search for: snowballporterfilterfactori

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "snowballporterfilterfactori".

2011 May 29
solr substring schema.xml
I'm trying a modified schema.xml with solr - it appears I now have substring searches! I took the schema.xml file shipped with Dovecot, and modified the text field definition to be: <fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"> <analyzer type="index"> <tokenizer
2015 Jan 03
Help with installing Apache Solr with Dovecot 2.2
Hi, I am relatively new to Apache Solr and I am trying to get it to integrate with Dovecot 2.2 running on Ubuntu 14.04 and needed a little help with configuration. The following steps I have already configured. Appreciate if someone could help, so please help me! 1. Apache Solr installed, up and running 6406 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector ? Started SocketConnector at
2015 Mar 05
Dovecot Full Text Search: HTTP 500 : Unknown fieldType 'text_general' specified on field text. [SERIOUS]
Hi Muzzafer, I get the error as specified below when i try to added it in as a field:- I dont think text_general is a valid field? HTTP ERROR 500 Problem accessing /solr/. Reason: {msg=SolrCore 'collection1' is not available due to init failure: Could not load conf for core collection1: Unknown fieldType 'text_general' specified on field text. Schema file is
2011 May 23
[PATCH] Indexing mail attachments with Dovecot + Solr
Indexing mail attachments with Dovecot + Solr. This patch has been tested with these versions: * dovecot 2.0.9 * apache-solr 1.4.1 This is a patch for the fts-solr plugin (that indexes mail messages for Dovecot with Solr). In main stream, the plugin does not index attachments; With this patch, you can index mails and their attachments (pdf, docs, openoffice docs...) . You can get others
2015 Mar 05
Dovecot Full Text Search results in SolrException: undefined field text [SERIOUS]
Hello, My dovecot constantly runs into this error. I want to fix this one last time, I am tired of troubleshooting so please someone give me a lasting and proper solution for this error. I think its a problem with the dovecot-solr module. Please tell me how do I find the root of this problem with Dovecot. There is a problem with the body search text field. It always fails(with no result), other
2013 Feb 05
"Header is huge" in fts-solr
Hi, Timo and all! I am trying to index mail in a test mailbox using fts_solr plugin for full-text search. On most mailboxes, it works fine, but on some big messages I get warnings like the following, and then I get an Out of memory error from Solr, then the indexer-worker process (or doveadm) crashes with "assertion failed" error and the backtrace: