search for: specimens

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 42 matches for "specimens".

2009 Jul 16
Cryptic error with Roxygen
Dear all, I'm using Roxygen for the first time and I'm getting a rather cryptic error message. I must be doing something wrong but I have no clue what is it. Any suggestions? Regards, Thierry roxygenize("AFLP", roxygen.dir = "AFLP", copy.package = FALSE, = FALSE) Writing AFLP.outlier to AFLP/man/AFLP.outlier.Rd Writing AFLP.outlier to
2007 Jul 23
Conditional logistic regression on n:m matched "cohort" data
I am designing an interlaboratory validation study for a presence/absence alternative method test kit vs. a presence/absence reference method test kit. There will be 10 laboratories conducting tests using both methods. In each laboratory, there will be 5 specimens tested, each of the 5 specimens twice by both methods (alternative, standard). The total number of data are 10 x 5 x 4 = 200. The general structure is as follows: id: sequential result label, 1 to 200. lab: a factor which has 10 levels, one for each participating lab. specimen: 1 to 5 in each l...
2007 Jul 23
Conditional logistic regression on n:m matched "cohort" data [Corrected]
...formula to include "method".] I am designing an interlaboratory validation study for a presence/absence alternative method test kit vs. a presence/absence reference method test kit. There will be 10 laboratories conducting tests using both methods. In each laboratory, there will be 5 specimens tested, each of the 5 specimens twice by both methods (alternative, standard). The total number of data are 10 x 5 x 4 = 200. The general structure is as follows: id: sequential result label, 1 to 200. lab: a factor which has 10 levels, one for each participating lab. specimen: 1 to 5 in each l...
2008 Mar 05
problem with geepack
Hi all I am analyzing a data set containing information about the behaviour of marine molluscs on a vertical wall. Since I have replicate observations on the same individuals I was thinking to use the geepack library. The data are organised in a dataframe with the following variables Date = date of sampling, Size = dimensions (mm) Activity duration of activity (min) Water = duration of
2007 Feb 25
nested design in lme, need help with specifying model analysis. I am a beginner to lme methods and though have spent already many hours studying from various books an on-line helps, I was unfortunately not able to find a solution to my problem on my own. Data structure: I studied escape behavior of three species of a prey to a predator. The prey specimens (many) were in a vessel, together with one predator. Escape responses were video-recorded when a prey approached the predator close enough and jumped consequently away. Each set was run twice with a fresh predator and a fresh set of the prey specimens, leading to two replicates per treatment. Unequ...
2009 Aug 11
Categorizing Lines
Hi all, i have a dataset of 3D coordinates and can't figure out how to' tell R which One Are the individuals: I have 3 columns which i named x,y and z And then i have 2607 Lines, but each specimen is 33 Lines (79 specimens) How can i tell R to' categorize individuals every 33 Lines? Thanks in advance
2013 Apr 23
Needed: Beta Testers and Summer Camp Students
Greetings. I'm teaching linear regression this semester and that means I write more functions for my regression support package "rockchalk". I'm at a point now were some fresh eyes would help, so if you are a student in a course on regression, please consider looking over my package overview document here: That tells how you can grab
2005 Nov 02
nlminb failed to converge with lmer
...all in advance for you answers. PS: My model writing is for example Fm<-lmer(alive~factor(sex)+mass+parasite+Latitude+(1|ID), family=binomial, method="AGQ", data=donnee). Where "parasite" is presence/absence (0 or 1) and ID is the station identity where I captured 0 to 20 specimens, each being alive or dead, having a sex, a mass, a presence/absence of parasite. Latitude is given at the station level. Date is given at the specimen level because I sampled for 4 days in each station. J??r??me Lema??tre Ph.D. student D??partment of biology, University Laval Quebec, Canada
2004 May 26
2 way repeated measures ANOVA using R: syntax and reporting question
Dear Friends I have a technical question about conducting 2 way repeated measures ANOVA analysis using R. 1. Data set: repeated measurement of activity over night (2 hr. intervals) repeated (within subject)factor: Hours Between subject: Species, Sex Dependent variables: specimens Here is how the data arranged for the analysis: Subject Replicate Hour Sp. Specimens 1 1 1 a 2 1 1 a 3 1 1 b 4 1 1 b 5 2 1 a 6 2 1 a 7 2 1 b 8 2 1 b 1 1 2 a 2 1 2 a 3 1 2 b 4 1 2 b 5 2 2 a 6 2...
