search for: recht

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 158 matches for "recht".

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2011 Sep 04
what is wrong with my quicksort?
Hey guys, I tried to program quicksort like this but somethings wrong. please help >partition <- function(x, links, rechts){ > > i <- links > j <- rechts > t <- 0 > pivot <- sample(x[i:j],1) > > while(i <= j){ > > while(x[i] <= pivot){ > i = i+1} > > while(x[j] >= pivot){ > j = j-1} > > if( i <= j){ > > t = x[i]...
2006 Mar 15
errorbars with xyplot
...R and I like to learn a lot... actually I have a little problem concerning errorbars with xyplot. My data look like run target hemi x 1 1 Nichts Links 0.0007743240 2 2 Nichts Links -0.0008153365 3 1 Target Links -0.0015825950 4 2 Target Links 0.0088743785 5 1 Nichts Rechts 0.0015898995 6 2 Nichts Rechts -0.0011465190 7 1 Target Rechts -0.0022225320 8 2 Target Rechts 0.0039010500 these data I plotted with xyplot(data=dummyy, x~hemi|target,groups=run,type="p") the same I do have with standard errors of means... How could I attach errorbars to the...
2019 Jun 24
AW: AW: OpenSSH public key authentication does not work from Windows client if private key was added to SSH agent
...t; > Could you send the output of ssh with debugging enabled for both a working and failing connection? I.e. "ssh -vvv host" > > It should show what is going on. > > -d > > Ich weise Sie darauf hin, dass Ihnen gem. Art. 13 > Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verschiedene Rechte als betroffene Person bei der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten durch die Stadt Osnabr?ck zustehen. Eine ausf?hrliche Information, welche Rechte dies im Einzelnen sind und wie Ihre Daten verarbeitet werden, k?nnen Sie unter folgenden Link abrufen:
2007 Mar 22
Is newhidups driver still in memory just before o/s halt ?
Hi, I have set-up the ups shutdown feature provided by Red Hat /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt script, which will issue a "upsdrvctl shutdown" command just before powering off the system. It appears that this command fails as if the driver is not available. I wonder whether the usb driver / stack is still available at this very late stage ? If not available then does it mean one cannot
2007 Mar 13
Cannot move /bin/upsdrvctl to /sbin
...this is what I get when invoking it: [ nut-2.0.5]# mv /bin/upsdrvctl /sbin/ [ nut-2.0.5]# which upsdrvctl /sbin/upsdrvctl [ nut-2.0.5]# upsdrvctl -bash: /bin/upsdrvctl: Aucun fichier ou r?pertoire de ce type Many thanks. Marc Recht?
2019 Jun 21
AW: OpenSSH public key authentication does not work from Windows client if private key was added to SSH agent
...behavior. Any ideas what's wrong? Could you send the output of ssh with debugging enabled for both a working and failing connection? I.e. "ssh -vvv host" It should show what is going on. -d Ich weise Sie darauf hin, dass Ihnen gem. Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verschiedene Rechte als betroffene Person bei der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten durch die Stadt Osnabr?ck zustehen. Eine ausf?hrliche Information, welche Rechte dies im Einzelnen sind und wie Ihre Daten verarbeitet werden, k?nnen Sie unter folgenden Link abrufen:
2006 Aug 22
Native Extensions on Windows 0.10 series
...ndows Server 2003 VS .NET 2003 On the command line with nmake from VC7 in the path this is what I get: Attempting remote update of ferret Building native extensions. This could take a while... Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility, Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ''cl'': R?ckgabe-Code ''0x2'' Stop. Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility, Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ''cl'': R?ckgabe-Code...
2019 Jun 19
OpenSSH public key authentication does not work from Windows client if private key was added to SSH agent
...ssh user at domain@servername -i id_rsa_new" without any problems, but not with "-i id_rsa". I think this is strange and not the expected behavior. Any ideas what's wrong? Regards, Patrick Ich weise Sie darauf hin, dass Ihnen gem. Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verschiedene Rechte als betroffene Person bei der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten durch die Stadt Osnabr?ck zustehen. Eine ausf?hrliche Information, welche Rechte dies im Einzelnen sind und wie Ihre Daten verarbeitet werden, k?nnen Sie unter folgenden Link abrufen:
2015 Jun 22
Le 22/06/2015 13:23, Rowland Penny a ?crit : > On 22/06/15 11:59, Marc Recht? wrote: >> Sorry I forgot the /etc/samba/smb.conf: >> >> [global] >> >> workgroup = STUDELEC-SA >> server string = Samba Server Version %v >> >> ; netbios name = MYSERVER >> >> ; interfaces = lo eth0 192.168.1...
2010 Jan 25
skinny Controllers, fat models with REST?
