search for: reset_password

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "reset_password".

2010 Aug 17
[Form] Method POST & PUT problem the value "put" does anyone knows why? Thanks, David Sousa Controller: ------------------------------- def new @user = @current_user end ------------------------------------------- View: ------------------------------------- <% semantic_form_for @user, :url => profile_reset_password_url do |form| -%> <% form.inputs -%> <%= form.input :password -%> <%= form.input :new_password -%> <%= form.input :new_password_confirmation -%> <% end -%> <%= form.buttons %> <% end -%> ------------------------------------------- Rou...
2006 Jul 10
How to obscure/encrypt password parameter?
Hi all- I am building an application that includes a login screen. During development I found that user passwords are logged by Rails in plain text -- this will not be acceptable to my users. Is there a way to obscure/encrypt incoming password parameters or not write them to the log files at all? One thought was to use Javascript, but I was not sure how secure that would be. Thanks, Josh
2006 Nov 19
ActiveRecord save-update not performed ?
...I use an UserObserver to trap the before_save call back and send an email def after_create(user) UserNotifier.deliver_signup_notification(user) end - Once created a user can ask for a password reset, which is also trapped by the UserOberver def after_save(user) UserNotifier.deliver_reset_password(user) if user.recently_reset_password? end BUT once logged, when the current user edit himself the password, the reset_password is not trapped UNTIL the user quit... (I tried after_save, after_update...) no matter, the user MUST quit .. then the Observer does its job to notify the emailer.....
2009 Dec 23
Where did this value in a form come from?
Newb here. I have a form and a value that is being displayed ... and I have no idea where the value came from. I have done a <%= debugger; '''' %> in the form and, indeed, the debugger stops at the statement. I have tried to trace through the code to see where the value came from ... and I gave up. So ... what in Rails initializes the fields of a form? -- Posted via
2008 Feb 05
ActiveResource / Creating an API
Hi, I am currently looking at creating an api for a new RESTful app built using rails 2.0. The two solutions I have come across seems to be ActiveResource and ActionWebServices. Although there seems to be plenty of documentation for the older ActionWebServices (both online and in books), this does not seem to be the case for ActiveResource. Does anyone know of any decent articles / screencasts
2011 Nov 18
msi package provider: Invalid parameter install_options
C:\Users\ml623>puppet --version 2.7.7 Puppet complains about a package resource I am trying to use saying: Invalid parameter install_options The resource is defined as: package { "splunk": name => $gu_splunk::client::splunk_package, provider => ''msi'', ensure => installed, source =>