search for: sizeritem

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "sizeritem".

2009 Apr 03
Problem with spacing
...actFrameUI"> <style>wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style> <size>574,336</size> <title>Contact Management</title> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <option>1</option> <flag></flag> <border>5</border> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <opti...
2009 Mar 27
xrciser problem
...<bg>#b1bdd1</bg> <size>590,612</size> <title>Tool</title> <centered>1</centered> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <flag>wxGROW</flag> <border>5</border> <option>2</option> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxHORIZONTAL</orient> <o...
2009 Nov 23
xrcise not working; <style>wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style> <size>500,300</size> <title>Minimal</title> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <option>0</option> <flag>wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL</flag> <border>5</border> <object class="wxStaticText" name="m_staticText12"> <labe...
2008 Mar 01
[ wxruby-Bugs-18508 ] Sizer#get_children not mapped correctly, SizerItem missing
...iting: Category: Missing API call Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 3 Submitted By: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Assigned to: Alex Fenton (brokentoy) Summary: Sizer#get_children not mapped correctly, SizerItem missing Initial Comment: Sizer#add currently returns an opaque swig type of SizerItem. Sizer#get_children currently returns an opaque swig type of SizerItemList. The return type should clearly be an array, but not certain what it should contain. SizerItem is not currently ported, but could be. O...
2009 Aug 10
xrcise -o test.rb ui.xrc
...AL</style> <size>500,300</size> <title>Test</title> <object class="wxGridSizer"> <rows>2</rows> <cols>2</cols> <vgap>0</vgap> <hgap>0</hgap> <object class="sizeritem"> <option>1</option> <flag>wxEXPAND | wxALL</flag> <border>5</border> <object class="wxPanel" name="m_panel1"> <style>wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style> <object class="...
2010 Jun 22
Stuck noobie: XRC/xrcise woes
...NU|wxCLOSE_BOX</style> <size>400,300</size> <title>From Scratch</title> <centered>1</centered> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <flag>wxGROW|wxALL</flag> <border>5</border> <option>1</option> <object class="wxTextCtrl" name="text_box1" subclass="CaseChangeTextCtrl1">...
2004 Nov 13
wxRuby and XRC via wxGlade
...LT_FRAME_STYLE</style> <title>Stupid Test</title> <centered>1</centered> <size>667, 563</size> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <option>1</option> <flag>wxEXPAND</flag> <object class="wxNotebook" name="notebook_1"> <usenotebooksizer>1</usenotebooksizer> <object cl...
2006 Dec 02
Gauge Problem with XRC?
Hi I''ve just started using wxruby2-preview-0.0.36-i386-mswin32 outsourcing layout part to the external XRC file. Almost everything seems to be fine. Only that I can never retrieve Gauge objects in the main script. What I''ve been trying is something like this: class MainFrame < Wx::Frame include Wx def initialize(parent) super(nil,-1, "")
2006 Nov 23
[749] trunk/wxruby2: Bring the documentation and actual method support into line for
...ters require by the +constructor. </ins><span class="cx"> </span><del>-The destructor. - - </del><span class="cx"> h3(#Sizer_add). Sizer#add </span><span class="cx"> </span><span class="cx"> "SizerItem":sizeritem.html *add*(%(arg-type)Window% window, %(arg-type)SizerFlags% flags) </span><span class="lines">@@ -377,29 +377,23 @@ </span><span class="cx"> Here, the sizer will do the actual calculation of its children''s positions </span&gt...
2009 Mar 19
xrc file and WxGrid
...all. But when I render it via Ruby the grid is just a small empty gray box, and I can''t seem to manipulate it at all. I tried adding columns, resizing columns, populating it with data, etc. but still nothing. I look at the XRC file and see that this is all it is: <object class="sizeritem"> <option>1</option> <flag>wxALL</flag> <border>5</border> <object class="wxGrid" name="grid_videos" /> </object> Does XRC not handle Wx::Grid properties? ~Trans.
2008 May 18
[ wxruby-Bugs-20211 ] Unresolved symbol due to linkage error
.../Region.o obj/RendererNative.o obj/SashEvent.o obj/SashLayoutWindow.o obj/SashWindow.o obj/ScreenDC.o obj/ScrollBar.o obj/ScrollEvent.o obj/ScrollWinEvent.o obj/ScrolledWindow.o obj/SearchCtrl.o obj/SetCursorEvent.o obj/ShowEvent.o obj/SingleChoiceDialog.o obj/Size.o obj/SizeEvent.o obj/Sizer.o obj/SizerItem.o obj/Slider.o obj/Sound.o obj/SpinButton.o obj/SpinCtrl.o obj/SpinEvent.o obj/SplashScreen.o obj/SplitterEvent.o obj/SplitterWindow.o obj/StaticBitmap.o obj/StaticBox.o obj/StaticBoxSizer.o obj/StaticLine.o obj/StaticText.o obj/StatusBar.o obj/StdDialogButtonSizer.o obj/StyledTextCtrl.o obj/Styled...
2007 Nov 12
XRCise says "Cannot create wrapper for subclass of wxWizard"
...t; <style>wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style> <bg>#FFFFFF</bg> <bitmap>oooh.png</bitmap> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <flag>wxGROW|wxALL</flag> <border>5</border> <object class="wxStaticText" name="wxID_STATIC"> <label>This is some static text.</label>...
2008 Mar 18
Proposal for an improved API for Sizer (and ToolBar)
Hi all, This is a proposal for supporting keyword arguments to Sizer#add following the thread below : After a deeper look at lib/wx/keyword_ctors.rb and lib/wx/keyword_defs.rb, I understood the whole thing :-). I just reused and modified slightly the method args_as_list. The new Sizer#add_item combines the features of add
2010 Jan 28
Compiling problem on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
...eet.o obj/RichTextXMLHandler.o obj/SashEvent.o obj/SashLayoutWindow.o obj/SashWindow.o obj/ScreenDC.o obj/ScrollBar.o obj/ScrollEvent.o obj/ScrollWinEvent.o obj/ScrolledWindow.o obj/SearchCtrl.o obj/SetCursorEvent.o obj/ShowEvent.o obj/SingleChoiceDialog.o obj/Size.o obj/SizeEvent.o obj/Sizer.o obj/SizerItem.o obj/Slider.o obj/Sound.o obj/SpinButton.o obj/SpinCtrl.o obj/SpinEvent.o obj/SplashScreen.o obj/SplitterEvent.o obj/SplitterWindow.o obj/StandardPaths.o obj/StaticBitmap.o obj/StaticBox.o obj/StaticBoxSizer.o obj/StaticLine.o obj/StaticText.o obj/StatusBar.o obj/StdDialogButtonSizer.o obj/StyledT...
2007 Apr 28
XRC Problem
...longhelp> <bitmap>/home/eumario/Projects/RubyIM/images/add_chat.png</bitmap> </object> </object> <object class="wxBoxSizer"> <orient>wxVERTICAL</orient> <object class="sizeritem"> <option>1</option> <flag>wxALL|wxEXPAND</flag> <object class="wxTreeCtrl" name="Contacts"> <style>wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS|wxTR_NO_LINES|wxTR_HIDE_ROOT|wxTR_DEFAULT_STYLE|w...