search for: round_any

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "round_any".

2008 Jan 14
Ceiling to the nearest ten?
R-users, Is there a function for ceiling to the nearest ten? a <- 1:10*4 a [1] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 The resulting vector should look like this ("ceiling to the nearest ten") [1] 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 Thanks in advance Lauri
2010 Mar 31
ggplot2: Adding points to a density plot
Hi, Consider something like > library(ggplot2) > movies$decade <- round_any(movies$year, 10) > m <- qplot(rating,data=movies,colour=factor(decade),geom="density") > m (modified from "?stat_density"). I'd like to add on the line y=0 a dot for the median of each "decade" category (using the same colour coding as the "fill&quo...
2011 Dec 20
column permutation of sparse matrix
Hi, I'm very new to working with sparse matrices and would like to know how I can column permute a sparse matrix. Here is a small example: > M1 <- > spMatrix(nrow=5,ncol=6,i=sample(5,15,replace=TRUE),j=sample(6,15,replace=TRUE),x=round_any(rnorm(15,2),0.001)) > M1 5 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgTMatrix" [1,] 2.983 . 1.656 5.003 . . [2,] . . 2.990 . . . [3,] . 0.592 5.349 1.115 . . [4,] 1.836 . 2.804 . . ....
2010 Nov 10
ggplot2 problem in interacting mode
Hi all, When running R interactively, I have the problem as following: > library(ggplot2) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: 'reshape' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:plyr': round_any Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto > data(VADeaths) > pg <- ggplot(melt(VADeaths), aes(value, X1)) + geom_point() + + facet_wrap(~X2) + ylab("") > print(pg) Error in get("transform", env = ., inherits = TRUE)(., ...) : attempt to apply...
2009 Apr 30
gridding values in a data frame
Hi all, I have a data frame that looks like such: LATITUDE LONGITUDE TEMPERATURE TIME 36.73 -176.43 58.32 1 50.95 90.00 74.39 1 -30.42 5.45 23.26 1 15.81 -109.31 52.44 1 -80.75 -144.95 66.19 2 90.00 100.55 37.50 2
2012 Feb 01
ggplot2(0.9.0): could not find function "=="
...h 0.9.0. I just want to figure out how to fix the blog example, and then make the same changes to my own work. So this is the output: > library(ggplot2) > library(plyr) > library(reshape) Attaching package: ?reshape? The following object(s) are masked from ?package:plyr?: rename, round_any > trade <- read.csv("", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) > balance <- ddply(trade, .(Time), summarise, balance = sum(EXP - IMP)) > trade.m <- melt(trade, id.vars = c("BEC", "Time")) > ggplot(trade.m,...
2012 Jan 09
[R] fix and edit don't work: unable to open X Input
...hether I get the segfault problem.) My sessioninfo() is reporting additional information about namespace imports: > library(ggplot2) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: ?reshape? The following object(s) are masked from ?package:plyr?: rename, round_any Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3] LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_CA.UTF-8 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=en_CA.UTF-8 [7...
2011 Mar 16
object not found whilst loading namespace
...-Wl,CoreFoundation installing to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/caret/libs/x86_64 ** R ** data ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: 'reshape' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:plyr': round_any ** help *** installing help indices ** building package indices ... ** testing if installed package can be loaded Error : object 'confusionMatrix' not found whilst loading namespace 'caret' ERROR: loading failed * removing ?/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/caret? *...
2009 Jan 24
ggplot2 - how to change location / position of wind rose axis labels?
...d Kingdom.1252 attached base packages: [1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] ggplot2_0.8.1 reshape_0.8.2 plyr_0.1.4 proto_0.3-8 #Using an example form the coord_polar help library(ggplot2) movies$rrating <- factor(round_any(movies$rating, 1)) movies$budgetq <- factor(chop(movies$budget, 4), labels = 1:4) doh <- ggplot(movies, aes(x = rrating, fill = budgetq)) doh + geom_bar(width = 1) + coord_polar() #Now with my theme (hacked from theme_bw) getting close to what I need theme_bwdn<-function (base_size = 12)...
2010 Sep 10
plyr: version 1.2
...pply directly to avoid all the overhead associated with those unused extra features. * llply: in serial case, for loop replaced with custom C function that takes about 40% less time (or about 20% less time than lapply). Note that as a whole, llply still has much more overhead than lapply. * round_any now lives in plyr instead of reshape BUG FIXES * list_to_array works correct even when there are missing values in the array. This is particularly important for daply. -- Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair Department of Statistics / Rice University ________...
