search for: singlets

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2007 Sep 13
t.test() with missing values
Hello! I am using R 2.5.1 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.10 and I am still R beginner. I try to calculate a t.test() using this code: TTest75<-t.test(Fem75, Mal75, alternative= "two.sided", paired= TRUE) This works properly, but I have two variables with a lot of missing data and therefore get the error message: TTest66<-t.test(Fem66, Mal66, alternative=
2006 Jul 02
Generic SingleTable inheritance
Hi all, I would like to discuss a design idea I have in mind with you, in order to get critical feedback. ActiveRecord supports single table inheritance(STI) "per se", BUT you must add all possible instance variables(properties) of all subclasses to the "base table"(as columns). I would like to circumvent this restriction. Say we have a class AbstractGenericThing <
2006 Jun 05
Class Table Inheritance implementation
I know that Rails uses the Single-Table Inheritance as mentioned in the wiki ( I was wondering if there was an easy way of implementing Class Table Inheritance easily (one table per class) as defined in The model that I am used to is Class Table Inheritance, and
2006 Mar 09
acts_as_encapsulating / acts_as_inherit
Hey, The rails ORM is great... But there is no support for enheritance except for the singletable enheritance. So we''ve come up with the idea: Create a piece of code that allows the programmer to encapsulate / inherit objects in a easy way. One example of it''s practical use. Imagine a system where you have to store clients, employees and partners. They are all real
2004 Feb 17
Lattice graphics and strip function
I am looking for examples of code that demonstrates the fine tuning of the strip panels in lattice graphics and uses plotmath characters. The code for the graphic is as follows: xyplot(lagy ~ n | rho1 * rho2, data= data, layout=c(2,6), span = 1, xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Bias in the Coefficient for the Lag of X", type = "o") rho1 is a four level factor