2004 May 26
2 way repeated measures ANOVA using R: syntax and reportingquestion
...riends > >I have a technical question about conducting 2 way repeated measures ANOVA >analysis using R. > >1. Data set: repeated measurement of activity over night (2 hr. intervals) >repeated (within subject)factor: Hours >Between subject: Species, Sex >Dependent variables: specimens > >Here is how the data arranged for the analysis: > >Subject Replicate Hour Sp. Specimens >1 1 1 a >2 1 1 a >3 1 1 b >4 1 1 b >5 2 1 a >6 2 1 a >7 2 1 b >8 2 1 b >1 1 2 a >2 1 2 a >3...
2005 Sep 19
library (tree)- which samples belong to each terminal branch?
Dear all What I would like to know is if there is a way to know which specific samples fall within a terminal branch created by tree? The classification summarizes data, but I want to know which specific samples fall within each classification (branch in the dendrogram). Data contains site codes and multiple fields describing the characters of a single specimen of grass growing there.
2012 Aug 22
multiline text() with different cex sizes
This question has probably been asked & answered before, but I can't find it: How to print a multiline figure caption in a plot, where different lines have different fonts and font sizes, and so that the lines of text are spaced in a reasonable way. Here's a simple example, where I have to keep tweaking the y coordinate and the cex combos, while I also manually adjust the aspect
2012 Jan 13
Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
I'm trying to create maps of reptile abundance in different states & counties using data from, which provides lists of specimens with the places that they were found. First I would like to parse the list by state using 2-letter abbreviations, since I'm focusing on certain regions. To do this, I've been trying to create a vector (state2) that gives all state names as 2-letter abbreviations, using advice given o...
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but... "The return."
...d if it had visible prey items in the gut or not, thus the levels Prey and Empty of factor Gut); and sl is the standard length (distance from the tip of snout to the posterior extremity of the hypurals, the expanded bones at the end of the backbone that support the caudal fin, in mm) of the specimens. In the MS, I consider the relationship RNA/DNA to sl to be biologically irrelevant (due to the very low r2) although statistically significant. Furthermore, no effect of gut content upon that relationship is significant (facilitating further analysis of pooled data).
2014 Jun 10
Recent (6.02) PXELINUX on Soekris net4501
Dear all, I'm trying to boot a recent PXELINUX on a brand new Soekris net4501 (comBIOS 1.33). This combination appears to not work out of the box... I see much advice floating around from a few years ago, hinting that earlier versions of PXELINUX might have worked. However before resorting to archaeology I'd be interested in feedback from others who might have got through this. I
2010 Dec 14
Discriminant Correspondence Analysis
...ues bar plot should be displayed nf if scannf FALSE, an integer indicating the number of kept axes Examples data(perthi02) plot(discrimin.coa(perthi02$tab, perthi02$cla, scan = FALSE)) For clarification, my data consists of measurements of morphological characters of an assemblage of biological specimens. I have already performed Principal Co-ordinates Analysis, Principal Compionents Analysis and Cluster Analysis in another program (PAST) in order to see if the data fall into distinct groupings that might represent different morphological species. I now want to test the groupings that I found on my...
2009 Aug 11
nested repeated measures MANOVA using adonis
...stes distances calculated outside of vegan. I have not found an example of a design such as this for adonis. However, I have designed my factors for this test which hopefully will work. This design is just to understand the principals of this test, my real data set is comprised of over a thousand specimens. Column 1 represents the ecomorph, column 2 respresents diet, column 3 represents family (nested in ecomorph). This example would have 9 individuals, but being that measures are repeated 1 1 5 1 2 5 1 2 6 2 1 7 2 2 7 2 2 8 3 1 9 3 2 9 3 1 10 1 1 5 1 2 5 1 2 6 2 1 7 2 2 7 2 2 8 3 1 9 3 2 9...
2007 Jan 09
Yukon Nic
He Everyone, We found out that till version 3.02 the Yukon nic is supported after it gives code errors, i'm working a lot with ehtherboot via drbl / clonezilla, and together with Steven Shiau we ask you guys if you can arrange that the Yukon can be supported again. Our thanx in advance. Dave & Steven
2001 Jul 12
rpart puzzle
I've been using the package rpart with R 1.3.0 for Windows to produce simple classification trees for some measurement data from paleontological specimens. Both the rpart documentation and the output confirm that the program produces splits on continuous data that leave "holes" in the data. It is probably of little practical importance, but is there a reason why the binary splits are constructed in the form (e.g): x7 < 37 x7 > 3...
2009 Jan 16
Fitting of lognormal distribution to lower tail experimental data
Hi, I am beginner with R and need firm guidance with my problem. I have seen some other threads discussing the subject of right censored data, but I am not sure whether or not this problem can be regarded as such. Data: I have a vector with laboratory test data (strength of wood specimens, example attached as txt-file). This data is the full sample. It is a common view that this kind of data follows a lognormal distribution. Background: When fitting a distribution to the lower tail, it will usually be very different compared to fitting the whole data. The lower tail COV is the deci...