search for: riveras

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 136 matches for "riveras".

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2008 Nov 22
User Authentication and Username Map
Hi to all.. I've setup a Samba domain and now having a hard time setting up Unix to Windows user mapping. As an example on the server, user is 'agi', and at the workstation I want an 'Alec Joseph' as the user name. If I log on from a Linux desktop using the alias connection goes through: # sudo tail -f /usr/local/samba/var/log.smbd | grep 'Alec Joseph' Got
2011 Sep 27
Wine on Tiger
I'm almost certain I installed Wine correctly, but when I try to get a Windows program working it doesn't happen. The program I'm trying to install is Arena 10 (a simulation program). I've attached some screen shots. The first one is when I completed the wine install, 2 through 6 show when I tried to install the program. If you could tell me what steps to take to fix these
2011 Feb 09
rails 3.0.4 broke yield :javascript ?
hello, I have today updated my rails app to 3.0.4 security release but now this yield :javascripts fails in the layout and I get my custom js escaped as text in the view. anybody seeing this also? tia, jk -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this group, send email to
2011 Aug 16
Cordial saludo. Estoy tratando de hacer un gráfico con qplot de la libreria ggplot2, en ella tengo dos vectores un "x" y un "y" de tal forma que el gráfico seria qlot(x,y...), ahora quiero añadir un nuevo gráfico con un vector "y1" pero en el mismo cuadro algo parecido a lo que hace la funcion "lines", es decir, que en en mismo cuadro me queden las dos
2011 Mar 01
Cordial saludo. Estoy instalando la nueva version de R (2.12.2), esta version me instala bien pero cuando voy a abrir R me aparece un error que dice "imposible restaurar los datos en .RData" alguien me puede ayudar ? ANDRÉS FELIPE FLÓREZ RIVERA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA ESTADISTICA 2010 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 08
Cordial saludo Estoy realizando un análisis con datos categóricos, donde tengo una tabla 3*3, son tres métodos de estudio comparado con tres niveles de asimilación del problema, lo ideal seria poder decidirse por algún método de estudio en especial, lo único que he encontrado es el test para independencia chi-cuadrado, pero no he podido encontrar algo que me sugiera por un método u otro, me
2002 Mar 05
Monotonicity correlation coefficients
Could anyone help me to find the mathematical expression to calculate the monotonicity correlation coefficient between two variables? Thanks in advance. Luis Rivera. Universidad de Alcal?. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
2006 Feb 23
Running apps in subdirectories using lighty/scgi
Hi, So thanks to Zed I was able to get lighty/scgi and a Rails app running. I know this might not be the best place to post this, but I guessed there may be several others with similar experiences here. So, the following step is to have several apps each in its on subdirectory. I tried the following to no avail: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/tango/" { server.document-root =
2012 Oct 05
Procesar datos de mysql en R
Cordial Saludo.Deseo sacar los datos resultado de una encuesta en mysql procesarlos en r con el paquete de lógica difusa y proyectarlos en una pagina web dinámica.... de preferencia una solución multiplataforma... Linux. Windows. Necesito la mejor solución... Ya que encuentro muchos paquetes en r que podrían servir pero no estoy seguro... No se si un server web ejecute r eficientemente usando
2012 Jan 21
Función para encontar intervalo
Cordial saludo. Estoy construyendo una funcion que busca en que intervalo de un vector dado se encuentra cada entrada de otro vector, busca la posicion hasta la cual la intrada "i" (i-> 1 a 1000) del vector "vec" no es mayor que la entrada "k" del vector "ic", la idea es encontrar entre que valores del vector "ic" se encuentra cada intrada del
2006 Feb 13
Problems deploying in Dreamhost
I am trying to deploy a Rails application on Dreamhost. My application works just fine in my laptop using WEBrick. The problem that I have is that I currently have my website in the public folder. I can reference everything just fine from if it is in the public folder, but if I click in a link that is an actual controller/action I get an error that the file does not exist. I followed all
2012 Oct 25
Minería de texto
Cordial Saludo Actualmente estoy realizando una función para gráficar una nube de palabras el código que tengo es el siguiente: library(twitteR)library(tm)library(wordcloud)library(RXKCD)library(RColorBrewer) tweets=searchTwitter(''@afflorezr'', n=1500) generateCorpus= function(tweets,my.stopwords=c(),min.freq){ #Install the textmining library require(tm) require(wordcloud)
2005 Dec 16
Using :include "recursively" (including the children of the child)?
Hi, Let''s say I have the following hierarchy of tables: Group <- parent Location <- child of Group School <- child of Location Phone <- child of School Then, if I want to do this: Location.find(...someparms..., :include => [:schools, :group, :phones]) I get an association error (Association was not found). I guess it happens because AR is looking in the Location model
2006 May 26
Samba 3.0.20, pam_winbind broken?
A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 255 bytes Desc: OpenPGP digital signature Url :
2003 Aug 16
Problem copying >2GB files on HP-UX 11i with rsync 2.5.6
I have downloaded the source for rsync 2.5.6 and compiled it without adjusting any options, no problems. Performed a test copy of a file GT 2 GB and it failed. In the file configure I changed the line to "--enable-largefile", removed all the .o files, performed a ./configure, gmake, gmake install. Tried the test copy and again received the following error message: rsync:
2019 Oct 17
[PATCH] ALSA: hda - Force runtime PM on Nvidia HDMI codecs
Przemysław Kopa reports that since commit b516ea586d71 ("PCI: Enable NVIDIA HDA controllers"), the discrete GPU Nvidia GeForce GT 540M on his 2011 Samsung laptop refuses to runtime suspend, resulting in a power regression and excessive heat. Rivera Valdez witnesses the same issue with a GeForce GT 525M (GF108M) of the same era, as does another Arch Linux user named "R0AR" with
2007 Aug 02
Re : beamer error with R
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible Url :
2006 Jan 06
"Selecting" a calculated row / Using :select in the paginate method
Hi, I was trying to use the :select parameter to select a calculated row, but it appears that the parameter is not picked up by the paginate method. I want to add the following to the select statement: timediff(now(), created_on) as age So I tried: @story_pages, @stories = paginate :stories, {:per_page => 10, :include => ''user'', :select =>
2006 Feb 23
Help with SCGI please :(
Hi, While learning Ruby and Rails, I decided I just as well learn Linux along the way... It''s been fun, but I''m stuck at one of those exasperating moments... I hope someone can help me :) I installed Ruby 1.8.4 on Fedora Core 4, then Rails, then lighty, and then SCGI. I used yum to install lighty... and it already comes with mod_scgi. I created my first application in
2005 Oct 21
Wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) on routes.rb
Hi, I''m baffled by this error. I need a simple controller to send e-mails, so first I thought about just creating the controller manually (without using script/generate), since that didn''t seem to work, I created a dummy table in my DB and used the usual procedure to generate scaffold code. Then I modified the controller to have only two methods, send and compose: class