greatly appreciate any suggestion about some Stationarity tests. I'd like to make sure I have got the difference between ACF and PACF right. In the following I am citing some definitions. I would appreciate your thoughts. ACF(k) estimates the correlation
2008 Sep 10
STAR (Spike Train Analysis with R) uploaded on CRAN
Hi all, I've uploaded STAR (Spike Train Analysis with R) on CRAN two days ago. The package is designed to analyze neuronal spike (action potential) trains. It uses S3 classes and methods and makes heavy use of other CRAN packages like gss, R2HTML, mgcv, survival. * Analysis of both spontaneous and stimulus evoked activity is implemented for single neuron spike trains as well as for many
2008 Sep 10
STAR (Spike Train Analysis with R) uploaded on CRAN
Hi all, I've uploaded STAR (Spike Train Analysis with R) on CRAN two days ago. The package is designed to analyze neuronal spike (action potential) trains. It uses S3 classes and methods and makes heavy use of other CRAN packages like gss, R2HTML, mgcv, survival. * Analysis of both spontaneous and stimulus evoked activity is implemented for single neuron spike trains as well as for many
2002 Aug 15
Power Failures or Spikes
Hi all, My server is connected to a UPS but whenever there is a power failure or spike it seems that once all the clients come back up they cannot connect. I have to restart the server each time. This is no hardship but I was just wondering if anybody had the same problem and if so and they fixed it, how? Thanks Tom Ansley
2004 Dec 01
Interrupt latency problems
I'm debugging a TxFax problem whereby the fax transmission fails. I suspect interrupt latency--some interrupt routine is holding its interrupt too long. I have all unnecessary services switched off and X is not running when I perform these tests. Some transmission are successful while others fail at random points. I've noticed that after I boot Linux, load zaptel, wcfxo, and wcfxs,
2004 Dec 15
wcfxs causing constant CPU spikes
Hi All, I have a problem (at least I think it's a problem) where the wcfxs module causes constant CPU usage spikes. The card being used is a Digium Wildcard TDM400P with 3 FXO modules and 1 FXS (TDM31B). Monitoring my otherwise idle asterisk box (with top) I see once every 3-5 seconds hi (hardware interrupt) spike to 30%-40% and then drop back to 0 again. This is the case wtih both asterisk