search for: rspec_controller

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "rspec_controller".

2011 Apr 27
rspec -> Could not find generator rspec_controller
for some reason, i cannot get the rspec generators to work. i am getting the following: $ rails generate rspec_controller Could not find generator rspec_controller. the rest of the parts of rspec (that i am familiar with) seem to be doing just fine. i am running: * rails (3.0.5) * rspec (2.6.0.rc2) * rspec-core (2.6.0.rc2) * rspec-expectations (2.6.0.rc2) * rspec-mocks (2.6.0.rc2) * rspec-rails (2.6.0.r...
2008 Jun 15
Create haml files with rspec_controller command?
It is a nuisance to have to rename all of your files from .erb to .haml. Is there a quick way around this? -- Posted via
2007 Feb 26
drbspec - "no server running"
...sure exactly what the problem was there - I believe I was loading up fixtures that didn''t exist. I was calling fixtures :singular_table_name as opposed to fixtures :plural_table_name This time it happened with my controller. I generated the controller with the ./script/generate rspec_controller ControllerName command... It doesn''t appear that the specs are setup to fail to begin with, but if this were the default behavior, one certainly shouldn''t see a "No Server Running" I could create a short screen cast if someone would like me to, or elaborate... B...
2006 Nov 03
[PLUGIN] rspec_resource_generator - RESTful scaffold generator with RSpec specifications
rspec_resource_generator ======================== By Pat Maddox Use this generator to generate RESTful scaffolding with RSpec specifications. Syntax is exactly the same as the scaffold_resource generator: ./script/generate rspec_resource ModelName [field:type field:type] When you run this generator, it will create a migration, model, and model spec file. In addition, it gives you a RESTful
2007 Oct 16
generate script_controller not creating test code
For some reason when I ran it this time it decided not to create any view or controller tests. I had already created the corresponding model with the rpsec_model script before trying to create the controller. I am not sure if there is something that I did incorrectly or not. Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks -- Posted via
2007 Jul 26
rspec_resource error
...nd "piston import" commands using the "current release install instructions" here [1]. However, there doesn''t seem to be any mention of the rspec_resource generator?. When I run script/generate I get the following: Installed Generators Plugins: authenticated, rspec, rspec_controller, rspec_model, rspec_scaffold Builtin: controller, integration_test, mailer, migration, model, observer, plugin, resource, scaffold, scaffold_resource, session_migration, web_service Could anyone spread any light as to why rspec_resource isn''t being installed? Sorry for the simple ques...
2006 Nov 22
rspec_on_rails (MissingSourceFile)
...rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -I"/usr/local/lib/ruby...] This file seems to be missing: ${RAILS_DEV_DIR}/spec/models/../../vendor/generators/rspec/lib/rspec_on_rails (MissingSourceFile) Here''s my vendor/generators dir : vendor/generators |-- rspec_controller | |-- USAGE | |-- rspec_controller_generator.rb | `-- templates | `-- controller_spec.rb `-- rspec_model |-- USAGE |-- rspec_model_generator.rb `-- templates `-- model_spec.rb No rspec/lib/rspec_on_rails in there??? There is a vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/rspec_on_rail...
2007 Mar 01
Problems with RC1 & Rails Controllers
I''m now using the 0.8.0 RC1 gem and have the same version of rspec and rspec_on_rails checked out into my vendor/plugins directory. I''m having a problems with controllers... I''ve generated a controller using the ./script/generate rspec_controller MyController. When I try to run the rake spec:controller task I get the following: euclid% rake spec:controllers (in /Users/smtlaissezfaire/Sites/rails/dictionary) /opt/local/bin/ruby -I"/Users/smtlaissezfaire/Sites/rails/dictionary/ vendor/plugins/rspec/lib" "/Users/smtlaissezf...
2007 Feb 28
Fixture name not available as class variable in spec
Hi there, I can''t seem to access the fixture name as a class variable from my specs. I have to set the variable in the spec setup. ... [fixtures] my_fixture: id: 1 ... [rpsec] == 1 ... [error] You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating ... [my setup] RSpec- (r1395) - BDD for Ruby Rails
2007 Nov 02
RSpec, RESTful nested routes and :path_prefix
Dear list, In the app we are making we have a rout something like this: map.resources :projects do |projects| projects.resources :pages, :controller =>"Wiki::Pages", :path_prefix => "/projects/:project_id/ wiki", :name_prefix => "project_wiki_" end But I can''t get RSpec(I''m very new to it) to accept this. It keeps throwing errors:
2011 May 22
Trying to get rspec-rails working.
...on => ''1.3.4'', :lib => false I deleted my rspec.rake file (per instructions in link) running rake gems RAILS_ENV=test - [R] rspec = 1.3.2 - [R] rspec-rails = 1.3.4 (R not I as directions say). after all this I can''t do: script/generate rspec or script/generate rspec_controller Is bundler getting in the way here? IF so is there a workaround? Thanks so much! Jay
2006 Nov 22
rspec_on_rails MissingSourceFile
...rake aborted! Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -I"/usr/local/lib/ruby...] This file seems to be missing: ${RAILS_DEV_DIR}/spec/models/../../vendor/generators/rspec/lib/rspec_on_rails (MissingSourceFile) Here''s my vendor/generators dir : vendor/generators |-- rspec_controller | |-- USAGE | |-- rspec_controller_generator.rb | `-- templates | `-- controller_spec.rb `-- rspec_model |-- USAGE |-- rspec_model_generator.rb `-- templates `-- model_spec.rb No rspec/lib/rspec_on_rails in there??? There is a vendor/plugins/rspec/lib/rspec_on_...
2008 Oct 10
rspec - undefined method `describe'' for main:Object
When i run a spec file i am getting the following error D:\Diwakar\spec_diwa\spec\controllers>spec sandbox_controller_spec.rb c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-0.5.15/lib/spec/api/sugar.rb:17:in `method_ missing'': undefined method `describe'' for main:Object (NoMethodError) from ./sandbox_controller_spec.rb:7 from
2007 Jul 26
Coding standards and whitespace RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec/mate/switch_command.rb RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec_mate.rb RSpec.tmbundle/Support/spec/spec/mate/switch_command_spec.rb RSpec.tmbundle/Support/spec/spec_mate_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec/templates/script/spec_server rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec_controller/templates/helper_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec_controller/templates/view_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec_controller/USAGE rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec_scaffold/rspec_scaffold_generator.rb rspec_on_rails/generators/rspec_scaffold/templates/controller_spec.rb rspec_on_rails/gener...
2007 Apr 11
redirection doesn''t get detected well?
I''m doing a redirect in one of my controller actions and somehow I can''t spec it, see this pastie: When following the link from a browser I''m being redirected to the right page. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Nov 30
TDD killing my joy of Rails
I''ve been working through the book ''Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce'' which is very heavy on Test Driven Development. As in, you have to write tests for scaffolding methods and validations and crap like that. And then they fail. And you KNOW its the test not the method. So you spend 2x the time writing a test that has to be adapted when requirements change. You