search for: schoolnr

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "schoolnr".

2007 May 21
can I get same results using lme and gls?
...t;,"V7","V8","V9","V11","V13","V14","V15","V16","V17","V18","V19","V20","V21","V22","V23","V24","V25")) colnames(dta1)[1] = "schoolNR" dta2 = dta1[order(dta1$id),] head(dta2) timef = factor(dta2$time) summary(mdl1l <- lme(score~timef-1, dta2, ~timef-1|schoolNR/id,,,,"ML")) summary(mdl1g <- gls(score~timef-1, dta2, corCompSymm(, ~timef|schoolNR/id), varIdent(, ~1|id*timef),,"ML"))
2004 Sep 05
Question to NLME, ML vs. REML
Dear all, I am planning to use nlme library for analysis of experiments in semiconductor industry. Currently I am using "lm" but plan to move to "lme" to handle within wafer / wafer-to-wafer and lot-to-lot variation correctly. So far everything is working well, but I have a fundamentel question: NLME offers "maximum likelihood" and "restricted maximum
2005 Jan 11
lme4 print and summary errror
...this on a windows95 install of 2.0.1, so I am guessing it may be a mac thing at the moment? This happens with the binary or the source installation of lme4.) Cheers andrew > data(bdf) > fm <- lme(langPOST ~ IQ.ver.cen + avg.IQ.ver.cen, data = bdf, + random = ~ IQ.ver.cen | schoolNR) > summary(fm) Error in verbose || attr(x, "verbose") : invalid `y' type in `x || y' > fm Linear mixed-effects model fit by Data: NULL Log-likelihood: NULL Fixed: list() NULL Length Class Mode 0 NULL NULL Number of Observations: Number of Groups: Erro...
2004 Mar 21
Multilevel analysis with package lme
...of psychology and have to do a multilevelanalysis on some data. About that i have one general and one specific question. This is what i have copied from the help-file on lme: data(bdf) fm <- lme(langPOST ~ IQ.ver.cen + avg.IQ.ver.cen, data = bdf, random = ~ IQ.ver.cen | schoolNR) summary(fm) after summary(fm) i get the following error: Error in verbose || attr(x, "verbose") : invalid `y' type in `x || y' I assume that i have not installed the package nlme correcty, but reinstalling did not fix that error. So, what can i do about that ? Then i ha...
2004 Sep 13
Spare some CPU cycles for testing lme?
...f you could verify a problem that I have encountered. Run the code below and tell me if it crashes your R before completion. library(lme4) data(bdf) dump<-sapply( 1:50000, function(i) { fm <- lme(langPOST ~ IQ.ver.cen + avg.IQ.ver.cen, data = bdf, random = ~ IQ.ver.cen | schoolNR); cat(" ",i,"\r") 0 }) The above code simply reruns the example from the lme help page a large number of times and returns a bunch of 0's, so you'll need to have the lme4 and Matrix packages installed. It might take a while to complete, but you can always ni...