search for: sighted

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 735 matches for "sighted".

2007 Dec 19
Using the Facebooker gem? Tell us about your Facebook app - Facebooker Sightings Series
Hello, May I introduce myself - I''m the publisher of the new ruby API for facebook site (for now titled rfacebook questions & answers) - and way back I''ve published the Java Web Start F.A.Q (*1). Anyways, if you''re using the Facebooker gem I invite you to let us know about your Facebook app and if you''re sign-on I will follow-up with sending you four
2006 Dec 18
ZFS on Mac - new sighting
There''s been another sighting of ZFS on Mac. The latest developer release of Leopard (Mac OS 10.5) has a dialogue box calling out the "Zettabyte File System (ZFS)" as an option. The first publication I saw this is a French website called Mac4Ever - news/27485/zettabyte_sur_leopard/ I put up a Babelfish translation at my site,
2006 Aug 31
Wiki: CentOS Media Sightings
Hi, I just started a new page on the CentOS wiki called "InTheMedia" <>. I'd like to collect sightings of CentOS in all (linkable) media formats on that page, like newspapers, news tickers, magazines on the web or even TV and Radio. If you've seen some report on the news about CentOS and you have a link - send this link and a short
2009 Apr 13
Memcached 1.6.5 (Rails 2.3) 10x slower
The move to memcached_client 1.6.5 in Rails 2.3 seems to have made the Rails cache about 10x slower. Since that''s the opposite effect I would expect, I was hoping somebody would explain where I''m misreading these numbers? I noticed my fragment caching was slow -- it shouldn''t take 2ms just to read a 2k string from a localhost memcached server: Cached fragment hit:
2006 Apr 01
A bit OT...but here is a nifty Rails sighting.... ;)
According to arstechnica, <>Duke Nukem Forever has been ported to Ruby on Rails and is now rendered with some kind of magic mishmash of svg-canvas and ajax! This truely is an example of the incredible power of a web browser. Any hope for getting Mr. Fowler to add a Recipe for this type of thing in his new book? ;) -------------- next part
2005 May 31
Uniden UIP1868 - any sightings or users?
I've been looking out for the Uniden UIP1868 for a while now, but I haven't seen it anwhere that I'm used to buying things from. According to froogle, a couple of places (that I've never heard of) have a small number in stock (small = 10 in this case). I'm doubly suspicious because even uniden's own online store doesn't have them available yet, not to mention
2005 Jun 06
OT: WAS: * found in Iraq!! NOW: Asterisk bus iness sightings
So I go into a new Apple store on Sat to buy some stuff for my Mini, and I notice some Snom 360's on the sales counter. Venturing a question, I ask, are they using Asterisk? Guys says yes. Cool! I said: What kind of box are you using. He points to a Mini sitting on the counter! 2 X cool! He's using a SIP-FX0 converter. Plug: great store in Alberta. Anyone else
2010 Nov 20
How to produce glm graph
I'm very new to R and modeling but need some help with visualization of glms. I'd like to make a graph of my glms to visualize the different effects of different parameters. I've got a binary response variable (bird sightings) and use binomial glms. The 'main' response variable is a measure of distance to a track and the parameters I'm testing for are vegetation parameters
2010 Sep 16
hi all, I wish to just have secure browsing for my application. no credit cards or anything like that just secure browser usage is the goal. I can self sign a certificate (I already have) on my servers but for "anyone" accessing the server you see this "nasty" message about "untrusted sight " and all that. This will all be intranet type usage for the server. What
2001 Mar 19
Ok, I'm not too sure if this is the right list or not. I have had no problems compiling Samba on any of our machines, except our 2 DGUX (Data General Unix) systems. Once I start the make file, is when I get a bunch of "Error code 2 (ignored)". I think its the compiler, but not sure. I'm running MU05 on the DG, hopefully one of you has had this same problem before. DG's sight
2008 Nov 28
A plethora of problems related to crashes and drawing in AOM
A plethora of problems related to crashes and drawing in the game Age of Mythology Gold. A few of these problems didn't exist in earlier versions of wine. I haven't filed any of these as bug reports but wanted to put what I did find here so I wouldn't lose it. You need mfc42.dll in your System32 directory and you need AOM Gold NoCD patch 1.03 English (aomx.exe) to be able to play this
2012 Nov 27
glm convergence warning
Hello, When I run the following glm model: modelresult=glm(CID~WS+SS+DV+DS, data=kimu, family=binomial) I get the following warning messages: 1: algorithm did not converge 2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred What I am trying to do is model my response variable (CID: correct bird identification) as a function of the predictor variables weather state (WS), sea
2010 Nov 20
How to produce a graph of glms in R?