...ode to the models, especially in fact of REST e.g. in focus on error codes? code example: # POST /tasks # POST /tasks.xml def create @authorized = false @addsubtask=false @task =[:task]) if(@task.parent_id != nil ) #wenn parent id nicht leer ist ueberpruefe ob Rechte fuer Uebertask da sind #if ( current_user.is_owner_of? Task.find(@task.parent_id) ) || ( current_user.is_moderator_of? Task.find(@task.parent_id) ) if ( current_user.has_rights_for_task? Task.find (@task.parent_id) , ["Owner","Moderator"]) @authorized = true...
2009 Jun 18
filtering number of values in a data frame
...-Verk.wirtsch. Ren? Sch?nemann - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter - Telefon +49 (0)30 314 - 22 710 Telefax +49 (0)30 314 - 25 530 E-Mail RSchoenemann at ______________________________________________________ Technische Universit?t Berlin K?rperschaft ?ffentlichen Rechts Pr?sident Prof. Dr. Kurt Kutzler
2006 Aug 02
read.spss and umlaut
...tive 831 824 EV Moratorium Plus EV Strom ohne Atom 823 822 EV Ja zu fairen Mieten EV Gleiche Rechte f 821 815 EV Gesundheitsinitiative EV Sonntags-Initiative 814 813 The SPSS-File is okay: > system("cat projets.por |grep Post...
2001 Aug 23
difficulies with boxplot directly on top of the boxplot of the lower bounds. The reason I don't want to have them next to each other is that I have another "grouping" variable. I tried "add" but didn't succeed. I'm using R 0.64.2 on Windows NT. Thanks for your help, Nina Lieske -- Das Recht auf Dummheit geh?rt zur Garantie der freien Entfaltung der Pers?nlichkeit. [Mark Twain] -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un...
2007 Mar 12
upsmon keeps broadcasting on battery / on power (driver is newhidups)
...pulsar@localhost on battery Mar 12 16:19:51 serveur1 wall[20506]: wall: user ups broadcasted 1 lines (33 chars) Mar 12 16:20:01 serveur1 upsmon[20453]: UPS pulsar@localhost on line power Mar 12 16:20:01 serveur1 wall[20509]: wall: user ups broadcasted 1 lines (36 chars) Thanks for your help Marc Rechte
2007 Mar 12
upsmon keeps broadcasting on battery / on power (driver is newhidups)
...pulsar@localhost on battery Mar 12 16:19:51 serveur1 wall[20506]: wall: user ups broadcasted 1 lines (33 chars) Mar 12 16:20:01 serveur1 upsmon[20453]: UPS pulsar@localhost on line power Mar 12 16:20:01 serveur1 wall[20509]: wall: user ups broadcasted 1 lines (36 chars) Thanks for your help Marc Rechte
2009 Jul 23
Antw: How to extract the upper xlim and ylim of my plot? xlim and ylim values (without using max(x-variable) or max (y-variable)...I wish to keep this as general as possible and not point to the original data. Thanks in advance, Mark [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ____________________ Universitätsklinikum Jena Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts und Teilkörperschaft der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Bachstraße 18, 07743 Jena Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg; Medizinischer Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Klaus Höffken; Wissenschaftlicher Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Klaus Benndorf; Kaufmännischer Vorstand und Sprecher des Klin...
2009 Aug 12
Superscripts in axis label
Hi All, I am trying to lable the y-axis on my scatterplot with the following: "Soil moisture content (m3m-3)" I am using the following coding for plotting the graph: plot(soilmoisture~gradientlevel, xlab="Levels of droughting gradient", ylab="Soil moisture content (m3m-3)", bty="l", font.main="2", pch=16, las=1, cex.lab="1.13") I have
2012 Aug 02
Polygon shaded area
Hi all, I have two vectors (columns) called "efinal" and "efinal 2". I want to plot them on the same plot and "draw" a shaded area beween the two lines using function polygon I have tried all but I don ?t understand the polygon area, can you help me with examples? plot(efinal,type="l",ylim=range(min(efinal2),
2004 May 15
Re: [Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/src
On Sat, 15 May 2004, CVS User ttroxell wrote: > if [ -f /etc/logcheck/header.txt ] ; then > - $CAT /etc/logcheck/header.txt >> $TMPDIR/report > + $CAT /etc/logcheck/header.txt >> $TMPDIR/report \ > + || error "Could not append header to $TMPDIR/report Disk full?" > fi > } > > @@ -152,7 +157,8 @@ > # Add a footer
2011 Jul 25
biglm() and NeweyWest()
...;-function(res,x1,x2){ return(res*cbind(1,x1,x2)) } ...but NeweyWest() still did not work. Is there a way to work around this problem? Do you know a package that is able to handle "biglm" objects? Thanks a lot for your help! Philipp ____________ EBS Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht i.Gr. FARE Department Wiesbaden/ Germany ----- ____________________________________ EBS Universitaet fuer Wirtschaft und Recht FARE Department Wiesbaden/ Germany -- View this message in context: