search for: signalsimplewarning

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "signalsimplewarning".

2006 Sep 05
A question about gc()
Hi everyone, I am doing some intensive computation: 50000 regressions of the form Y~X with each y of size (1,1000) , even if I break invoke gc() for a few time in the loop, it still breaks down at some point with the error message: Error in .signalSimpleWarning("Reached total allocation of 1024Mb: see help(memory.size)", : recursive default argument reference After getting this, even if I call gc() and resume the computation, it won't move at all. May I get some suggestions what should I do to get around this problem ? Thanks a l...
2006 Aug 31
Error in memory allocation
Dear UseRs, I need a litle help. I'm trying to read a .dat file of about 71 MB using read.fwf (as data recorded are in fixed width formatted data). R starts in reading data, but after some time, about 1/2 hour, I get this error: Error in .signalSimpleWarning("Reached total allocation of 510: see help(memory.size)" memory.size() 529880586 R is running under windows: sysname release "Windows" "NT 5.1" version nodename "(build 2600) Service Pack 2&quot...
2008 Aug 27
S4 coercion
...ctId#integer > traceback() 15: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) 14: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1]]) 13: withRestarts({ .Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, call), msg, call)) .Internal(.dfltWarn(msg, call)) }, muffleWarning = function() NULL) 12: .signalSimpleWarning("Ambiguous method selection for \"coerce\", target \"TSPostgreSQLConnection#integer\" (the first of the signatures shown will be used)\n PostgreSQLConnection#integer\n dbObjectId#integer\n", quote(NULL)) 11: warning(gettextf(paste("Ambiguous method...
2008 Jun 03
R-2.7.0 make check failure
...39;memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) 2: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1]]) 3: withRestarts({ .Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, call), msg, call)) .Internal(.dfltWarn(msg, call))}, muffleWarning = function() NULL) 4: .signalSimpleWarning("NaNs produced", quote(gamma(x + 1))) 5: factorial(k) 6: ifelse(k <= 0, (k == 0), sapply(k, function(k) prod(r:(r - k + 1)))/factorial(k)) 7: mychoose(1/2, k) 8: cbind(k = k, choose(1/2, k), mychoose(1/2, k)) aborting ... I really am not sure how to interpret this, or h...
2017 Jan 02
utils::ls.str(): Partial argument name 'digits' to seq() (should be digits.d?)
...9;digits.d' > traceback() 10: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) 9: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]]) 8: withRestarts({ .Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, call), msg, call)) .Internal(.dfltWarn(msg, call)) }, muffleWarning = function() NULL) 7: .signalSimpleWarning("partial argument match of 'digits' to 'digits.d'", quote(str.default(o, ...))) 6: str.default(o, ...) 5: str(o, ...) 4: (function (...) str(o, ...))(max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE, digits = 3) 3:, strargs, quote = || is.symbol(o)) 2: pr...
2017 Jan 04
cat(s, file): infinite loop of "invalid char string in output conversion" warnings with UTF-8 encoding
...lass) 6: simpleWarning(msg, call) 5: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) 4: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]]) 3: withRestarts({ .Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, call), msg, call)) .Internal(.dfltWarn(msg, call)) }, muffleWarning = function() NULL) 2: .signalSimpleWarning("invalid char string in output conversion", quote(cat(s, file = tempfile()))) 1: cat(s, file = tempfile()) ## SOME TROUBLESHOOTING Using options(warn = 1) shows that the "invalid char string in output conversion" warning is outputted over and over in an infinite loop....
2023 Apr 30
Forcing a PROTECT Bug to Occur
...t; > Traceback: > ?1: doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) > ?2: withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]]) > ?3: withRestarts({ ?.Internal(.signalCondition(simpleWarning(msg, > call), msg, ? ? call)) ? ?.Internal(.dfltWarn(msg, call))}, > muffleWarning = function() NULL) > ?4: .signalSimpleWarning("your C program does not return anything!", ? > ? base::quote(z())) > ?5: .Primitive(".Call")(<pointer: 0x7f2a02572160>) > ?6: z() > > > > > On Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 4:04?AM Tomas Kalibera > <tomas.kalibera at> wrote: > > &...
2012 Jul 25
reshape -> reshape 2: function cast changed?
Hi, I used to use reshape and moved to reshape2 (R 2.15.1). Now I tried some of my older scripts and was surprised that my cast function wasn't working like before. What I did/want to do: 1) Melt a dataframe based on a vector specifying column names as measure.vars. Thats working so far: dfm <- melt(df, measure.vars=n, variable_name = "species", na.rm = FALSE) 2) Recast the
2009 Mar 18
Profiling question: string formatting extremely slow
Hi all, I'm using R to find duplicates in a set of 6 files containing Part Number information. Before applying the intersect method to identify the duplicates I need to normalize the P/Ns. Converting the P/N to uppercase if alphanumerical and applying an 18 char long zero padding if numerical. When I apply the pn_formatting function (see code below) to "Part Number" column of the
2016 Jan 03
R, AIX 64-bit builds - trying to understand root cause for message: "Error: Line starting 'Package: tools ...' is malformed!"
On 2016-01-01 23:48, peter dalgaard wrote: > Nice catch you two!!! > > Happy New Year > -pd I am much happier with this great start! Simon - which compiler)s) did you use: xlc and xlfortran, or gcc/gfortran? I have made some changes to configure(.ac) so maybe my problems are self-inflicted. But would be good to know what environment you are using. Thanks for looking - and