search for: seaic

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "seaic".

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2007 Nov 27
if condition and for cycles
I have two questions about R: 1) Does anyone knows why I get the plots but not the summary results of the linear fitting when I run this code? When I run it outside the if condition it works fine. if (op==4) { t=1:length(time(SeaIce)) fitlinear=lm(SeaIce~t) windows() plot.ts(SeaIce) lines(ts(fitlinear$fitted.values,start=1979,frequency=12)) summary(fitlinear) fitlinear=ts(fitlinear$fitted.values,start=1979,frequency=12) c=cos(2*pi*t/12) s=sin(2*pi*t/12) fittotal=lm(SeaIce~t+c+s) summary(fittotal) windows() par(mfr...
2008 Aug 11
Unexpected parameter problem using rsaga.geoprocessor() {RSAGA}
...en, I wrote the following command for importing a grid of binary raw data while specifying the parameters I usually enter under SAGA: > rsaga.geoprocessor("io_grid", 4, list(GRID="199710.sgrd", FILE_DATA="C:/Documents and Settings/lescroel/Mes documents/pub/DATASETS/seaice/polar-stereo/nasateam/final-gsfc/south/monthly/nt_199710_f13_v01_s.bin", NX=316, NY=332, DXY=25, XMIN=-3950, DATA_OFFSET=300, TOPDOWN=1)) and I got: Le service Beep n'est pas lanc?. Vous obtiendrez une aide suppl?mentaire en entrant NET HELPMSG 3521. C:\Documents and Settings\lescr...
2009 Dec 22
Using zoo() to aggregate daily data to monthly means
...ns for a daily data series using zoo(). I have found an odd problem, that seems to be caused by zoo()'s handling of leap years. Here's my R script with 2 methods (freq=365, 366) for aggregating the daily data to monthly series: library(zoo) J_link <- "" JAXA_data <- read.table(J_link, skip = 0, sep = ",", dec=".", row.names = NULL, header = FALSE, = T, colClasses = rep("numeric",4), comment.char = "#", na.strings = c("*&...