search for: repofil

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "repofil".

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2013 May 25
Error: Could not find dependency Yumrepo[puppetlabs-products] for Package[puppet]
...ensure => latest, require => Yumrepo["puppetlabs-products"], notify => Service["puppet"], } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the repofile --------------------------------- [root@oel-puppet-master modules]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/puppetlabs.repo [puppetlabs-products] name=Puppet Labs Products El 5 - $basearch baseurl=$basearch gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs enabled=1 gpgch...
2013 Jun 04
[PATCH / RFC] Handle --packager-config in zypp_rpm
...posd-dir in the zypp_rpm driver. Up to now the system repositories in /etc/zypp/repos.d were used. To specify a different set of repositories for zypp a parser for a simple zypper.conf is added in this patch. It just looks for reposdir= in section main, like this: [main] reposdir=/path/to/other/repofiles If the config file provided via "--packager-config my_zypp.conf" is valid the other directory is passed to zypper, otherwise the system repos.d is used like its done in current code. Depending on the kind of provided repos, the current code may fail to import a repo in non-interactive...