search for: shp

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2006 Nov 30
*** caught segfault *** error
...uired package: tripack Loading required package: maptools Loading required package: foreign Loading required package: sp Loading required package: SparseM Package SparseM (0.71) loaded. To cite, see citation("SparseM") Loading required package: boot > library(maptools) > district.shp <- read.shape("~/Documents/SAHSU/MD/data/Carthography/ districts_ok.shp") Shapefile type: Polygon, (5), # of Shapes: 354 > plot(district.shp) *** caught segfault *** address 0xc00006d5, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: polygon(theMap$Shapes[[ii]]$verts, col = fg[i...
2008 Mar 11
Error opening SHP file (maptools)
I am having difficulty loading a points shapefile (1600 records) I generated from ArcGIS as a PointsSpatialDataFrame using the maptools readShapePoints function. library(maptools) surveypts <- readShapePoints(system.file("C:/temp/survey.shp", package="maptools")[1] Error in getinfo.shape(filen) : Error opening SHP file I've tried numerous re-exports and renames of the dataset, to no avail. I've also tried placing the shapefile in the library's shapefile folder, with the example dataset (see example below)....
2012 Feb 22
How can I save plot()/points() using SHP files into KML format?
Hi, I am new to R and am a very basic user. I'm importing SHP files, adding plots of random locations within my polygon (these files have GPS data), and then want to save these plots (intact with added points) as KML files to look at in GoogleEarth (or possibly as SHP files which I can then convert into KML). This is as far as I've gotten (code below) an...
2004 Feb 24
(no subject)
G'day, I'm fitting a simple one-way nested anova and would like to obtain standard errors or confidence limits. I'm using se.contrast to try to get se for the contrast between the two levels of the main effect, but I get an error message (see below). What is going on? Don > shp<-factor(rep(c("reserve","strip"),each=96)) > site<-factor(rep(c("1g","1p", "1t","2g","2p","2t","3g","3p","3t","4g","4p","4t"),each=16)) > pit&lt...
2004 Feb 24
G'day, I'm fitting a simple one-way nested anova and would like to obtain standard errors or confidence limits. I'm using se.contrast to try to get se for the contrast between the two levels of the main effect, but I get an error message (see below). What is going on? Don > shp<-factor(rep(c("reserve","strip"),each=96)) > site<-factor(rep(c("1g","1p", "1t","2g","2p","2t","3g","3p","3t","4g","4p","4t"),each=16)) > pit&lt...
2009 Nov 24
linear regression on groups of consecutive rows of a matrix
I want to perform linear regression on groups of consecutive rows--say 5 to 10 such--of two matrices. There are many such potential groups because the matrices have thousands of rows. The matrices are both of the form: > shp[1:5,16:20] SL495B SL004C SL005C SL005A SL017A -2649 1.06 0.56 NA NA NA -2648 0.97 0.57 NA NA NA -2647 0.46 0.30 NA NA NA -2646 0.92 0.48 NA NA NA -2645 0.82 0.48 NA NA NA That is, they both have NA values, and no...
2004 Mar 01
se.contrast ....too hard??? .... Too easy????? .....too trivial???? ...... Too boring.....too????????
...Reader, and see if even the machinations of "debug" doesn't stimulate you to respond with a revelatory epistle. Thanks!!! Duncan Here is my first message :- Just to follow up Don Driscoll's earlier post, can anyone please explain why "se.contrast" fails here?? > shp<-factor(rep(c("reserve","strip"),each=96)) > > > site<-factor(rep(c("1g","1p","1t","2g","2p","2t","3g","3p","3t","4g","4p ","4t"),each=16)) &g...
2004 Feb 26
se.contrast ???????????
Hi all, Just to follow up Don Driscoll's earlier post, can anyone please explain why "se.contrast" fails here?? > shp<-factor(rep(c("reserve","strip"),each=96)) > > > site<-factor(rep(c("1g","1p","1t","2g","2p","2t","3g","3p","3t","4g","4p ","4t"),each=16)) &g...
2008 Jan 27
maptools no such file
...I'm having problems reading a shapefile with read.shape (maptools). I'm absolutely sure my file is there, but I get "no such file". The wd is ok, since read.table for example does find the file. > getwd() [1] "D:/somedirectory/R scripts" > read.table("cities.shp") Error in read.table("cities.shp") : empty beginning of file In addition: Warning message: In read.table("cities.shp") : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'cities.shp' > read.shape("cities.shp") Error in getinfo.shape(filen) : No such...
2017 Jun 20
Problem with shortestPath in igraph and qgraph
...he maximum value of shortest path for each vertex with discarding the Inf value in short pathes. For this I use the ShortestPathLengths of centrality function in qgraph. but when I want to get the maximum the result is wrong. here is my code: cen<-centrality(Q) tmp3<-cen$ShortestPathLengths shp<-matrix(1:ncol(tmp3),ncol(tmp3),1)for(i in ncol(tmp3)){ shp[i,]=max(tmp3[i,][tmp3[i,]!=Inf)} when I display the valu of shp the result is same as initial value (form one to ncol). I also test with shortest.paths function. the result was same. what is my wrong? [[alternative HTML version delet...
2009 Jun 03
Arc/Info Ungenerate - shp - Maps
.../mgg/coast/getcoast.html) file on R. I’m able to do so with shape files using maptools functions, but these ungenerated data are making me crazy. I don’t have any of ArcGIS tools (one of them probably can do that), and I can’t find any free tool that converts these .dat (lat, long coordinates) to .shp. Any Ideas on how to do that, or how to import it (as polygons probably). Thanks in advance. ------------------------------------------------------------- MSc. <> Rodrigo Aluizio Centro de Estudos do Mar/UFPR Laboratório de Micropaleontologia Avenida B...
