search for: rownums

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "rownums".

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2012 Feb 24
strange behaviour of "POSIXlt" "POSIXt" object
Hi, Does anybody know why get I this kind of strange situation: Browse[2]> hcEnd [1] "2009-03-29 06:30:00" Browse[2]> class(hcEnd) [1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt" Browse[2]> [1] TRUE This issue is the source of my all issues in my program, Thanks for your help -- View this message in context:
2008 Jul 18
spreading the risk
This is for ACroske but I can't find his email so I'll just send it to the list. Hi ACroske: The code below takes a zeros and ones matrix and puts ones in the places you wanted. It can be made shorter ( maybe ?. i haven't thought about that ) but first let me know if that's what you wanted ? The original matrix is called binary.matrix and the final matrix is called tempbinmat.
2011 May 18
Loop stopping after 1 iteration
Hi all, This is a very basic question, but I just can't figure out why R is handling a loop I'm writing the way it is. Here is the script I have written: grid_2_series<-function(gage_handle,data_type,filename) series_name<-paste(gage_handle,data_type,sep="_") data_grid<-read.table(file=paste(filename,".txt",sep=""))
2006 Jan 25
Cannot :order when using :offset and :limit in find
Hello all. I am using the Paginate_with_ajax code as described on the wiki but I am running into the following problem. The following code will work fine and retrieved unsorted records in a hunky dory fashion: @componentlogs = Componentlog.find(:all, :conditions => [ "cl_compname like ?", @criteria ], :offset => offset, :limit => items_per_page ) However if I try and add an
2006 Jan 26
Help constructing a find_by_sql command
Hello all. I am trying to do the equivalent of: @componentlogs = Componentlog.find(:all, :conditions => [ "cl_compname like ?", @criteria ], :offset => offset, :limit => items_per_page, :order => "cl_spr DESC" ) in a find_by_sql statement. I cannot use the build in because the adaptor isn''t quite right (OCI8) When I use it I get the following error
2006 Jul 04
[Fwd: formatting using the write statement]
>I have a series of write statements because >i am writing to a file >where the characters strings are the column names of a dataframe >and the numbers are the elements in a particular row. >So, a file might look like > >AAA 2.1 >BB 3.1 >AHLZ 0.2 > >and it would be named "rowname".mls. > >so, each time i get to a new row, i create a new file and
2011 Apr 04
moving mean and moving variance functions
Hello Lets say as an example I have a dataframe with the following attributes: rownum(1:405), colnum(1:287), year(2000:2009), daily(rownum x colnum x year) and foragePotential (0:1, by 0.01). The data is actually stored in a netcdf file and I'm trying to provide a conceptual version of the data. Ok. I need to calculate a moving mean and a moving variance for each cell on the following
2011 Oct 05
aggregate function with a dataframe for both "x" and "by"
...=c('wet','dry',99,95,NA,'damp',95,99,'red',99,NA,NA) , stringsAsFactors =F) myaggs <- data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(mydata), ncol=ncol(mydata) ) ) for(i in 1: ncol(mydata) ) { temp <- aggregate(mydata[i], by = as.list(mybys[i]), FUN=sum, na.rm=T) rownums <- match(mybys[,i],temp[,1]) myaggs[,i] <- temp[rownums,2] } myaggs Finally, how do I convert and use "mybys" to factors, so that I can tell R that the NA values form a group? I tried substituting this line above: temp <- aggregate(mydata[,i], by = as.list(mybys[,i]),...
