search for: set_default_scale

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "set_default_scale".

2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...geom_segment parameterised by angle and radius (thanks to Jiho for the suggestion) * stat_summary: better documentation * stat_summary: convenient auto wrapping of simple summary functions Miscellaneous changes: * it's now easy to change the default scales (and their arguments) with the set_default_scale function, see ?set_default_scale for more details (thanks to Bob Muenchen for the suggestion) * new order aesthetic which controls the order in which elements are plotted * min and max are now scaled the same way as y * functions are silently dropped (e.g. aes(colour=col)) * scales do not t...
2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...geom_segment parameterised by angle and radius (thanks to Jiho for the suggestion) * stat_summary: better documentation * stat_summary: convenient auto wrapping of simple summary functions Miscellaneous changes: * it's now easy to change the default scales (and their arguments) with the set_default_scale function, see ?set_default_scale for more details (thanks to Bob Muenchen for the suggestion) * new order aesthetic which controls the order in which elements are plotted * min and max are now scaled the same way as y * functions are silently dropped (e.g. aes(colour=col)) * scales do not t...
2010 Jan 27
ggplot2 theme for custom point colors?
1. Is it possible to set the point colors in a ggplot2 theme? For example, to default to these colors: scale_colour_manual(value = c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue") 2. Is it possible to set this theme in .Rprofile, similar to: my.lattice.colors = function () { .......etc.....} options(lattice.theme=".mw.lattice.colors") --
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...als with values outside the limits. The default action is `censor` - see `clip` for another option. * Only `scale_x_log10`, `scale_x_sqrt` and `scale_x_reverse` provided as convenience functions for x and y scales. Use e.g. `scale_x_continuous(trans = "log")` to access others * `set_default_scale` has been removed. If you want to change the default scale for an aesthetic, just create a function called `scale_aesthetic_continuous` or `scale_aesthetic_discrete` that returns the scale that you want. For example: p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl)) p...
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...als with values outside the limits. The default action is `censor` - see `clip` for another option. * Only `scale_x_log10`, `scale_x_sqrt` and `scale_x_reverse` provided as convenience functions for x and y scales. Use e.g. `scale_x_continuous(trans = "log")` to access others * `set_default_scale` has been removed. If you want to change the default scale for an aesthetic, just create a function called `scale_aesthetic_continuous` or `scale_aesthetic_discrete` that returns the scale that you want. For example: p <- qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl)) p...