search for: portfoliospec

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "portfoliospec".

2011 Jul 10
Code Help
Am I missing a Package? I'm not sure why is won't read the functions. Any help is much appreciated. > PData = Data[,3:10] > Spec = portfolioSpec() Error: could not find function "portfolioSpec" > setTargetReturn(Spec) = mean(colMeans(PData)) Error in setTargetReturn(Spec) = mean(colMeans(PData)) : object 'Spec' not found > Constraints = "LongOnly" > efficientPortfolio(PData, Spec, Constraints) Error:...
2009 Sep 16
I want to get a reference to this time series object errorOccurred,nx,ny,i,j; double *v; const char *x,*y; Rf_initEmbeddedR(argc, argv); // loading fPortfolio PROTECT(e = lang2(install("library"), mkString("fPortfolio"))); R_tryEval(e, R_GlobalEnv, NULL); UNPROTECT(1); // creating a default portfolioSpec object PROTECT(e=lang1(install("portfolioSpec"))); PROTECT(portSpec=R_tryEval(e,R_GlobalEnv, NULL)); // creating a portfolioData object PROTECT(e=lang4(install("c"),mkString("SBI"),mkString("SPI"),mkString("SII"))); PROTECT(c=R_tr...
2009 Sep 29
How do I access class slots from C?
Hi I'm trying to implement something similar to the following R snippet using C. I seem to have hit the wall on accessing class slots using C. library(fPortfolio) lppData <- 100 * LPP2005.RET[, 1:6] ewSpec <- portfolioSpec() nAssets <- ncol(lppData) setWeights(ewSpec) <- rep(1/nAssets, times = nAssets) ewPortfolio <- feasiblePortfolio( data = lppData, spec = ewSpec, constraints = "LongOnly") ewSpec is an object of type Portfolio Spec which has the following slots: model slot type =...
2008 Aug 12
fPortfolio constraints, maxsumW
...straint, "maxsumW[1:2Assets]=13.63" fails. The relevant section of my code file and the resulting error message are pasted below. Suggestions about how to correct my coding would be most welcome. *************Code beings here************************ Data = as.timeSeries(Jdata) Spec = portfolioSpec() setNFrontierPoints(Spec) = 150 Spec Constraint = c("minW[1:nAssets]=0", "maxsumW[1:2Assets]=13.63") frontier = portfolioFrontier(Data, Spec, Constraint) **************Error message begins here*************** Error in parse(text = constraints[i]) : unexpected symbol in &quot...
2012 Feb 15
Control number of assets in resulting portfolio with optimizations using package fPortfolio
Dear All, I am using package fPortfolio to run minimum variance portfolio optimizations in R. I already know how to set portfolioSpecs, portfolio objects and constraints. Unfortunately I am not able to set the following type of constraints. I have a timeSeries object with returns data for roughly 1.5k assets for 261 subperiods (workingdays) and want to compute the global minimum variance portfolio, considering following constrai...
2008 Sep 03
portfolio.optim and assets with weigth equals to zero...
Hello. I don't understand a particular output of portfolio.optim (tseries). I have 4 assets and the portfolio.optim returns an asset with weight equals to zero. If I do a portfolio.optim with 3 assets, without the asset with weight equals to zero, it returns a completely different result. That's I would expected the same weights as the run with 4 assets. Below the code. Thanks in
2017 Dec 27
Error in dimnames in R
...t;) colnames(PAGEX) <- c("PAGEX") # Merging returns of the assets (excluding NA's) portfolio_returns <- merge(LUTAX, PFODX,BRGAX,GFAFX,NMSAX,EGINX,IPOYX,SCWFX,FGLDX,PAGEX,all=F) data <- as.timeSeries(portfolio_returns) #Optimisation portfolio library(fPortfolio) spec <- portfolioSpec() setNFrontierPoints <- 25 setSolver(spec) <- "solveRquadprog" constraints <- c("minW[1:1]=0.12","maxW[1:1]=0.18","minW[2:2]=0.12","maxW[2:2]=0.18", "minW[3:3]=0.10","maxW[3:3]=0.15","minW[4:4]=0.08","max...
2010 Feb 03
About the risk code in the fportfolio package
...ata[, c("CA", "SS", "EM", "EMN", "ED", "DS", "MS", "RA", "FIA", "GM", "LSE", "MF", "SP500", "NASDAQ", "JPM")] d = as.timeSeries(Data) class(d) Spec = portfolioSpec() setNFrontierPoints(Spec) = 1000 setRiskFreeRate(Spec) = 3 Constraints = "both" Frontier = portfolioFrontier(d, Spec, Constraints) frontierPlot(Frontier, pch = 19, col = c("black", "grey"), add = FALSE, labels = TRUE, return = c("mean"), risk = c("Cov&...
2011 Jan 25
Problems plotting the efficient frontier with fPortfolio
Hello, I have some simulations of financial data, I have 17 variables simulated 1000 times to three horizons. I am tring to plot the efficient frontier which I already obtained using th fPortfolio package. I am using the following commands: Data=timeSeries(X[1,,]) lppSpec <- portfolioSpec() longFrontier <- portfolioFrontier(Data, lppSpec) plot(longFrontier) Selección: 1 Error en dimnames(x) <- dn : la longitud de 'dimnames' [1] no es igual a la extensión del arreglo > tailoredFrontierPlot(object = longFrontier, mText = "MV Portfolio - LongOnlyConstraints&quot...
2012 Sep 04
Calculate a minimum-variance portfolio with fPortfolio
...# Constraints box.1 <- paste0("minW[1:nAssets] = ", 0) box.2 <- paste0("maxW[1:nAssets] = ", 0.10) box.3 <- "maxsumW[1:nAssets] = 1" box.4 <- "minsumW[1:nAssets] = 1" boxConstraints <- c(box.1, box.2, box.3, box.4) # Portfolio Specs Spec <- portfolioSpec() # Calculate MinVar Portfolio minvar <- minvariancePortfolio( data = data, spec = Spec, constraints = boxConstraints) 5. Thanks a lot for your help! Markus Douglas, Jr. -- View this message in context:
2013 Jan 06
fPortfolio-portfolio optimization
...stopifnot(inherits(x, "timeSeries")) x.mat = x mu = mu.pred Sigma = .cov.shrink(x = x.mat, verbose = FALSE, ...) attr(Sigma, "lambda.var") <- NULL attr(Sigma, "lambda.var.estimated") <- NULL list(mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma) } portfolio1=portfolioSpec() a=ts(ret.mat[(1:60),(1:n.assets)]) setEstimator(portfolio1)="myEstimator" portfolio2=tangencyPortfolio(data=a, spec=portfolio1) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]