2010 May 30
Count the number of consecutive 1's
Hi All, We have a raw dataset that, on the sampling time column, for example: t <- c(0,1,2,5,0,5,0,2,5) And we need to create a second column that indicates the day of the sampling, so the end result of what we want is a vector: 1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3 Additional information that might simplify the matter is that, for each day, the time starts with zero and ends with 5. I am a beginner with R.? So
2004 Mar 19
for loop or Hmisc library trap.rule function syntax error
Hello: I am new R user stumped why the R code after this paragraph generates "Error: syntax error" messages after each of the last 2 lines. I have tried searching the manuals, Hmisc documentation, contributed manuals, help archives, and Internet. I am running R 1.7.1 under Windows 2000 (I will upgrade when my imminent OS upgrade happens). My data was successfully entered and
2008 Aug 11
Hello, I have a matrix and I want to sample 20 rows that are the the percentiles of 0-100 in 0.05 increments. I have a vector of my sequence (0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15,....1.0) and also a normalised vector of rownumbers. That is, there are 234 rows (for example) so I do perc<-c(1:234/234) which looks like a bunch of numbers from 0 - 1. In Excel (which I try not to use at every possible
2011 Jun 23
Confidence interval from resampling
Dear R gurus, I have the following code, but I still not know how to estimate and extract confidence intervals (95%CI) from resampling. Thanks! ~Adriana #data penta<-c(770,729,640,486,450,410,400,340,306,283,278,260,253,242,240,229,201,198,190,186,180,170,168,151,150,148,147,125,117,110,107,104,85,83,80,74,70,66,54,46,45,43,40,38,10) x<-log(penta+1) plot(ecdf(x),
2006 Jul 06
Oracle HR on Rails
Interesting read...apologies if it has been posted already. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jan 13
Problems with scaffold''s parameter on Oracle
Hi I run Ruby on Rails on Oracle XE. I have a simple table: create table customer(id number primary key, name varchar2(100)); And ruby script\generate model Customer ruby script\generate controller Customer http://localhost:3000/customer/ - show a fine list, but when I click show/edit/destroy, I get an ORA-01722: OCIError: ORA-01722: invalid number: select * from (select raw_sql_.*,
2009 Nov 07
after PCA, the pc values are so large, wrong?
rm(list=ls()) yx.df<-read.csv("c:/MK-2-72.csv",sep=',',header=T,dec='.') dim(yx.df) #get X matrix y<-yx.df[,1] x<-yx.df[,2:643] #conver to matrix mat<-as.matrix(x) #get row number rownum<-nrow(mat) #remove the constant parameters mat1<-mat[,apply(mat,2,function(.col)!(all(.col[1]==.col[2:rownum])))] dim(yx.df) dim(mat1) #remove columns with numbers of
2009 Feb 16
como consultar en oracle
holaa todos ante todo un cordial saludo alguien que me pueda ayudar. se plantea lo siguiente necesito mostrar 2 campos de una tabla los cuales son mtin_mtin,mtin_descri de una tabla llamada re_tmtinv de esos dos campos se necesita obtener el codigo y la descripcion,y luego ser mostrado para despues ser agregados a un formulario. el problema que tengo es que ya tengo la vista pero esta en blanco
2006 Mar 01
Oracle Bug
I''m using 2 database. The first wrote in MySQL and the second in Oracle. If i use the command "SET_TABLE_NAME" to forge the model to use another table, there isn''t no error with MySQL, while with Oracle if i ask the view "_Form.rhtml" The compiler tell me "No sequence in SELECT TableName_seq.nextval id from dual"(???). Could someone tell me where
2009 May 28
Error: argument is of length zero
Hi, I have the following: for(j in (y.raw+1):(rownum-1)){ valsum<-tstfframed[min.x,j]+tstfframed[min.x,j+1] if(valsum == 1){ cat("valsum loop") int.num<-int.num+1 } } but I get the error message: "Error in if (valsum == 1) { : argument is of length zero". I checked whether to see if all the stated variables have associated values (and are not NAs) and
2011 Dec 07
data frame and cumulative sum
Hello, I have a data frame that looks like this (containing interarrival times): > str(df) 'data.frame': 18233 obs. of 1 variable: $ Interarrival: int 135 806 117 4 14 1 9 104 169 0 ... > head(df) Interarrival 1 135 2 806 3 117 4 4 5 14 6 1 > This corresponds to the time differences (in ms) of a poisson arrival
2002 Apr 18
Two problems
Hello! Two questions: 1: I have to import a matrix of adjacency from a file of a software that is not R (for example "bloc notes" of Windows). The problem is that the matrix is not in the explicit form as 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 but it is a scattered matrix where in each row there are two nodes that have a direct path. The matrix is a b a c b a c a For example, the first row