2004 Feb 25
writing polygons/segments to shapefiles (.shp) or other ArCGIS compatible file
...the documentation is a bit beyond of my mind.... and I cannot get the meaning of the functions write**** and its application to the case below: In simple words, is there a somewhere a function taking polygon coordinates (or simple segments) within R to a "ready to read" set of files ***.shp, ***.shx, etc... Thanks in advance for any hint Patrick ----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Giraudoux" <patrick.giraudoux at> To: "r-help" <r-help at> Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 1:08 PM Subject: writing polygons/...
2012 Dec 23
Calling a .bat to set environment variables and subsequent .exe execution from within R
...sing the GDAL and MapServer tools. Hiding the OCI plugin library. D:\R_working_directory\Koordinatenproblem>> source(.trPaths[5], echo=TRUE, max.deparse.length=150) shell( cmd="ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:31254 -t_srs EPSG:25832 D:\\R_working_directory\\Koordinatenproblem\\Fliessgewaesser_25832.shp D:\\R_working_directory\\Koordinatenproblem\\Fliessgewaesser.shp", invisible = FALSE, intern = TRUE ) shell(cmd="ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:31254 -t_srs EPSG:25832 D:\\R_working_directory\\Koordinatenproblem\\Fliessgewaesser_25832.shp D:\\R_working_director ..." ... [TRUNCATED] [1] &quot...
2012 Oct 10
mapa municipios Andalucía con R
Hola a todos. Estoy utilizando R , más concretamente los paquetes maptools y sp, para realizar mapas de España por comunidades y provincias y de Andalucía por provincias y municipios. El caso es que para el mapa de municipios en Andalucía, una vez leído el fichero shp con readShapePoly , si luego por ejemplo , quiero poner todos los polígonos de un color utilizando library(maps) library(maptools) library(sp) and_muni <- readShapePoly(fn="ccaa00c01.shp") plot(and_muni,col="red") Obtengo casi todos los polígonos en rojo excepto 2. El más...
2017 Jun 21
Problem with shortestPath in igraph and qgraph vertex >with >discarding the Inf value in short pathes. For this I use the >ShortestPathLengths of centrality function in qgraph. but when I want >to >get the maximum the result is wrong. here is my code: > >cen<-centrality(Q) > >tmp3<-cen$ShortestPathLengths >shp<-matrix(1:ncol(tmp3),ncol(tmp3),1)for(i in ncol(tmp3)){ >shp[i,]=max(tmp3[i,][tmp3[i,]!=Inf)} > >when I display the valu of shp the result is same as initial value >(form >one to ncol). I also test with shortest.paths function. the result was >same. what is my wrong? > >...
2012 Dec 29
Problem to load a shape file
Dear all, I've been puzzled why I not able to load a shapefile from a connection. Does anyone here can give a reasonable answer? When I try the following script I got this error: Error in getinfo.shape(fn) : Error opening SHP file #Reproduction temp <- tempfile() download.file("",temp) <- readShapePoly(unzip(temp, "Brasil.shp")) unlink(temp) Just for acknowledgement, I successful can load the file whenever I open it from the disk.
2008 Jan 14
Need help with xspline error message in R 2.6.1 on Windows XP
...following error message that I have been unable to resolve. Error in"L_xspline", x$x, x$y, x$shape, x$open, x$arrow, : add_point - reached MAXNUMPTS (25200) This is the code that generates this error. plot.results <- function(dfn) { dt <- read.table(dfn) shp <- rep(1, as.numeric(length(dt$year))) shp[1] <- shp[as.numeric(length(dt$year))] <- 0 grid.rect() pushViewport(plotViewport(c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))) pushViewport(dataViewport(dt$year, dt$mean)) grid.rect() grid.xaxis() grid.yaxis() grid.points(dt$year, dt$mean, pch=16) grid.xsplin...
2008 Mar 29
Generating maps in R
...every individual in my sample (about 100,000 observations). I have another variable, called a001ter, which contains the subject of residency in the Russian Federation (akin to a US state) for every individual in the sample. I have a shape file with the boundaries of all the subjects, called russia.shp. I can plot boxplots of the probability by Federal Subject using plot(probworkinghealthy ~ a001ter). I can also plot the map using plot(russia.shp) Now, I would like to plot the mean probability of employment (i.e. mean(probworkinghealthy)) on a map of Russia using color coding all the Federal Su...
2023 Feb 23
WERR_INTERNAL_ERROR on samba-tool domain join
...ager search nameserver nameserver /etc/hosts: ----------------------------------------- localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 shp-dc2
2011 Apr 03
Plotting data on a US County Map
...r 1 US001 2 2 US002 8 3 US003 3 4 US004 5 5 US005 6 6 US006 7 7 US007 9 8 US008 9 9 US009 10 10 US010 11 11 US011 13 12 US012 15"),head=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) library(maptools) library(ggplot2) library(gpclib) gpclibPermit() setwd("C:/Documents") us_counties.shp <- readShapeSpatial("uscounties.shp") us_counties.shp.p <- fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(us_counties.shp, region="CNTY_FIPS") us <- merge(us_counties.shp.p, us_counties.shp, by.x="id", by.y="CNTY_FIPS") p <- ggplot(data=us, aes(x=long, y=lat...