I'm very new to R and modeling but need some help with visualization of glms. I'd like to make a graph of my glms to visualize the different effects of different parameters. I've got a binary response variable (bird sightings) and use binomial glms. The 'main' response variable is a measure of distance to a track and the parameters I'm testing for are vegetation
2003 Aug 18
dynamic IPSEC: Holy grail sighted
Hi, Thanks to some pointers from Christian Kratzer, I am now able to join the office VPN from a random WiFi hotspot. With the configuration files changes detailed below, from a public WiFi hotspot I can now use this 3 step procedure to login to the office VPN. 1) While at hotspot, boot up my -STABLE laptop. 2) Insert wireless card. 3) "rsh server" This procedure works for a DHCP
2009 Apr 21
[LLVMdev] Unnecessary moves after sign-extension in 2-address target
...oalescing the copies. > I discovered a curious phenomenon: The copies are necessary because TwoAddressInstructionPass commutes the second add. When I suppress the commute, the movs disappear and the code became optimal. It seems the two-address commuter is either buggy or inherently short-sighted/simple-minded and paints itself into a corner. How do you recommend I approach this problem? G
2010 Feb 18
improve meta data performance
We have a SunFire X4500 running Solaris 10U5 which does about 5-8k nfs ops of which about 90% are meta data. In hind sight it would have been significantly better to use a mirrored configuration but we opted for 4 x (9+2) raidz2 at the time. We can not take the downtime necessary to change the zpool configuration. We need to improve the meta data performance with little to no money. Does anyone
2005 Apr 22
smb ports feedback
Having read a few posts recently I thought I would do some testing. Given XP's use of 445 and that I have a couple of networks where they only have XP clients, I thought I would try setting smb ports to 445 only rather than that suggested of just specifying 139. This has worked well for XP clients with SP2. However SP1, and presumably pre-SP1 clients, lose all sight of the NBT network.
2000 Aug 16
samba development
...are now pretty well understood. due to that constant discouragement, i no longer find it as enjoyable to work on samba as i did. the enjoyment from discovering new ground is no longer offset by the constant dismissal of the ideas and solutions that i come up with. those solutions come from a far-sighted understanding of what is involved, and what can be achieved. i never intend to just "solve the problem at hand", i intend to think ahead of what can be achieved both now _and_ in the future. to that end, the constant dismissal of my development approach, the constant dismissal of coding...
2011 Feb 14
Cisco 7960 & asterisk 1.8.22 ringlist.dat error
Good Day everyone, Yesterday I upgraded the firmware on my 7960 to Sip 8.12 as provided by Cisco, however now the phone does not and will not read the RINGLIST.dat file. I've tried rebooting the phone, tried resetting the phone back to factory, have deleted the RINGLIST.dat file and reloaded the phone then reinstalled the RINGLIST.dat, and still the bloody phone will not read the file.
2004 Sep 14
Howto enlarge fonts size in R- Graphics?
...onal glitches (X11 output errors) everything seems to be fine, thanks to developers for this fine program! But there is a slight problem with the size of fonts in graphics, i.e. its very hard form me to read labels of variables in plots or other graphical representations! (yes, I am little short sighted) How may I mainpulate/enlarge the fonts size in graphics from within GNU R ? Thanks for your time Thomas System: GNU/Linux (Debian Sid) GNU R: 1.91