search for: r_histfil

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "r_histfil".

Did you mean: r_histfile
2002 Oct 21
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
Thanks-- as Duncan Murdoch also noted, R_HISTFILE can be used to solve my problem, as below. BTW it's not easy to find out about R_HISTFILE in the help system or manuals, though, unless you already know it exists-- it only seems to be described under startup options, not things to do with history. However, Duncan's reply did hint at an i...
2013 Feb 07
Saving history across sessions
I have an environment variable `$R_HISTFILE` pointing to `/home/my.username/.RHistory` and the following code in my `.Rprofile` in my home directory: .Last <- function() { if (!any(commandArgs()=='--no-readline') && interactive()){ require(utils) try(savehistory(Sy...
2002 Sep 19
savehistory directories and quitting R (PR#2038)
# # # ###################################################### Because I work in different directories, but always want to save my .Rhistory in the same place, I have changed the system function savehistory to this: function (file = "D:/R50/.Rhistory") invisible(.Internal(savehistory(file))) When I use q() to quit R, and it asks me whether I want to
2006 Mar 03
Command-line editing & history
Hi all, Are there any plans to add more functionality to command-line editing and history editing on the command line? In MATLAB (I know, comparisons are odious ...), you can type "p" and up-arrow on the command line and scroll through the recently entered commands beginning with "p". This is a very useful feature and something that I believe is not replicated in R. Please
2007 Oct 05
Mac GUI and .Renviron
The .Renviron and .First functions do not seem to work the same way on a Mac OS 10.4 as on a Windows XP machine. From working in Windows I am used to creating a new directory for each data analysis project. In the new directory I place First, an .Renviron file consisting of the following text: R_HISTFILE="history.txt" R_HISTSIZE=1000000 Second, an .RData file containing a .First function designed for the particular project. Then each project has, in its own directory, its own history.txt file of practically unlimited size recording each command I type; I can open a separate instance...
1999 Jun 14
readline/history size (PR#211)
Full_Name: Russell Senior Version: 0.64.0 OS: linux-2.2.x Submission from: (NULL) ( It appears that the GNU readline history size is limited to 50 entries. This is apparently occurring because R is not bothering to override the readline default value (from readline-4.0): ./history.c:59:#define DEFAULT_HISTORY_GROW_SIZE 50 It appears that it ought to be possible to override
1999 Jul 08
Gnome interface status report
Hi, The Gnome version now compiles, and it should also be working (at least as much as it ever has). I've changed to the new system, which is very cool. What I want to work on now is: - Graphics. I want to move to the Gnome canvas for this, which should be reasonably easy. This will give us rotated text (which I never got going properly before) and the option for