search for: some_module

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "some_module".

Did you mean: core_module
2005 Aug 10
using modules with models? seperate modules. I''ve been wrestling with this for 2 days and can''t figure out how to get it to work. Rails seems to handle it fine for controllers, though. I tried creating a class SomeModule::SomeClass. I have a file named ''some_class.rb'' in app/models/some_module. I keep getting this: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.1.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:186:in `const_missing'': uninitialized constant SomeClass (NameError) So, I tried creating a file called ''some_module.rb'' in app/models that had this: require_depen...
2007 Jan 17
include ClassMethods in plugins
Why is that in so many plugins I see people using (including acts_as_taggable by DHH): # init.rb ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecord::Acts::SomeModule) # lib/some_module.rb module ActiveRecord module Acts module SomeModule def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_something # code end end end end end why go through all that rather than just call: # i...
2012 Nov 23
how to query yaml file with hiera function.
Hi guys, i have a hiera.yaml config file like this: --- :hierarchy: - %{env}/%{tmp_module_name} - %{env}/%{tmp_module_name}.common :backends: - yaml :yaml: :datadir: ''/etc/puppet/hieradata'' I also have a test/some_module.yaml file like this: --- db: root : pass port : ''3306'' I am also using the hiera function from a template like this class.pp $::class::var=''db'' template.erb <%= scope.function_hiera([var]) %> and that returns as expecte...
2007 Jan 25
Problems with building a complete kernel
I have a plain vanilla Centos source (not 100% sure where we got it from), but I can't seem to get a build that installs correctly. I tried the method described at, but rpm doesn't like the output file, and even if I install it with -F, nothing seems to happen - no new kernel, now initrd, nothing. When I tried following the directions in the