2010 Sep 10
plyr: version 1.2
...pply directly to avoid all the overhead associated with those unused extra features. * llply: in serial case, for loop replaced with custom C function that takes about 40% less time (or about 20% less time than lapply). Note that as a whole, llply still has much more overhead than lapply. * round_any now lives in plyr instead of reshape BUG FIXES * list_to_array works correct even when there are missing values in the array. This is particularly important for daply. -- Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair Department of Statistics / Rice University ________...
2011 May 27
Error with BRugs 0.53 and 0.71, on Win7 with R 2.12.2 and 2.13.0 (crashes R GUI)
...r interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. Loading required package: proto Loading required package: grid Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: 'reshape' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:plyr': rename, round_any [Previously saved workspace restored] > install.packages("BRugs") Installing package(s) into 'C:/Users/cchap/Documents/R/win-library/2.13' (as 'lib' is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- also installing the dependency 'c...
2011 Sep 14
I cannot load my workspace in R
I was trying to open up the workspace that you help me write last night, but for some reasons, when I tried to load the saved file R reads "load("C:\\Users\\Documents\\Statistical Learning\\HW1 #3 hint") and then it basically just stopped. I changed the file to a .Rdata file but the problem still persist, any ideas how to fix this? Thank you. -- View this message in context:
2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...ounts when the x axis was a categorical variable with a single level (thanks to Bob Muenchen for pointing this out!) * stat_bin: no longer incorrectly warns that binwidth is unspecified when breaks are set * stat_bin: now takes origin argument to manually specify origin of first bin (default is round_any(min(range), bin_width, floor)) * stat_boxplot, stat_contour, stat_density2d, stat_qq, stat_density: na.rm parameter added to the following statistics (thanks to Leena Choi for suggesting this) * stat_function: new, makes it easy to superimpose a function on the plot * stat_qq: axes flipped to...
2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...ounts when the x axis was a categorical variable with a single level (thanks to Bob Muenchen for pointing this out!) * stat_bin: no longer incorrectly warns that binwidth is unspecified when breaks are set * stat_bin: now takes origin argument to manually specify origin of first bin (default is round_any(min(range), bin_width, floor)) * stat_boxplot, stat_contour, stat_density2d, stat_qq, stat_density: na.rm parameter added to the following statistics (thanks to Leena Choi for suggesting this) * stat_function: new, makes it easy to superimpose a function on the plot * stat_qq: axes flipped to...
2012 Jan 08
fix and edit don't work: unable to open X Input Method->segfault the problem was fixed. The really bad part is that the second try causes a segmentation fault in R itself. > library(ggplot2) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Attaching package: ?reshape? The following object(s) are masked from ?package:plyr?: rename, round_any Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ME...
2010 Dec 21
Warning message when items of Hmisc are masked by loading a package.
I've noticed that I get a warning message every time a package masks some functions from Hmisc. The warning message says : Warning message: In identical(get(., i), get(., lib.pos)) : ignoring non-pairlist attributes This happens with eg: library(plyr) library(xtable) I think I've seen this passing by before, but I'm not sure any more. Just thought I'd mention it. Cheers Joris
2012 Jul 21
rhsape2 bug?
All, I believe I am running the latest version of rshape2 (1.2.1). But this code: library(reshape2) tmp <- melt(smiths, id.vars=1:2, measure.vars=c("age","weight","height"),"myvars","myvals" ) names(tmp) Produces this output: > names(tmp) [1] "subject" "time"
2011 Apr 16
(no subject)
I have just upgraded to R 2.13 and have library(ggplot2) in my .Rprofile (among other things). when i start R I get an error message. Has something in the start up scripts changed? Is there a better way to specify the library calls in .Rprofile? Thanks for all of the help in advance. Error: Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto Error in rename(x, .base_to_ggplot) :
2012 Jun 28
Dear all, I need some help on plotting multiple boxplots on one figure. I have three matrix A, B and C. Each of them is a 1000 by 10 matrix. The 10 columns of all three matrix correspond to the 10 values of the same parameter, say k=1, ..., 10. I want to make a plot where x axis represents different values of k. For each k value, I want to plot three boxplots, one on top of another. For