search for: rubyforums

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 46 matches for "rubyforums".

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2006 Feb 11
Helpful resources for averyone
Hi all - just a quick one - Ive been reading through a lot of these posts and notice a lot of people looking for resouces ie Tutorials etc, well I have recently signed up for the new which promises to be a great source of info for us all, they already have some neat stuff on there which I have used myself and am very happy with so i just thought it the good thing to do by sharing this info'' - They could do with members signing up to keep the knowledge base fl...
2006 Feb 11
Good tutorials & more
Hi all - just a quick one - Ive been reading through a lot of these posts and notice a lot of people looking for resouces ie Tutorials etc, well I have recently signed up for the new which promises to be a great source of info for us all, they already have some neat stuff on there which I have used myself and am very happy with so i just thought it the good thing to do by sharing this info'' - They could do with members signing up to keep the knowledge base fl...
2006 Aug 11
OT -- What is with all the fragmented threads recently?
Is it my imagination or has there been a huge increase in the number of fragmented threads in the last several days? Maybe it''s Gmail doing something crazy, but I see dozens of top-level conversations starting with replies (ex. "Re: [Rails] omfg something broke"). Did people collectively forget what the "reply" button looks like, or is the list software doing
2006 May 17
White Screen of Death
Hello, I''ve heard these words to describe a RoR application returning an empty page. This happen from time to time even here, in the forum. That is the cause of this misbehaviour ? Is it related with something external to RoR itself ? What is the solution to avoid the WSOD ? -- Posted via
2005 Jun 06
UDP Trackers
Hi, I''ve been making a Ruby bittorrent client using gtk2 and of course rubytorrent. One snag that I have run into is udp trackers (i.e. udp:// ). I was just wondering if you have plans to implement this? Thanks, Steve By the way, you can check out my project on<> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2010 Apr 23
Zoomable chart
Hi, I would like to create an interactive bubble chart from a Rails- based database. I''ve spent quite a lot of time browsing the posts both here and on rubyforums for similar queries, but haven''t really found a definitive answer yet. I would like each point to be clickable, and would like users to be able to zoom and navigate within the chart. We would prefer not to use Flash for this project. The database is sizeable (potentially 10,000+ points), a...
2006 Oct 13
multi_search error undefined method
Hi, Im having problems using the multi_search command. I keep getting the following error. "undefined method `<<'' for Book:Class" here is the code associated with this. class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end and the call is the
2006 Sep 15
Crashes and tests failures again with 0.10.4
In the beginning 0.10.4 looked promising, but now that my index has grown to > 100 MB I''m getting segfaults on some searches again: >> Post.find_by_contents(''rubyforum'') # ok >> Post.find_by_contents(''ruby-forum'') /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.4/lib/ferret/index.rb:351: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24)
2006 Jul 13
Book Question on RoR
Hi there, I am a newbie and interested in learning Ruby on Rails. I see there are 2 books out there: Ruby for Rails Ruby techniques for Rails developers David A. Black and Agile Web Development with Rails : A Pragmatic Guide (Pragmatic Programmers) Dave Thomas, David Heinemeier Hansson, Andreas Schwarz, and Thomas Fuchs Which one should I get? "Agile Web Development with Rails"
2006 Feb 01
ruby resources
I thought Id let you al know that there are some good resources available at - but Ive used them all now so if anyone has any others can you help out our community and post a few good resources - they have an area for people like me (learners)where they put resources - I ay we support this site, its helped me & has good potential they could also do with a few...
2005 Dec 21
This may be useful to you
Hi - I dont know if this will help but has literally just been set up and there are some great tutorials and other key resources on there that should help people wanting to find out more - it promise to be a good source of info as I just told someone earlier - lets hope it will help us all - LOL - I suppose I should make a fe...
2007 Jun 27
gem install mongrel fails
Hi All, I''m try to gem install mongrel, but one of its dependencies fails to compile ''cause gcc doesn''t like the -mtune parameter. Is there a way to remove this parameter or cause gcc to ignore it, etc.? make gcc -I. -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux - I. -fPIC -O2 -g -pipe -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=pentium4 -Wall -fPIC - c fastthread.c
2006 May 08
Can you apply effects to elements create in same RJS file?
I am trying to create a new element in a list and highlight it. I am doing the following in my rjs file: page.insert_html :after, ''bananalist_header'', :partial => ''banana'' page.visual_effect :highlight, "banana#{}", :duration => 1 The first line creates a new element with the id= ''banana3'' say... The second line then
2006 Mar 21
ror-generated sql syntax fails at ''where''.
I am working on my first Ruby-on-Rails project after completing "cookbook" and "todo list" tutorials. When "SAVE"ing a new record to a table, the "create" method throws SQL error #42000 for: SELECT * FROM mailboxes WHERE (key = ''TEST'') LIMIT 1 but if i change syntax to fully-qualified column, the query tool is happy with: SELECT
2006 Oct 14
How is it our activity level on RubyForge continues to fall? What exactly makes up ''activity''? Does anyone know? I would have thought with all the commits and the release that our activity figures would be way up there. Roy
2006 Jul 06
Help with overriding / overwriting date values in ActiveRecord to accept Euro Style Date from a Textbox
Hi guys, I''m trying to make an AR model which accepts a string data (from a text input) in euro date format eg <input .... value = "23/01/2006"> ( 23 Jan 2006) Reading the example from RDoc... i tried to overwrite/overload/override the = function to write in the date.. Cant get it to work because .. i dont knoe what format should it accept.. i''ve tried
2006 Jul 18
Agile Web Developement with Rails
I recently got a copy of the second addition in PDF and got stuck on the Ajax portion using highlighting page 128. While trying to make my cart flash I got an RJS error when I click add to cart. I have gone back and made sure my code matched what was in the book but no help. I sent Dave an email and he rec''d this list. Anybody got any good links for troubleshooting Ajax or maybe have see
2006 Jul 16
How to access element attributes using RJS?
For example, in the following block:''.foo'').each do |element| ... end How would I access, just for example, the id attribute of each element in the collection? I''ve randomly tried and element.attributes[''id''], but neither of those has worked. I''ve also been unsuccessful in finding any documentation on this, but it
2006 Jan 17
Setting layout template in .rhtml
I''ve a single controller - class ContentController < ApplicationController end in the app/views/content folder I have quite a few .rhtml files I need to be able to choose a different layout template to use in each of these .rhtml files. i''d like to be able to do something like (which doesn''t work..) <% layout ''layout1'' %> Any
2006 Feb 08
Sharing sessions between subdomains?
Hello, I know how to share sessions between subdomains in PHP. Can anyone please guide me as to how I can share sessions using Ruby? Where can I set the value of domain for which the cookie is set? I would like for a user to login on the home page and then go to and not have to login again. Any guidance/pointers are appreciated. Thanks''