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Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "shant".

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2010 Nov 09
Extending the accuracy of exp(1) in R
...anyone let me know how can I increase the accuracy level. Actually there are some large multipliers of exp(1) in my whole expression, and I want a more accurate result at the last step of my program, and for that I need to use highly accurate value of exp(1).  Can anyone help me out? Thanks. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 02
code for power and suffix for x,y labels in plot( ).
...) in the power)]. X ((a,b) in suffix, and (n,d) in the power)- X^(n,d) _ (a,b). Actually I require many plots involving different values of a,b,n,d, so need to keep this complicated notation. The expression() didn't work out for this case. Can anyone help me out. Thanks, in advance. Shant uniroot(function(x) x*(3^x)*log(4)-x*log(4/3)-(3^x)+1, lower = -2, upper = 2, tol = 0.001 ) While using this I am getting the following error. Can anyone please help me out. Error in uniroot(function(x) x * (3^x) * log(4) - x * log(4/3) - (3^x) + : f() values at end points not of opposite...
2010 Aug 22
Recursion problem
...,0) G0=1; fu1<-function(t){exp(-t^2/(2*r*(r+1)))*Grx(x,r-1)} return(integrate(fu1,0,x)$value) } grx<-function(x,r) { Grx(x,r)*exp(-x^2/(2*(r+1))) } ifn<-function(n) { w=n*d1/2;S1=0; for(k in 1:(n-1)) { S1=S1+choose(n,k)*grx(w,k)*grx(w,n-k-1) } return(S1); } ifn(7) Thanks in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 02
help in expression( )
...ase. Can anyone help me out. Also due to the size of the expression in the Y axis, I want to shift the graph in the R Graphics window, so that the Y labels are also fully visible. i don't know such command which will shift the whole graph a little in the Graphics window. Thanks, in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 10
Warning message
...iag(8), df=1); my<-mean(rs); sy<-sqrt(var(rs)) return(cbind(my,sy)) }); data1<,var21); dataMat<-data.frame(data1); W<-dataMat$my; hist(W,breaks=20,probability=T) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 07
subset from a dataset after comparing its one column to a related vector
...general if I am given this type of dataset - "data" with large number of rows and also a list of X1 - "common" containing many elements, can anyone please let me know how to select portion of the data whose X1 values are same as common values. If any questions let me know. Shant. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 06
Help in the legend(), type="l",xlab="n",ylab="Differences of the variances",ylim=c(-0.0012,0.0023), xlim=c(0,60)); lines(gs,lty = 2) lines(ps,lty=5) legend(30, 0.0021, expression( c ( var(t^(3))-var(t^(2)), var(t^(2))-var(t^(1))), var("t^(3))-var(t^(1)) ) ), lty=c(1,2,5)) Thanks. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 21
density at particular values
...ion of R to compute the density at x(=0, say). But it is giving me the 5-number summary and mean of the data and densities at that point. I just want the densities at different values specified by me. Can anyone let me know how can I find that? For example Thanks in advance for your help. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Aug 20
handling recursion relation
...x(x,0) G0=1; fu1<-function(t){exp(-t^2/(2*r*(r+1)))*Grx(x,r-1)} return(integrate(fu1,0,x)$value) } grx<-function(x,r) { Grx(x)*exp(-x^2/(2*(r+1))) } ifn<-function(n) { w=n*d1/2;S1=0; for(k in 1:(n-1)) { S1=S1+choose(n,k)*grx(w,k)*grx(w,n-k-1) } return(S1); } ifn(5) Thanks in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Nov 17
R help
Hello: I have some trouble making a prediction from an AR(p) model. After I have the AR(p) model fitted , I want to use a new data set to make predictions. But I get the error: Error in newdata - object$x.mean : non-numeric argument to binary operator. A small version of my original data looks like: X1 X2 X3 X4 40813.65 1 10 41.86755 40813.65 1 8 41.86755 40813.66 1 8 41.86755
2009 Jun 11
Integrate function in R
Hi! Can anyone please let me know what numerical integration procedure does the integrate function in package stats follow? Thank you in advance Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 01
Solving equation
...*(3^x)*log(4)-x*log(4/3)-(3^x)+1, lower = -2, upper = 2, tol = 0.001 ) While using this I am getting the following error. Can anyone please help me out. Error in uniroot(function(x) x * (3^x) * log(4) - x * log(4/3) - (3^x) + : f() values at end points not of opposite sign. Thanks in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 24
Solving equations involving gamma functions
...cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'any' n=10 a_g<-(1/(n*(n-1)))*((pi/3)*(n+1)+(2*sqrt(3)*(n-2))-4*n+6) a_s<-function(n1) { t1=(n1-1)/2; (t1*(gamma(t1)/gamma(n1/2))^2)/2-1-a_g } xm<-solve(a_s) Can anyone help me out. Thanks in advance for your help. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 25
plotting texas school district using shape files
...s. I could not find any other helpful mail in the mailing list. txshp<-read.shape(system.file("S:\\Districts_10_11.shp", package="maptools")) Error- read.shape no found. But read.shape is there in maptools. If anyone can help me out it will be great. Thanks in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Mar 24
Solving the equation using uniroot
...   return(cbind(n,rjbk)); }); rj<-data.frame(,slv2)); rj I used the above code, but I am getting this error, can anyone help me with this. Error in uniroot(lhs, c(0, n)) : f.upper = f(upper) is NA In addition: Warning message: In gamma(x + 1) : NaNs produced Thanks in advance. Shant [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 06
querry in simple "for" loop in Box plot
...etting following message: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :   only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts I could not find what's wrong in writing "for" loop. I think this is very simple for regular users. I request for finding my mistakes and correction on it. Thanks, SHANT [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Oct 14
Efficient method: Equality of all elements of two vectors
n=10 x1<-(1:n)/n y1<-rnorm(n,x1^2,1) m=20 x2<-(1:m)/m The value of y2 will be rnorm (m, x2^2,1) if none of the elements of x2 is same as x1, but for every same elements in x1 and x2, the value of y2 will be same as y1. I know the following is correct, but for large vectors, this won't work efficiently as this is taking longer time. Can you please let me know how to write the